Covid 19/Coronavirus

  • Thread starter Ralyks
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Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
Conversely, smaller companies see being exempt as an advantage. Like other businesses, Alan Dietrich, CEO of Crater Lake Spirits in Bend, Oregon, is facing staff shortages. He has a 36 workers, with an immediate need for two or three more.

“Being left out of the mandate is helpful for hiring,” he said. “We are still finding that a small but meaningful number of people in our area are vaccine hesitant, and staffing is so tough that even one person is significant to us.”

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
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But you're arguing a point he is NOT making. He's not doubting published numbers. You are mis-interpreting his intent, i have to assume partially because it was edited to remove his actual context by the vlogger/radio show/podcast host, to insinuate something else.

Interesting, but you assume I was arguing a point... and misinterpreting something, when all I did was post it, because actual numbers were being presented. That's all. Have a good one.

Crungy Regular
May 29, 2019
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I didn't get any superpowers either, stupid guvmint is holding out on me!


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Sioux Falls, SD
I just want to take a brief moment to thank those that have attempted to do the right thing, staying masked, getting vaccinated when they could, social distancing, sheltering in place and the like. Thanks to you I got to wish my grandma happy 100th Birthday on Saturday.

Now back to your regularly scheduled bitch-fests.


Mar 2, 2011
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Julian Lage just posted that all upcoming tour dates require proof of vaccination for entry, absolutely fucking based.

Of course there are people whining that they can't enter with a negative covid test, but personally? Get fucked, musicians have been itching to perform for over a year and a half it's not your right to go to your local bar and potentially fuck their livelihood up.

More places should have been this pro-active with enforcement of vaccination a few months out from mass vaccination numbers accumulating. And even before then just documented covid tests, as in if you bought your fake test on Facebook and you got your grocery store infected. They should be able to look at their logs and contact trace it back to your forged test and you should get arrested & tried as a bio-terrorist once they suspect you and actually test you for covid.

The fact that the CDC/Govt left enforcement to the point of sale to reject business is still such a fucked up concept to me.


Mar 29, 2014
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Bay Area
Been a week after my second shot. Frankly, I'm disappointed. No superpowers, what the fuck?
I didn't get any superpowers either, stupid guvmint is holding out on me!
You might have to come out at night when the skies are clear in order to connect to the SpaceX/Gates/Bezos 5G wifi network, pointing your left index finger and right pinky towards the vicinity of the Taurus and Orion constellations usually helps, then the powers will sync in properly and your forehead should glow purple.
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Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY

Kind of a weird paper (weakly) correlating Trump support with the covid death rate (as well as other variables).

Yeah I mean idk, I'm not trying to say 1:1, it's just some dark humor that happened to show up in my feed just as my father in law has been going on and on about how vaccine is slow kill, masks are for demoralizing people into submission, children can't breathe in masks so it's screwing up their brains and the only Governor who's got it right so dad is Desantis. Felt like an apt time to post that.


Dec 7, 2005
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St. Johnsbury, VT USA
Yeah I mean idk, I'm not trying to say 1:1, it's just some dark humor that happened to show up in my feed just as my father in law has been going on and on about how vaccine is slow kill, masks are for demoralizing people into submission, children can't breathe in masks so it's screwing up their brains and the only Governor who's got it right so dad is Desantis. Felt like an apt time to post that.
Sorry if that came off argumentative. It's 100% anecdotal, but when covid ripped through my extended family, 80% of my relatives who had to go to the ER were Trump supporters, even though maybe only 20-25% of my extended family were Trump supporters.

As for the pop-culture medical misinformation running rampant:

1. The vaccine might kill us all, but there's currently no unbiased reason to think so. There's just as much chance at the moment that space aliens will get us all before it matters anyway.

2. Masks depriving the brain of oxygen is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. As if the brain surgeon who wears a mask all work day is a brain-damaged moron or something.

3. My cousin, the first in my family to get covid, was, before she got covid, posting on facebook daily. Dozens of medical conspiracy theories and so forth. It's no stretch of the imagination to equate risky behaviours with bad medical information or with bad medical outcomes.


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
2. Masks depriving the brain of oxygen is the stupidest shit I've ever heard. As if the brain surgeon who wears a mask all work day is a brain-damaged moron or something.

Yeah this one I got an especially big laugh out of because he said it right after saying masks don't work and my girlfriend (who's somewhat apolitical) said "wait, if masks don't do anything how come children's breathing is supposedly restricted by wearing it? It can't really be both ways can it?" and he's like "well, I gotta go, breakfast is on the stove..." *click*
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Forum MVP
Aug 17, 2004
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Somerville, MA

Kind of a weird paper (weakly) correlating Trump support with the covid death rate (as well as other variables).
I mean, correlation is not causation, but...

23 states have a covid per capital rate higher than the national average rate. 21 of them voted for Trump.

If you dig further, states and counties that voted for Trump also have a lower vaccine adoption rate than states and counties that voted for Biden. Republicans are quite a bit more likely to be vaccine-hesitant or outright opposed to vaccination than Democrats or independent voters.

So, like, correlation doesn't imply causation... but there's a whole lot of clear potential causal links in play here. And, I mean, I don't want to be flippant, exactly, but if Trump is planning on running in 2024, considering how narrow his path to victory already is, he can't keep killing off his supporters like this without starting to hurt his electoral chances, even if the survivors blame Biden and not Trump.


Dec 7, 2005
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St. Johnsbury, VT USA
Not to turn this into the Trump thread 2.0, but...

Causation is a pretty elusive thing, but it's a logically deduced thing. Science denial certainly doesn't cause covid. The SARS-CoV-2 virus causes covid. But, now that there is a highly effective vaccine and still no effective treatment for covid, anti-vax attitude has a strong potential to cause covid hospitalization. Also, disbelief in the fact that the SARS-CoV-2 virus causes covid might cause riskier behaviours, such as going maskless, meeting in large groups, etc., which, on average, will cause more prevalence of covid infection than responsible behaviours like wearing a mask at the grocery store, staying home, etc.

I think it's pretty safe to make the conclusion that science denial has a causative effect on severe covid, at this point in time.

Another science denial topic is climate change denial, which should be easily linked to Trump support. Another sort of underlying reason for science denialism is religious fundamentalism, which is also generally linked to Trump support. Not all Trump supporters are science deniers, by any means, but, it's pretty safe to make the conclusion that science denial is one of many causative effects on Trump support.

If two things are linked to one of the same root causes, it should be no surprise that there is correlation, but having one of the same root causes does not guarantee correlation, especially if other root causes are widely evident. So, I suppose the question that remains, then, is what the other root causes are for 1. severe covid, and 2. Trump support. Other than science denial, I don't really see anything that sticks out as intuitively obvious, but it seems to be part of what the paper was digging around looking for.