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  1. Jarlesworth

    Slice the Cake appreciation

    Hold on now, just because their band name isn't serious doesn't mean it's stupid :lol: ... but true story, check this band out,guys! :scream:
  2. Jarlesworth

    Slice the Cake appreciation

    I checked these guys EP out a long time ago, but I forgot all about them and had no idea they came out with an album :o Awesome band, indeed!
  3. Jarlesworth

    Mutiny Within apreciation

    I've been listening to these guys since Samus Paulicelli was their drummer. One of my friends got their demo from somewhere, and since then they had gotten so much better as a group. It's a shame. I love their music (all except or their ACDC cover, because I hate ACDC). I hope they all get...
  4. Jarlesworth

    Mutiny Within apreciation

    Why does it have to be over? :'( Baaawww.. It's a sad world when bands like Asking Alexandria are rising in the ranks and talented musicians aren't getting any credit. What are your opinions? Btw I just realized I spelled appreciation wrong. I'm typing on an iPhone, I'm sorry!!!
  5. Jarlesworth

    Murp! Vote for us!

    This...... is awesome!!!!!!!!!! Thank you! You're already better than some of the "metal" bands out there! (Trust me, there was a guy in my town trying to play metal, and I'd much rather listen to this)
  6. Jarlesworth

    Your own original sound?

    I got the Ibanez RGA7QM. I'm loving it, too! It's the best guitar I've had so far. It sounds out the mid-pitched notes so well, unlike every other guitar I've had. On another note.. You know, I would have thought that Children of Bodom would play an influence in my guitar playing because...
  7. Jarlesworth

    Screamers and Growlers - how did you start?

    I've been skimming over random explanations of how to do this, and I think I have it now. I just need to practice it now.. Thanks, guys!!
  8. Jarlesworth

    Music Apps for iPhones/Androids

    I got guitar pro on my iPhone. It comes in pretty handy when I'm not around an internet source. I think it's like $5.. I've been thinking about getting this 99 cent music theory app, too. I don't know a damn thing about music theory lol, so maybe it will help?
  9. Jarlesworth

    FOB frontman quits as a musician

    I heard about this.. and I say that it's for the best. One less lame musician to worry about. I hope he gets his arms chewed off by a polar bear and can never play again... Maybe it's best to say that he gets his legs chewed off too, just in case.
  10. Jarlesworth

    First Song-Blind Theory

    The only advice I can give is to find a drummer and vocalist and play some local gigs and grow from there. :yesway: It's the only way! Then again, maybe I'm not the best person to take advice from, haha.
  11. Jarlesworth

    Your own original sound?

    Very interesting stories, guys! I'm not so sure that I want to try eating turtle poop, though :/ Rational, that sounds entirely too intense. I can't imagine how bummed out I would be if something happened to one of my hands, but that's awesome that you worked your way around it. I feel like...
  12. Jarlesworth

    Your own original sound?

    I haven't really found my own style yet, either. I'm actually not even in a metal band right now, I'm in an acoustic rock band, but once I find my own style of metal guitar and vocals then I'm going to be all over it! :shred:
  13. Jarlesworth

    Your own original sound?

    Alright, I was just thinking it might be interesting to know how everybody found their own original sound in their instrument.. Whether it be in guitar, vocals, or whatever the case. How much experimenting and everything did you have to do to find it, or did you just not put any thought into...
  14. Jarlesworth

    25.5" drop tuning and tension?

    I don't know why I didn't think of this. It seems like the first thing that would have came to mind :/ Thanks! I don't know the gauge of the strings I have on right now, just whatever came on it from the factory. I'll just get a nice beefy pack of strings, then... Anyhow, thanks again! :bowdown:
  15. Jarlesworth

    25.5" drop tuning and tension?

    Ok, I just got an Ibanez RGA7QM (my first 7-string) and I love it. It's simply amazing, but when I try to drop the 7th string down it doesn't have enough tension. Have I screwed myself over or is there a cheap/free fix for this? :wallbash:
  16. Jarlesworth

    Living Impressions - Djent/Post Rock/Jazz/Ambient

    Oh nonono.. I suck at vocals lol. I'm sorry to give the wrong impression. I would love to hear it with vocals, though! Still, it's very good and if you ever find a good vocalist I will for sure buy your first album. :yesway:
  17. Jarlesworth

    Living Impressions - Djent/Post Rock/Jazz/Ambient

    This sounds awesome! I don't normally listen to instrumentals, though, because I always feel that it's missing something. Do you have an interest in adding vocals by chance? If not, it's still cool ;P
  18. Jarlesworth

    So we might add a Keyboardist... 21 second clip.

    I can dig it. :cool: .. but for real, sounds good. Just don't over-do it in the future!
  19. Jarlesworth

    'The Safety Fire' Megathread: 'Grind the Ocean' Now Available

    Sounds pretty damn good, man. I will definitely support you when I get a job to support myself :) I'd say this is bookmark worthy.
  20. Jarlesworth

    Why do 'original' bands hold 'cover' bands in such low regard?

    I'd have to agree and disagree with you.. as most original songs aren't that great, there are also a lot of great ones out there, but they just don't draw nearly as much attention as cover songs, great or not. If you're not that big and you have some amazing original songs you won't get that...