Call of Duty: Black Ops

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
Got this shit for Christmas.

I am fucking destroying it. I beat Campaign Mode today. I will probably beat it again tonight to find more intel and get more trophies.

I played online for 10-20 minutes. I played a few rounds of Combat Training and was the top player in every match. I know it's only training and doesn't count for much, but it was fun as hell. I ruined everyone, rarely died, and had a ball.

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Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
A friend of mine tried to name a class 'Han Solo' an it was void due to profanity, what does profanity manner for a custom class anyway? It's not like the 7,000,000 dick's that put dicks as their emblems :noway:

Also, last stand is a huge pain in the ass if you're sniping, because about 50% of the time, even the L96 is a 2 shot kill, with last stand, it's 3. That's alot of work. Also, if someone is falling into last stand, they are invincible until they hit the ground, utter bullshit.

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
The only gay thing about playing online is that I've been playing for less than six hours online and going against dudes who have been playing since day one.

Although, that goes for every game. They're already level 50+ and almost impossible to kill. You can't hurt them, but they can shoot you in the foot once and you're dead.

I'm just going to keep having fun in Combat Training for a day or two with the occasional match here and there.

If you have PS3 and want to play zombies or some shit, hit me up. PSN = JoshPelican.


Ya ya ya I am Lorde
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lanark, Ontario
It's not like the 7,000,000 dick's that put dicks as their emblems :noway:

Or the equal number who's emblems depict a few white guys watching a black guy hang from a tree... :noplease:

Needless to say I've been using the 'report offensive emblem' tool on those fucks.


Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
I've noticed a lot of whiney bitches on this game. Being called a camper for not moving for all but 3 seconds, getting called a 'fucking noob' because I killed some one with a RC and general moaning about being killed by some one who only got the game two days ago. Not my fault that I know what I'm doing and playing it how it should be played :nuts:

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
I've noticed a lot of whiney bitches on this game. Being called a camper for not moving for all but 3 seconds, getting called a 'fucking noob' because I killed some one with a RC and general moaning about being killed by some one who only got the game two days ago. Not my fault that I know what I'm doing and playing it how it should be played :nuts:

I think it's good that people get the rage out of the system on the spot. We are men and we are playing a game where we fucking kill each other :lol:

It's the same as your favourite football team conceding a goal or losing a match, you have invested emotional interest, so it's best to get it out of your system there and then :yesway:


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
I've just gotten to the point where if I see guys camping the same spots and they're not equipped with flak jacket, I unleash "Teh toob" on those bitches. :lol: Then I sit back and wait for "ZOMG NOOB TOOB!!!" and the like to start coming in. :D Whatever, lemme get you guys a tent and some marshmallows for all that camping you got going on over there! :fawk: I also love the guys who ONLY lob random grenades... once I get hit by a couple of those, it's time for the grenade launcher to make it's way into play. Some dude had warlord pro and just kept lobbing grenades at me so after he got me twice I tubed him about 4-5 times in a row and he flipped the fuck out. It's the little things. :D :rofl:

Also, it happens to be one of my favorite characters but I equipped a guy with the famas + grenade launcher, CZ75 + full auto, hardline pro, slight of hand pro and marathon. I call that one my "instant care package" class as I can all but guarantee 2 kills with the launcher and famas is easy to ping a few dudes in the face quickly and reload before they can send more your way. :yesway: I'll have to look up my K-D tonight, I think I'm doing pretty well these days, more often than not the care packages drop with something decent or the perk from hardline pro lets you toggle the package 1 time and 70%+ of the time now I've been getting chopper gunner/attack chopper, death matching etc. I got the dogs earlier and unleashed the hounds right at the end of the match to secure the win! LOL Love it! :D

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
More like "If you kill me, you're a bitch". :lol:

Actually, I have been sniped once. Same goes for kills by campers. I just think both are the biggest pussy moves ever. I know I'm not the only person in the world that feels this way.

I hate campers the most. I mean, if you have sit in grass or behind a door because you can't survive on the field, then you're a fucking pussy.


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Or it's just personal preference :shrug: If/when I snipe, I normally have one long range weapon (in any game mind you) and one close up for when I go between spots so I'm not camping at least.

I don't get why people have this hatred against sniping. Camping? That's pussy shit. Sniping in general? No.

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
There is a difference between snipe only and the use of both sniping and close combat. I'm referring to people who's only skill is to snipe and stay as far away from enemy contact as possible. If you can snipe and kill in close combat, than you know you're shit. Seriously.

I just played a terrible match. Campers (sitting beside stairs and other dumb areas), grenade launchers, napalm strikes every five seconds (no joke). I did fucking awful.

Then I played a match right after that and tore apart. Knifed so many fuckers. I played a match after, and I fucked everyone up... even when I listened to Mexicans complain about everything. Their guns suck, everyone on the team is backstabbing them, and that everything is gay.


Ya ya ya I am Lorde
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lanark, Ontario
Honestly, the object of the game is to NOT DIE, right? With that in mind, what's more likely to help one stay alive? Picking a good spot while letting the retards run around, or being one of the retards running around? ;)

It's not really my style (I'm too impatient..) but I don't hate on campers, as I see camping as 'playing smart'.

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
We'll have to agree to disagree. You're the only person I've talked to that feels that way. :lol:

I mean, I would rather play against people who run around the field that don't die than campers. As much as I fucking hate campers, they usually end up giving up whenever I know where they are. I am a master of grenades. No, I'm not trying to be cocky, but I can usually nail them.

EDIT: Maybe I just seem really bitchy because I've been sick since Christmas. I fucking hate being stuffed up and unable to breathe. :lol:


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
It's not really my style (I'm too impatient..) but I don't hate on campers, as I see camping as 'playing smart'.

Well they can keep playing smart right into the barrel of my grenade launcher after the first time they kill me from their camping spot! :fawk: :rofl: Last night I had a killer match, ended up getting a Huey 4 kills into the match and dominated the other team. Think it was something ridiculous like 35-4. Some kid, level 4 no prestige with a K-D of 11-18, accused me of being a hacker! :rofl: REALLY? You just got this game for Christmas and someone who is now Prestige 4 whupped your ass good and proper, but it must have been cheating of some sort?! :rolleyes: How could he possibly lose?! :eek: :lol:

I decided to Prestige again last night, I am now Prestige 4 and going to hit 5 to get another slot this week. :D

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Honestly, the object of the game is to NOT DIE, right? With that in mind, what's more likely to help one stay alive? Picking a good spot while letting the retards run around, or being one of the retards running around? ;)

It's not really my style (I'm too impatient..) but I don't hate on campers, as I see camping as 'playing smart'.

Exactly right?

People bitch about people rushing, or camping, or spamming, or tubing, or sniping, or Halo jumping, or drop shotting... most of which we've ALL done before... but if you combine them all with the right timing, it actually makes you very good at the game, people just never want to die :lol:

I know that when I say to my TV "FUCK YOU CAMPING PRICK!" that I'm just getting the aggression out and really I don't know how long he was camping for, whether he'll do it next round etc...

The message is: lighten up, guy :yesway:


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
If you snipe, you're a bitch.

If you camp, you're a bitch.

I snipe, but I rarely camp, and yeah, what everyone else has said, you do what you can to stay alive, and while others may hate it (Everyone hates everything in any game ever, if I'm running around with an MP5 and I get killed by an MP5 guy I call him a fucking asshole for doing so, cos I'm mad.)

You can't avoid pissing people off, so I just like to have fun and 360 no scope for the final kill in SnD, on spawn kill people with tomahawks, just for my own devilish enjoyment. I know it pisses people off, but people piss me off, so I'm going to go ahead and do it.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
I camp, I snipe, I noob tube, I knife a lot, I lob random grenades.

All the while I'm having hella fun.

Sorry for not being an easy kill :fawk:

You gotta keep your playing style mixed up cause these fkn kids will just study your moves and pwn you.

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
Like I said, if you have a healthy combination of more than one tactic to the game, then you're just a good player. If the only thing you know is camping, go back to Counter Strike.

MindCrime, you seem to have it down. You know how to snipe, camp, and are good with grenades. I'm sure you can run the battlefield without getting killed every two seconds.

The only thing that makes me mad is camping. I mean, I think most people are bitches. I didn't mean to seem like such a baby whining about everything. I just think it's a pussy move if you're only good at sitting in the bushes.

If you're tactic is to sit at the top of a set of stairs with C4 by the other entrance, then come on, man. I find a lot of people who do this can't live at all in the open field. They're kill death ratio is pretty high, but if they stop camping they'll die twice as much.

But as I said in my last post, maybe I'm just getting pissy because I'm sick. When I'm playing in a huge all-out war and I'm coughing, sneezing, and struggling to breathe, then I get mad. :lol:

I know, I know. I'm just acting like a child. Maybe I'm crazy because I don't play to be better than everyone else and there's more to life than just owning everyone. I'm just playing to have fun, but there are too many serious people that ruin it. I gave up on all other Call of Duty games (online) because of the "lifers". If I was 10 and had no life, I'd be better than everyone else, too.

Oh well. I'm just going to keep on playing.