Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
When was the last big luthier meltdown? It's always disappointing when this happens; especially with long time member of community, or individuals with a track record of actually doing good work

I personally don't find anyone to be beyond redemption, though.

I mean, the accusations in this thread (in both directions) are especially virulent and eventually everyone will need to atone for them, but I think it's a mistake to take coming forward with an accusation as being 'bang! you're dead', you know? It was a messy relationship with a messy divorce, and we're in the midst of the worst of it. At some point, everyone's said their piece and, most likely, the lawyers will resolve this.

The thread is fine as a 'buyer beware" regarding the current situation, but I'd stop short of deciding how I feel about everyone involved, forever and always, based on what's said when everyone's feeling their worst. Good people make dumb mistakes, nice people say mean things, etc. It's a good thing to keep in mind because I get the vibe a lot of people are posturing themselves in this thread like it's a matter of 'life or death' when it isn't.

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Needs a hobby
Mar 19, 2012
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Northern Ireland
When was the last big luthier meltdown? It's always disappointing when this happens; especially with long time member of community, or individuals with a track record of actually doing good work
We have a thread for the weekly Kiesel drama, but before that maybe Sabre and Claas. The last really big one I remember was Vik.

Lorcan Ward

May 15, 2009
Reaction score
When was the last big luthier meltdown?

Probably Sabre Guitars but thats because it got so drawn out. Thats usually the biggest issue, people are strung along for years with empty promises until the builder disappears. Its a long list of builders by now.


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
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Just another luthier not delivering, and coming up with excuses. I don’t know all the facts, but I know enough. There were photos of the flaws, and there is enough evidence to show that deadlines were missed, IP was stolen or heavily borrowed, etc. So far to me this sounds exactly like BRJ, Sherman, Decibel, etc, where people were defending him, but ultimately it was clear that they made off with a bunch of money from people. I wish I could have gotten into BRJ’s shop after it was locked up, and gotten my guitar. Instead, they sold off the remaining ones, and then sold them to others. I’ve lost money to a number of luthiers, and the time, health, one-man-ship, good-guy excuses all come up. Frankly, I don’t give a shit. I expect a guitar or a refund. No ill will to any party involved, but as a customer I have a hard time saying that I should be the one left holding the bag. I will say good on Tosin for refunding those who had deposits.
Jan 17, 2019
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It’s very clear that deadlines were missed and the job was much more expensive than anticipated. But Frank clearly worked on these guitars for many months and deserves to get something for that. He did not embezzle, so Tosin you should choose your words carefully. And if things were going south, why did you have to have Frank’s workers sneak in in the middle of the night to steal these guitars? They were week from being done. And tell Ben it would be nice if he would return the guitar that was not his, it was given to Frank as a gift. Among other things.. I have to refresh and read the police report.


Ibanez Nerd
Jul 19, 2017
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Chicago, IL
It’s very clear that deadlines were missed and the job was much more expensive than anticipated. But Frank clearly worked on these guitars for many months and deserves to get something for that. He did not embezzle, so Tosin you should choose your words carefully. And if things were going south, why did you have to have Frank’s workers sneak in in the middle of the night to steal these guitars? They were week from being done. And tell Ben it would be nice if he would return the guitar that was not his, it was given to Frank as a gift. Among other things.. I have to refresh and read the police report.
Deserves what? He was paid "X" amount, but didn't deliver what was discussed for that amount. This is a business, not a peewee sports league where everyone is a winner and gets a trophy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Maryland, USA
Pretty sure you could get a copy of the police report if you wanted.

Was someone arrested or am I missing something? A police report is merely a record that someone came in and complained to them. It’s not evidence of a crime. How naïve do you think the people reading this really are? You call it stealing and go to the police but that doesn’t make it stealing especially when everything was funded by someone else who did the supposed “stealing”. Recovering your own property hardly qualifies as stealing.

Is your screen name supposed to be a joke? It sure is rather ironic.


Mar 2, 2011
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It's out in the public eye now, and I'm no judge but I'm far more sympathetic to Tosin and Co. after reading all this and seeing all the information displayed. You're clearly buddy buddy with Frank, and that's all good but why don't you let him speak for himself instead of (like clockwork) create a new account with the sole purpose of defending someone who's now in the red? In my eyes you're not helping in any way @IntegrityIsEverything, and this almost makes me feel like we need some kind of post minimum before letting new accounts chime into certain sections and threads, to plainly avoid this.

I'm very glad I avoided this trainwreck since I was impressed and wanted to order one after last years' NAMM, but this has got to be one of the worst situations I've ever seen unfold since joining here. I also like how this footage of Tosin's property getting taken back is being dangled as some kind of nail in the coffin for Abasi's case when Falbo clearly has defended and withheld information about spending of the original lump sum given to him. Did he sub to some porn sites or buy some embarrassing bullshit he doesn't want to reveal? It's far more believable that he's being defensive about the amount spent on materials because that would reveal some information he doesn't want out there.

If Frank hadn't dropped the ball things wouldn't have devolved in this manner in the first place, so consider that before jumping to his defense and incessantly talking FOR him. This is just another case of an extremely overeager and talented luthier biting off more than they can chew, he gave himself less than two months to complete 51 guitars, just take a smaller batch or increase the estimated time and DO IT. I understand your head rush when you get a 5 figure check in one go, but man it's like a repeated and very stupid mistake that keeps happening.
Jan 17, 2019
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Was someone arrested or am I missing something? A police report is merely a record that someone came in and complained to them. It’s not evidence of a crime. How naïve do you think the people reading this really are? You call it stealing and go to the police but that doesn’t make it stealing especially when everything was funded by someone else who did the supposed “stealing”. Recovering your own property hardly qualifies as stealing.

Is your screen name supposed to be a joke? It sure is rather ironic.
Tosin minion: The two parties clearly had issues with each other and were unable to work together. Isn’t it just strange though, that if he knew he was right, he had to go in the middle of the night and pull a heist?


Guitar/pizza regular
Jul 18, 2011
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Bay Area, CA
Was someone arrested or am I missing something? A police report is merely a record that someone came in and complained to them. It’s not evidence of a crime. How naïve do you think the people reading this really are? You call it stealing and go to the police but that doesn’t make it stealing especially when everything was funded by someone else who did the supposed “stealing”. Recovering your own property hardly qualifies as stealing.

Is your screen name supposed to be a joke? It sure is rather ironic.

Moreover, he is accusing of dishonesty the party that made sure that customers were refunded.


Ibanez Nerd
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Tosin minion: The two parties clearly had issues with each other and were unable to work together. Isn’t it just strange though, that if he knew he was right, he had to go in the middle of the night and pull a heist?
Wasn't it the night before the eviction of getting kicked out and taking everything in the shop? If so, no it's not strange at all. He did what he had to do to get his property before the eviction and taking of his property.

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