Call of Duty: Black Ops

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Do you even lift
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
@Taylor waaay up there.

The worst thing, is when you hit marker a guy, shoot him again and it downs him, and someone steals your kill, this happens all the time in non-hardcore games to me all the time. The hit boxes are stupid, one time you'll get a kill from a chest shot, and another time you'll get a hit marker, I get hit markers from 1 foot away. It's just plain stupid.
Yes, MW2 had properly strong snipers, and without quick reload they were pretty fair in the game.

I guess, the most balanced COD game was COD4, there was no god guns, unlike in the recent ones, if they could bring the gun structure back similar to that, and base their accuracy and strength back on the guns in that game, they would get alot more happy players. :2c:


They tried to make the game more balanced, and as the individual gun classes are balanced; i.e. no one assault rifle is really better then the others, the weapon TYPES are not balanced at all.

- Shotguns are hilariously useless.
- Snipers are pointless when a FAL with a Reflex will do the job better.

Submachine guns are okay. Don't think the AK74u is overpowered really, it's really just decent at best.

What I've been doing is running around with stupid classes.

The other night I was playing with a Skorpion Silenced, Ballistic Knife and regular grenades and perks.
Most fun I've had in a while.

The suppressor makes the range one bar. I had a game with no less than 10 assists.

Much more fun.

I never got to play COD4 unfortunately.


Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
Boston, MA
So, have things been fixed yet? I know before people were complaining about hit-registration and all that jazz, and there seemed to be things that needed fixing. I'm tempted to pick up a copy for another FPS to play online (I could give two shits less about the campaign in a modern-day shooter), but if there's still shit like that going on then I'll wait for patches.


Is A Complete Idiot.
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
- Snipers are pointless when a FAL with a Reflex will do the job better.

Qouted cause i totally stick an acog and an infrared sight on this bad boy with a silencer and go to work.

20 bullet sniper with ridculous range and damage?

Yes please..

Plus almost EVERYONE is walking about without ghost pro. I've only come across less than 10 people without ghost pro so far. It's ridiculous.


Do you even lift
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
So, have things been fixed yet? I know before people were complaining about hit-registration and all that jazz, and there seemed to be things that needed fixing. I'm tempted to pick up a copy for another FPS to play online (I could give two shits less about the campaign in a modern-day shooter), but if there's still shit like that going on then I'll wait for patches.

You know what the deal is;

The reason that hit detection and lag are quite bad is because TA implemented a thing called 'Lag Compensation'.
Now, every game has it, but not to the extent TA have it.

What this does, is compensate the players with shitty connections by intentionally bogging down players with good connections.
Fairly normal. Except that they went way overboard with it.

So basically, guys with the best connections, get the most lag compensation, which tends to make you observe half a second later then the person with a shitty connection.

For instance : Most games I get host connection. I have a good internet. I usually do okay. Positive, but not by much.
But I played a match where I was two and one bar connection, and had no less then a 6.0 k/d. AND the team I was on, kicked serious ass. The other team was a party with full connections.

It was funny, it seemed like they were all just running around blindly, but that's because I was half a second ahead of them in realtime. I would see them on my screen before they would see me on their screen.

Ever noticed how you fire a clip into someone and they turn around and fire one bullet and kill you?

Indeed. :wallbash:

Qouted cause i totally stick an acog and an infrared sight on this bad boy with a silencer and go to work.

20 bullet sniper with ridculous range and damage?

Yes please..

Plus almost EVERYONE is walking about without ghost pro. I've only come across less than 10 people without ghost pro so far. It's ridiculous.

Exactly. FAL is great in most situations. And if you're good enough with aim and trigger finger, then close encounters are easy too.
But the ONE problem with running the FAL :

TA installed a RPM limiter on the M14 and FAL that prevents people with modded controllers from using it as full auto.

The problem is, they made the cap so low, that I can hit the ceiling with my trigger finger, as most other guitar players can.

The problem is, when you hit the cap, the gun stops firing altogether for 2 seconds. Which can cost you a gun fight.
Try it next time you use one. Hammer the trigger as fast as you can and chances are you will hit the cap.

That's nothing, try the G11 with the variable. You literally can quickscope with it, because the sleight of hand quick aim works with it, and in hardcore it's always one burst kill. Not to mention accurate as hell.

I love that gun actually. Even without the scope.
Sooo goood.

I've stopped playing this game completely now, I'm back on MW2 and it feels good :agreed:



Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
Also, that compensation thing explains my bad luck tonight! I pull host most games, and normally, most aussie players have a relatively close cooperation in terms of connection, and I never get lag, but in one game, it was nuts, I must have missed AT LEAST 7 knife attacks, and then been knifed, ONE game. Not to be cocky, but when I'm in a lobby, no one fucking out knifes me, especially if I'm host. Fuck Treyarch, as soon as I get to 50, I'm not prestiging or playing.

MW2 ftw. I may even get into a lobby and get de-ranked just to play through all the leveling up again.

And yeah, movement and feel is one of the things Infinity Ward fucking rapes at, I hate clunky movement and feel so much, every game Treyarch puts out is like that, but not as bad as Battlefield and Killzone games.

Also also, yeah, that RPM cap sucks! I've been a quick trigger since COD4, where people actually once reported and bad repped me for using a modded controller. :lol:


Ya ya ya I am Lorde
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lanark, Ontario
You know.. I remember the MW2 thread pretty well. If memory serves, you guys were all bitching about all the same problems in that thread. Seems silly to pretend as though it's any different now than it was then.

I think the only real difference is that there's a greater number of noobs playing whatever the latest version is. IE, when BO came out, they all moved from MW2 to BO.

In other words, it may seem to some of you that MW2 is less flawed, but come on: don't make me dig out and quote all your complaints from the MW2 thread. ;)

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
You know.. I remember the MW2 thread pretty well. If memory serves, you guys were all bitching about all the same problems in that thread.

Not me! This is my first bitch on games.

I've found my calling in this game though... fucking napalm strikes. This might be cheap to some (even though it's part of the game), but I am deadly with these things.

The only downside is sometimes when you go to call it someone comes up and knifes ya'.


Ya ya ya I am Lorde
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Lanark, Ontario
I think my favorite killstreak is the dogs. Fucking brutal. I always get WAY more kills with the dogs than I do with the chopper gunners, the latter of which somebody always shoots down within moments.


Is A Complete Idiot.
Mar 14, 2007
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
^ with the momentous screen shake on chopper gunner i can hardly fucking see the red circles a lot of the time. Dogs kick ass though. Especially when they get a final kill cam and jump over a claymore to bite the camper on the ass. :D

If i play with the group i usually play with i'll get host around 80-90% of the time.

I either just deal with it and get fucking dominated if i move around or play smart and move slowly. Either way i get fucked unless i quit and quickly rejoin so host is migrated.

The only good thing about host is the fact the bad guys go down real fast if you get them when they are facing the wrong way. :lol: :( (unless they run second chance like a lot of dickbags do (Rage))


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
You know.. I remember the MW2 thread pretty well. If memory serves, you guys were all bitching about all the same problems in that thread. Seems silly to pretend as though it's any different now than it was then.

I think the only real difference is that there's a greater number of noobs playing whatever the latest version is. IE, when BO came out, they all moved from MW2 to BO.

In other words, it may seem to some of you that MW2 is less flawed, but come on: don't make me dig out and quote all your complaints from the MW2 thread. ;)

Not me, I specifically remember CrushingAnvil and I not understanding the problems of MW2, and when WaW came out, I hated that, and went back to COD4, now I'm now doing the same with Black Ops. InfinityWard just gets it right, IMO Treyarch just come in and expect to trump a game by stealing the majority of it's ideas, and adding/subtracting certain factors. Granted Black Ops had some innovation, and original ideas, but it's as if Microsoft hired another company to do Halo 2, while Bungie are doing Halo 3. :2c:


Do you even lift
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
FUUUU this game continually surprises me with how unbelievably elementary the programming is.

I noticed another thing today.

I was playing Combat Training as it's the only way to play without dealing with all the lag bullshit, and I would repeatedly notice that on my screen, I'd get say three hitmarkers, but on the AI's screen, only two hits.
This happened almost every other time I died.

Granted, I regularly go 5.00+ K/D, but every other time I lost in a gun battle, I would hit them three times, but only register twice.


By the way Prydogga : Gamertag is : BkRandomscrub2

Don't even say it. :lol:


Being confused on since 2008
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Chimaera SD
I still like the game, but I have fallout new vegas to play, so I put b ops on the back burner for now.

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
InfinityWard just gets it right, IMO Treyarch just come in and expect to trump a game by stealing the majority of it's ideas, and adding/subtracting certain factors. Granted Black Ops had some innovation, and original ideas, but it's as if Microsoft hired another company to do Halo 2, while Bungie are doing Halo 3. :2c:



Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
You really wanna piss some kids off? Be a camper and keep changing up your spots. So that way when they think they know where you are camping, they come and throw 20 grenades at the area. Meanwhile youre on the other side of the room watching the last area you camped at and just kill em again camping from somewhere else. Then change up a 3rd time. I can usually kill someone 4 or 5 times in a row before they decide to just give up and not come back, or I have to leave because I've run out of camping spots. Oh ya, claymore is a campers best friend.


Works best in objective based modes where camping is sometimes very necessary.