Call of Duty: Black Ops

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
If I was 10 and had no life, I'd be better than everyone else, too.

Yup :lol:

Turtle Beaches/headphones help if you want to play the game for fun but also want to be able to keep up with the serious guys, I've been playing with them for a few weeks and my skill at MW2 has gone from good to seriously good :lol:

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Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
^ Very true, today I wanted to get the blackbird, and I was about $1000 short, so I took the contract "Finish a Team Deathmatch game as the highest scoring player" and I got out the MP5, which I haven't used since I unlocked classes. And I raped face. I got equal first (which in any other time would have me being pretty happy, had my furious) on my first game, and then was about 10 kills ahead of the next guy the game after, and I haven't ran around with an MP5 for weeks, I like to have alot of options, I'm glad that last year I decided to learn to quickscope, because now I have another fun option to take in all of the CODs.

I also went back to MW2 and with the (now painfully obvious) ridiculous quickscoping, I got a 21 killstreak in my first game back, finishing on 24 -2. I wish more of my friends still played it :lol:


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
Yup :lol:

Turtle Beaches/headphones help if you want to play the game for fun but also want to be able to keep up with the serious guys, I've been playing with them for a few weeks and my skill at MW2 has gone from good to seriously good :lol:

Yeah, I play with a clan of which everyone but me have Turtle beaches, and all record/do montages. I've been playing with them all this year, and my kill/death ratio has gone from a negative average to a very nice positive because of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
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Frozen Wastelands of the North
There's always too much bitching about camping and sniping in any game. Think about it this way though. Imagine it was real life. Whoever runs in stupidly to get his kill count up will have his brains splattered on the nearest object by someone who isn't stupid. No one who cares about his life will run out in the open field like a moron.

So yes, if you run out onto a huge open area and you get sniped by someone, you are a fucking moron and have no right to bitch at them, because at the end of the day, you're the one that died. It's called having strategy.

As for the camper/sniper, if he's too stupid to get good cover and to always keep the enemy on his toes by not staying in the same spot too long, then he will get killed, end of story.

This applies to any shooter game that tries to emulate real life combat, but if you want to see it in action, play a game like America's Army and see what happens when you try to run anywhere without checking the area out first. That game is the epitome of what I'm talking about, because once you die that round, you're dead for the whole round, which might take a long ass time. It makes you value your 'life' more and makes you more careful.

And the argument that camping/sniping isn't fun and ruins the games for others is total bullshit. I have plenty of fun when I'm picking off my enemies with a sniper and always keeping them in the dark of where I am, that's the job of the sniper for fuck's sake. And if it ruins the game when you die because you're too stupid to make sure you know what you're getting into, then you are terrible at the game.

That being said when I don't get a sniper/camp (which is more than 75% of the time), I will go up there and do my best to stay alive and to pick off as many people as a can by using tactics and strategies, which makes me a pretty well rounded FPS player.

If you bitch because you got sniper or camped OR if you bitch because you got killed while sniping or camping, you've missed the whole point. :2c:

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
The campers I play with usually sit in the same spot for the whole game, even though after they kill me the first time I get them with a grenade. Clearly they're not very good, just fucking annoying. If you're going to camp, at least know the entire map so you can move.

You know what I hate more than campers, though? Fucking hell dogs in the Zombie mode. That and people who suck at Zombie mode. My friend Kate and I can usually destroy up to level 10, sometimes more when we got our A game going... but when you've got people dying and leaving everything unboarded, it can get shitty.


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2010
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I hate people when they talk about "Damn n00b tubers" or "Damn Campers"

Too bad it works :fawk:
I mean I know it takes less skill, but its in the game, so what are you going to do?

I hardly camp, but I do stand in a corner or something for a little bit sometimes.
You know, being stealthy actually can get you kills believe it or not. You don't need to just rush the whole time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2010
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Columbia, SC
damn why cant people just enjoy the game? i mean i hate campers as much as the nxt guy but the game was made to have campers (hence the perfect camping spots), if it wasnt then every map would be an open grassland like paintball or some shit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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To be honest, camping is pretty difficult to do with all the weapons and killstreaks you have available to you. The longer you stay in one spot, the more predictable you are and the sooner someone will figure out you aren't going anywhere. RC cars, grenades, nova gas etc are just some ways to stop campers. Its pretty easy to deal with them if you are coordinated and know what you're doing, but when caught a couple of times by a camper, I like many get rage, CHARGE UP MA LAZOOR and going in all guns blazing, which often results in me getting killed. Take your time to figure out how to take them out, as you would in a real combat situation, and campers become less of an issue and more of a fun challenge.


Ironically enough, now in Jesus Land
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
Wellington, New Zealand
I think it's good that people get the rage out of the system on the spot. We are men and we are playing a game where we fucking kill each other :lol:

It's the same as your favourite football team conceding a goal or losing a match, you have invested emotional interest, so it's best to get it out of your system there and then :yesway:

Good to not let it build up, 'cause then it'll get expressed in a far more drastic manner :lol:


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
Okay, as much as I loathe the 2474u for being overused and overpowered, I just unlocked the AK47 again, and OH MY GOD. I was 30+ to 10- each game I played with it, it just ploughs through groups of enemies, so fulfilling!

On the downside, we lost 3 games in a row because we got stuck with 2 tweens playing on the same xbox just fucking around, doing jack shit, and each game they were over 15 deaths each and NO kills. That fucking countered every kill I got for our team. Morons.


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Okay, as much as I loathe the 2474u for being overused and overpowered, I just unlocked the AK47 again, and OH MY GOD. I was 30+ to 10- each game I played with it, it just ploughs through groups of enemies, so fulfilling!

I just prestiged so I haven't leveled up to the AK47 again just yet but I had one game where I nailed some dude who was carrying one and proceeded to destroy his whole team with it! LOL Scavenger FTW! :rofl:


Do you even lift
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
On the whole 'sniper' thing, I'm a huge sniper. LOVE doing it. So much more fun to pick people off without them seeing you. When I play combat training to get away from the retarded amounts of lag this game has, I have so much more fun. I can even quickscope decently in the game. Not that I would bother running around with one. AR+SMG > Snipers in this game by a longshot.

That being said, this game isn't really all that great for it. The only decent map for sniping is Array, and even then with all the incredibly hilarious spawning in this game, Assault Rifles will still win in the end.

If I wasn't running around with the TAR, I was sniping in MW2. I used to quickscope when I needed to, but only as a means of saving grace in tight situations. I still hid in the outskirts picking people off as I saw them.

But in this game, it's quite silly.

Yesterday, I got no less than FOUR hitmarkers on ONE guy with the L96. Granted, one was through a wall, but two were direct hits, and the third shot was because buddy was in Second Chance.

How silly is that? The only REAL problem with the sniper rifles in MW2 was the quickscoping thing. Other then that they were dialed. They offered a decent chance against rifles.

If only I hadn't lost my Rainbow Six Raven Shield disc.

That game was the best of the best for sniping.

ps. I have no idea as to why I posted this, but sharing experience is fun.

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
I just found out something I hate more than anything. Ignore everything I've said in this thread.

When you go to join a game, you're getting ready to start fucking shit up. Then when you're in, you look and you're on the losing team. It sucks, but you hope to help them out. You take two steps and the game ends.


I can handle campers. I hate them, but I'm still enjoying the game. I would never let anything like that stop me from playing a game. I wouldn't let joining a bad game do it either... but it just sucks, especially for those diehard gamers with no losses.

The only reason I would stop playing a specific game online is when there is a giant clan with all the best gamers who play all day and all night. No matter how much you play, your deaths rack up because of these guys. You'll never be on the same team as them, and even if you kill some of them, they start ganging up on you. This happened to me in Resistance 2. I remember playing against them once. The guy ranked number one online I killed a few times, no big deal. But there's one or two of them where if you kill them, they'll get the whole clan to gang you. It's like they follow you from game to game and make sure you never have fun. I've never had this problem with Call of Duty (oddly).

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
Sorry for two posts in a row, but I also dislike how some matches are so goddamn unfair. It'd be nice to see people levels 1-10 against people levels 1-10... not 50.

This doesn't make it very fun.

The worst is that some these people have names like LynchAllNigaz and KillTheJews. I'm surprised you're allowed to have names like this. I have played games online where my name couldn't have anything to do with word "panzer". I guess a lot of people will say it makes me look a Nazi, but I don't think either of those names are appropriate.


Do you even lift
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry for two posts in a row, but I also dislike how some matches are so goddamn unfair. It'd be nice to see people levels 1-10 against people levels 1-10... not 50.

This doesn't make it very fun.

The worst is that some these people have names like LynchAllNigaz and KillTheJews. I'm surprised you're allowed to have names like this. I have played games online where my name couldn't have anything to do with word "panzer". Although, I guess that automatically makes me look like a Nazi, but I don't think either of those names are just as nice.

Hahaha totally.

Yet you're not allowed to name your class "assault".

TreyArch is notsogoodatthis.

josh pelican

Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
Dartmouth, NS
Damn, you quoted me in between two edits. Now the last sentence looks awful. :lol:

Seriously, though. What's up with people allowed to have offensive names?


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
You can't put Assault as a class name (Which no one else sees you idiots!) but you can put a damn guy in a suit raping a unicorn. Fail, Treyarch. You give a creative tool to one the most notoriously immature gaming crowds around.


Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Apartment 5B, New York (Vic, Australia)
@Taylor waaay up there.

The worst thing, is when you hit marker a guy, shoot him again and it downs him, and someone steals your kill, this happens all the time in non-hardcore games to me all the time. The hit boxes are stupid, one time you'll get a kill from a chest shot, and another time you'll get a hit marker, I get hit markers from 1 foot away. It's just plain stupid.
Yes, MW2 had properly strong snipers, and without quick reload they were pretty fair in the game.

I guess, the most balanced COD game was COD4, there was no god guns, unlike in the recent ones, if they could bring the gun structure back similar to that, and base their accuracy and strength back on the guns in that game, they would get alot more happy players. :2c: