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  1. metallkrieg

    New recording online/First single

    No SSO love? Have a Soundcloud link =)
  2. metallkrieg

    New recording online/First single

    Hi! I've been a longtime member and even longer lurker here in SSO. This week my first single went online on most big online music stores. Here's the link to Spotify. Words can't describe how happy I am and how grateful I am to this community. I've learned a lot here in the forum and...
  3. metallkrieg

    Blacktop Tele in standard sounds fiercer than Gibson Les Paul in Drop C?

    This! The exact same thing has happened to me... Always had "metal" guitars with humbuckers, set necks, etc... Then one day bought a Fender Standard Strat and put an Hot Rail in the bridge position... BAM! It is still my favorite guitar!
  4. metallkrieg

    Recording guitars that go from clean to distorted (with a modeler).

    There's one thing you might consider, if you're not already doing so: depending on the effect you're trying to achieve, you might want to start recording the overdriven track before the overdriven part begins. Let me try to explain better: Say your clean part goes from 1:00 to 1:25...
  5. metallkrieg

    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Use the Four Cable Method. That's basically: Guitar -> Guitar In on Pod -> Effects Send on Pod -> Amp In -> Effects send on Amp -> Effects Return on Pod -> Output on Pod -> Effects Return on Amp. Google for more detail/information. This methods allow you to: - Use pod effects before...
  6. metallkrieg

    Telecaster can have a good distortion?

    I agree that single coils won't give a very modern metal tone... But the Seymour Duncan Hot Rail is a seriously single coil sized humbucker. Go for it, you'll see the difference!
  7. metallkrieg

    Distortion pedals

    My main rigs' distortion comes from a Balckstar HT-Dual. I run it into an AMT F-1 and an AMT TC-3, so that all I need is my pedalboard... Must say I've found my tone right there!
  8. metallkrieg

    Brands you for some reason just don't like

    This. They sound good for a couple days, then it's rust fest... :noplease:
  9. metallkrieg

    Brands you for some reason just don't like

    What has the world come to when a Strat, probably the most mainstream guitar ever, is considered hipster... Out of curiosity, which guitars are those older people playing?
  10. metallkrieg

    Favorite body style for guitar

    1. Standard Strat 2. Flying V (Gibson/Epiphone) 3. Super Strat 4. LP Like JohnIce it really depends on the music I'm playing, but everything sounds and feels better in my Strat so... I think most will answer with shapes they can relate to, rather than shapes they like. For instance, I dig the...
  11. metallkrieg

    Earnings in your country

    I live in Portugal, in the suburbs of Lisbon, where I also work. I'm an Informatics Engineer (which is about as good as it gets in terms of number of jobs available here) with 5 years of experience. Bear in mind that my degree is from the top Engineering university in the country. I earn about...
  12. metallkrieg

    Ibanez RG2610e Prestige VS RGIR20BFE

    Hi! I have the oportunity to buy a used black Ibanez RG2610e for 700€. I was almost ready to pull the trigger on the deal when today I saw this awesome looking RGIR20BFE on Thomman... Spec and look-wise, I much prefer the RGIR20BFE (except for EMGs). However, the RG2610e is a Prestige...
  13. metallkrieg

    Best-value small, high-gain practice amp?

    And have you checked the Blackstar Fly 3?
  14. metallkrieg

    Birthright citizenship

    As an European: You have thousands of people entering your country. They are entering your country right now. What are you going to do? You have two options: 1. Build a wall: Like the Berlin Wall or the wall that separates North and South Korea. <sarcasm>Those are great examples to...
  15. metallkrieg

    Cheaper alternatives to OD-808

    This! Like with everything else guitar related (especially in a forum filled with custom and boutique stuff), people tend to dismiss cheap alternatives. Don't do it in this case! The Joyo Vintage Overdrive is really really good. Also, since you seem to leave in Europe (Spain?), you can buy...
  16. metallkrieg

    Resources for learning to sing?

    Hi! Regarding extreme vocals, you can't go wrong with the Zen of Screaming (by Melissa Cross). As to "clean" vocals, please consider taking classes. Unlike other instruments, with your voice you can't really see what you're doing, you can only feel it. Because of this, there are a lot of...
  17. metallkrieg

    Windows 10 & Line 6 Toneport UX1

    Yeah, that's why I was asking. The driver is listed as compliant with Windows 10, however with that release date... I know I'll wait, especially considering all the privacy bull.... that surrounds Windows 10. Anyway, thanks for your answers!
  18. metallkrieg

    Windows 10 & Line 6 Toneport UX1

    Hi! Is anyone with Windows 10 using the Toneport UX1 (and the Pod X3 Live, for that matter)? This is my main recording interface and it's the only thing, drivers related, that I worry about when comtemplating upgrading to Windows 10. Thanks for your help!
  19. metallkrieg

    Soundcloud Thread

    I don't know about genre, but this was refreshing. The dichotomy between the "clean"/modern music and the harsh, buried vocals is what got me interested. Ideally, for me (as this is all opinion and therefore highly subjective by nature), I'd like to instrumental part to be a little less...