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  1. Lady Gaga

    I'm thinking of downsizing...

    If you like Engl already, then go for this one. I've tried quite a few smaller amps, Tiny Terror, HT5 etc, but they just didn't do it for me. but I'd say hang on to the Invader, getting rid of the it means you'll be missing out if you need it again. I've also got an Invader 100 and as awesome...
  2. Lady Gaga

    And now for something COMPLETELY different

    go to reddit and ask on the trans sections about informed consent clinics in your area. ;)
  3. Lady Gaga

    And now for something COMPLETELY different

    HRT is quite amazing, I've been on estrogen for over 8 months now, and the effects on your body are just incredible. My whole body shape has been changing drastically, all of the upper body muscle I had has just been melting away, my neck and shoulders look so much different now. Hormones effect...
  4. Lady Gaga

    Second Class Citizens: The Gay Rights Documentary

    By the way, we're onto quiltbagpipe now: QUILTBAGPIPE - Yada Wiki
  5. Lady Gaga

    And now for something COMPLETELY different

    Hey, just wondering, how long have you been on hormones for? 'cos it may be a bit premature to be thinking of facial surgery yet. It's a good idea to give it about 2 years to let hormones work their magic before deciding on any major surgery.
  6. Lady Gaga

    And now for something COMPLETELY different

    Karla not-so-Hungus won't be joining us I'm afraid, will I do? ;) (this is the name I'm using over on these days) Right, here's a before and after for you guys. Alas I know almost nothing about drag, I don't wear makeup, and I pretty much just wear jeans, Tshirts and docs all the...
  7. Lady Gaga

    Need advice on some crazy stuff

    Galatians 3:28 - There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. It's absurd for someone who is Christian to be against transgender people, especially considering that god did not initially create men and women, he...
  8. Lady Gaga

    Need advice on some crazy stuff

    Have you ever watched the video for Got Monsters? It's absolutely heart-breaking, I can't watch it without breaking into tears.
  9. Lady Gaga

    Need advice on some crazy stuff

    Hey, as someone who is transgender, this can be seriously hard-going. For me, it was something I denied for a long time, and I thought that I could never transition and that I would never look female. It wasn't until I saw other people's timelines posted online that I realized that it was...