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    Official What Are You Reading Thread:

    I decided to reread a classic, by my standards. Orson Scott Card's "Ender's Game"
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    The "VS" Thread (Having trouble choosing between two or three guitars? Post here!)

    PRS all the way. I've never played a bad one and they fir every style of music possible.
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    Official What Are You Reading Thread:

    Glen Cook- The Black Company. may in fact be the greatest fantasy series to have been written.
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    The games that got you into gaming.

    Old school Mario. on the old game boy color. makes me feel older than i am ya know.
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    The "VS" Thread (Having trouble choosing between two or three guitars? Post here!)

    The hellraiser's finished neck feels so much better than the one on the damien. i dont know much about the loomis but the hellraiser is certainly worth the 300$ more because it will last you forever, and let you play forever comfortably.
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    The "VS" Thread (Having trouble choosing between two or three guitars? Post here!)

    Is the apex and its tastiness worth more than the comfyness, apologies for the misspelling, of the UV777
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    What are you listening to?

    Kenny G. All hail the classics.
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    Post Random Pics of Your 6s.

    I hate it when that happens don't you. :noplease: I always have a guitar break on me right as i want to play it. so disappointing.
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    Post Random Pics of Your 6s.

    That, my good sir, is a very nice guitar
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    Post your most "Metal" pic of yourself and your 7!!!

    How come you get 2 Ibanez when i don't have any...?
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    The "VS" Thread (Having trouble choosing between two or three guitars? Post here!)

    I mean all LTDs are nice its just a simple matter of what it needs least that helps you decide.
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    Random Pics of Your Sevens

    ...I Soooooo hate you right now. :noplease: They look so good...
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    The "VS" Thread (Having trouble choosing between two or three guitars? Post here!)

    samdaman87: get the ibanez, 7 strings can work as 6 strings you just have to get used to the new neck size and its not an enormous change. nickel: get the 8 because of the same reason i gave samdaman87. and also schecter normally has EMG's in their guitars any way so you'll be fine
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    The "VS" Thread (Having trouble choosing between two or three guitars? Post here!)

    If you like the ibanez thin neck and thin body they got going on then go for the ibanez. Although IMO the neck on the schecter 7's has just so much better of a feel than the ibanez cause it fits your hand for seven string playing. IMO.
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    Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning

    YES!!!! sorry i bought this game the day it came it out because i played the demo and just became addicted. The fighting system is so much better than anything I've ever played. The leveling up is so much better as well. Its just an all around amazing game. The bad reviews are probably because...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Does anyone else just hate the night mother some days because the "Dark Brotherhood Forever" quest stays always activated because you never run out of people to assassinate?
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    Random Pics of Your Sevens

    Cats got good taste.