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  1. Bettershredthandead

    Caparison vs Mayones

    Just picked up a Horus-M3 and finally found a shop with a Mayones Duvell so I tried one there for the first time recently. I feel if you're more of a Jackson/Charvel player then you'll appreciate a Caparison Horus a bit more than a Mayones Duvell. Which of course would make sense given that...
  2. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    aaaannnnddd some of your reactions seemed to prove my point soooo....?????
  3. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    edgelording....sorry but lol. Ya'll waaaayyy too sensitive when someone voices a differing opinion. Tr00th.
  4. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    that's funny...thinking someone comes here for attention.
  5. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    Check out this one!: :noodles::taunt::yoda::pillow:
  6. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    noticing a lot of irritable types here m8. might make a good case study.
  7. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    I know right? Internet's serious business here. specially with you maroons.:lol:
  8. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    dude. uh chill...never said i hate em. kinda just proving my point here m8.
  9. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    Lol! I rest my case about all you all!
  10. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    I think the aspberger's is strong here on this forum.:lol:
  11. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    I think you're a closet kittie fan here m8. u need kittie. u know u do. don't deny.
  12. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    You can find decent bands in almost any genre. I said almost. Dummy.
  13. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    Oh we get it m8. But we're still going to voice whatever we feel like sooooo......
  14. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    I'll pass. Only reason I chimed in here is cause like I said I remember those times well. Also, this technically wasn't a thread bump m8, it was already at the top. So...LOL!
  15. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    Some of it more than others. Case in point: this particular band.
  16. Bettershredthandead

    Wow! Kittie was pretty damn heavy!

    Since I was a 90s guy I feel overly compelled to give my 2 cents here. So the time they came out there was already albums like Sepultura's 'Roots' and the like which their lead single 'Spit' seemed to be very derivative of. And I'm guessing most of their other songs for that...
  17. Bettershredthandead

    Rich from Ibanez rules silver treatment

    The few times I emailed Rich, he has been super helpful. Not to mention lightning fast something few and far between these days. I luv the dated website look. IMO, gives him all the more street cred. and shows he is all substance and cares little about the shallowness of 'appearance'. Hope...
  18. Bettershredthandead

    NGD - Daemoness Cimmerian

    So I just googled the term 'cancel culture' as I have actually never heard the term used before until I actually saw it here on this thread as I'm not into trendy word crap. And I am 99.9% sure that both you guys are actually applying it incorrectly to this situation. Its more for like SJW...
  19. Bettershredthandead

    NGD - Daemoness Cimmerian

    Yeah I have to admit I was being nice but also brief as this thread unfortunately is taking up alot of my time these days which is not good but given what I have invested in the build I feel overly compelled... I'd like to get some sort of resolution here too. This whole process did not go...
  20. Bettershredthandead

    NGD - Daemoness Cimmerian

    Yes. It is. Somewhere. Few things here though: 1) was it always 2k in pounds? 2) what exactly were the final end prices of Cimmerians throughout the years? How much has inflation really set into the price? 3) the initial pricing quote seemed off that Dylan provided. Barnes said in an...