
Dec 27, 2011
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Sovetsky Soyuze
So, maybe it will sound retarded, but i just download some guy's converted Periphery's Axe patches for POD HD and it sounds pretty nice, but fizzy and i kinda had a feeling that there's too much gain in these patches. I was trying to decrease gain, but it starts to sound all muddy and, honestly, like shit. So, i would appreciate any suggestions on why it's sounds like that

I use my Ibanez RG2228 directly in Guitar-In in my POD HD Pro with stock active pups, maybe thats why patches sound so fizzy?

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May 30, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
So, maybe it will sound retarded, but i just download some guy's converted Periphery's Axe patches for POD HD and it sounds pretty nice, but fizzy and i kinda had a feeling that there's too much gain in these patches. I was trying to decrease gain, but it starts to sound all muddy and, honestly, like shit. So, i would appreciate any suggestions on why it's sounds like that

I use my Ibanez RG2228 directly in Guitar-In in my POD HD Pro with stock active pups, maybe thats why patches sound so fizzy?

It's the amount of compression that makes it sound like that. It makes it seem like there's more gain. Try it in a mix first, and if you stil don't like it, the. Turn the level and threshold down on the compressor. I had tried that patch before and that's what I found.


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
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Knoxville, TN
Ok im really trying to get the hang of the parametric eq. I know to turn up q and gain all the way and scan through the freq and ive heard terms such as boxey (dont know what that means though) and whistling and listen for spots that are fizzier than others but i just dont hear it. I just hear constant fizz. Im determined to figure this thing out. I just need help with what exactly im listening for when cutting out the fizz or locating it. Thanks a lot.


May 30, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Ok im really trying to get the hang of the parametric eq. I know to turn up q and gain all the way and scan through the freq and ive heard terms such as boxey (dont know what that means though) and whistling and listen for spots that are fizzier than others but i just dont hear it. I just hear constant fizz. Im determined to figure this thing out. I just need help with what exactly im listening for when cutting out the fizz or locating it. Thanks a lot.

I'm pretty sure that the parametric eq only goes up to 4000hz which is below the fizz range. Check out meambobbo's guide. It converts % to hz as well as has a description of what each frequency sounds like.

Also, I wouldn't turn the gain down to 0 to find the problem area. Try it at 35%. Sweeping a huge cut like that will make it sound weird no matter what.


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Mar 13, 2007
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La Serena , Chile
MrYakob , i dont have the pod in front of me at the moment to download the patch but it goes like this.
noise gate , screamer ( default settings) amp 1 - Uber with the uber cab and default mic. Settings on the amp all preety much at noon , even the gain, bass at 25.
amp 2 - fireball or uber with the xxl cab and 409 mic. same amp settings.

cab parameters : low cut at 90hz.
I like to play with the resonance knob , it really brings some midrange to the tone with out the need to put an eq .
Not so much post eq , but i do use a lot of tape saturators on the guitars , they get a lot more warmer and less podish sounding .


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
If the problem is fizz, sometimes you can find a sore spot or two in the 3-4 kHZ range. it's really prominent on some amp/cab/mic combinations vs others. but there's a big difference between a fizzy spot and a plain fizzy tone. The Mid-Focus is great to trim some of the fizzy high end at above 5 kHZ. But other than that, you've got to dial it in before then. If you have noisy pickups or otherwise getting too much noise in the tone, no amount of EQ'ing is going to restore high fidelity to the sound.

IdentityDevice, it'd help if you told us some more of what gear you're using (guitar/pickups/pedals/running direct?/amp/cab) and what tones you're shooting for and maybe what some of your patches look like right now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
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Bobbo, I have spent some time manually tweaking your patches due to the broken USB port. Those patches take some time to tweak because of so many parametres.
I tweaked it in front of my PC downstairs, then came upstairs to my ''studio''. Before I plugged everything (I got so much gear that I do not use my bed anymore, it is covered by stuff just like the table), I thought that it will not have enough ''presence'' to cut through. I plugged it in, turned all the levels up, but kept the Master knob at zero. I like doing it because you then chug with right hand and slowly turn it up with your right hand. Then you start liking the tone, because your brain thinks that the louder, the better. I turned it all the way up and was blown by how that tone is good. I tweaked those Meshuggah and Periphery tone, was not amazed by Periphery and the Meshuggah one with higher master volume, but was pretty amazed by that more midsy tone. It was just where i like the gain and eq shape.
I use past tense, because tomorrow it might sound like shit. Hope it won't.

To all of you guys, read that Bobbo's guide. If you do not like reading, download his tones to have a starting point. I did not know exactly how to use his methods, but this gave me a perfect starting point.

The dual method cab is the way to go.

I hope that in the future, the Line 6 company will work together with Bobbo, especially with his wish list, which is very clever and reasonable.

Has anyone of you translated the Q-Filter knobs? Is it just like cocked wah? The BP means band-pass?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
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Knoxville, TN
Bobbo... thanks a ton for the reply. I really like the smoothness of the treadplate and the clarity of the SLO. I guess initially when i first tried the treadplate i really liked it but by the time i got rid of all the noise low and high, the tone seems to be dead or muffled. Ive been reading your guide which is awesome by the way, and trying to apply it but i guess leaving in some noise is crucial to part of that real amp sound. I always use the low end cut to about around 150 or so, and usually boost the res level a tad. I tried the q flter instead of the screamer and liked it but i just feel like they take away from that real amp feel. Im developing my ear still though so. I usually go for the treadplate or xxl cab off axis and i guess im looking for an all around tone. I play some tight heavy riffs but also looking for something thats good for clarity in full chords which i do a lot of. I really could use new pickups. I only have stock pickups in most of my guitars. I have 12 guitars and only my ibanez 7621 has a blaze custom lol. Im sure thats part of the problem. But money ya know! The other guitars i use are ltd and ibanez 6's and an agile 8. I hope that is enough info lol. Im going into laptop usb. Thanks again man. You really should work with line 6 haha


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
was not amazed by Periphery and the Meshuggah one with higher master volume

I have new ones to release very soon. They nail those tones. Give me a week or so. I almost have all the patches leveled.

Has anyone of you translated the Q-Filter knobs? Is it just like cocked wah? The BP means band-pass?

Not yet. Too much stuff on my plate. Anyone with a DAW could do this though. Just enable monitoring, load up Voxengo Span, put some white noise on repeat on your iPhone/iPod and plug that into the Pod's aux input, and manually sweep the frequency knob on the Pod as you watch Span on your DAW.

Not quite - because you can control the Q and mix, you can make like a cocked wah or a wide boost. Also, you have mix so you can make it subtle or strong, blending it against the dry tone. And the Gain control allows you to kind of compress the targeted frequencies, which can make them stand out against the dry mix, especially during mutes and when backing off the guitar volume knob.

Yes, the Q Filter can be LP, BP, or HP - low-pass, band-pass, or high-pass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
IdentityDevice, I'm sure the stock pickups are part of the problem, but probably not a significant problem, unless these are bargain basement guitars, which it doesn't sound like they are. A big part of the problem is the Pod's cab/mic simulations. The amp simulations are actually pretty darn good. If you are going direct to a computer, maybe try some IR's out instead. LePou's LeCab is free. Reaper is cheap (free trial too). And there are lots of free IR packs out there. MFKitten has made some. Search this site - there are many threads about great IR packs.

To my ear, almost all of the mic offerings on the Pod sound a bit washed out in the highs other than the 57 on axis. However, this choice gives you too much high end and not enough oomph. You can tame the high end with a Mid-Focus EQ, but you can't really dial in the missing frequencies. So I use "dual cabs", which I cover in the guide. You get a franken-cab - the best frequencies of X mixed with the best frequencies from Y. This is DSP intensive and precludes being able to use dual amps, so it's not a winner for everyone. But I have found my niche and am sticking to it. My favorite combination is Treadplate 4x12 + 57 on axis in channel A and Uber 4x12 + 121 Ribbon in Channel B. You can use roughly the same EQ settings for the amp in both channels. Just don't use any effects in the Channels - only before/after the path split - they will likely add latency to the tone and push the channels out of phase for some frequencies, which sounds off-putting.

With dual cabs, I am not doing any kind of fizzy spot EQ tweaking. Besides trimming high/low end with the Mid Focus, I'll use 1-2 Parametrics to simply EQ the tone in ways the amp EQ's won't let me. For instance, I may need a wide presence or warmth boost, or to cut some of the boomy upper bass area. Back when I used single cab/mic's and cut fizzy spots, I was never satisfied with the tone, although it definitely improved it. And when I cut fizzy/noisy spots, I never completely dialed them out - that makes the tone sound too "small". I just dialed them back so that they didn't stand out and immediately catch your attention. Yeah, they still sound like noise, but at least now it's not dominating your tone.

As far as the Screamer, yes, it definitely will alter the feel of the amps. If you want something more subtle, don't use a Screamer - use EQ or Q Filter or both. As for the Q Filter, it can have a very extreme effect on the sound if you dial it in that way. But with Mix at 0%, it's doing absolutely nothing. I would try using it as LP or BP, setting Q to 0%, Gain 0-20%, and Mix 5-20%. Frequency will depend on the amp model and tone you're going for, but I'm usually between 45 and 60%. Just start at 50%.

What I'll often do if I want a subtle boost is use the Q Filter to slightly boost the mids to get that brighter, more harmonic distortion. But that's not enough to tighten the amp up from a low-end/muddyness perspective. So I use a Mid-Focus EQ to trim some bass. I'll use something like LP freq 100%, Q 55% and HP freq 15%, Q 40%, Gain 0%. Anything over 55% Q is actually boosting the cutoff frequency.

You can also throw a Tube Comp before the amp model and reduce amp Drive to get more note clarity without losing that chunkyness and resposiveness.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Akron, OH
Also for the sake of driving myself crazy I've been trying to dial in something similar to Nolly's tone in this clip:


I've had absolutely 0 success in doing so. If anyone has anything close let me know. I know it's an Axe-Fx + Dæmoness, but you guys get the idea of the overall tone.



Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
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Knoxville, TN
Thanks for the guidance bobbo. You should get paid for this stuff as im sure its somewhat of a full time job for you giving advice and all lol. But seriously thanks a lot. Ill try out your wisdom!


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
Oh feel free to pay me! My site has a donation button. But my main motivation has always been to help others (and as a corollary get to listen to awesome clips).


May 30, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
Oh feel free to pay me! My site has a donation button. But my main motivation has always been to help others (and as a corollary get to listen to awesome clips).

You may get your wish lol I've decided to start doing YouTube videos instead of only posting on soundcloud :shred:

As far as paying you though, I have a baby on the way and the need to build another guitar, so it probably won't happen lol

However, I may be willing to share a couple cat's from my cat farm. I have the entire big box set. Pm me if your interested :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2012
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You may get your wish lol I've decided to start doing YouTube videos instead of only posting on soundcloud :shred:

As far as paying you though, I have a baby on the way and the need to build another guitar, so it probably won't happen lol

However, I may be willing to share a couple ir's from my redwirez pack. I have the entire big box set. Pm me if your interested :)

Good idea, youtube is more popular platform, you can put links on souncloud, including raw guitar and DI to download.
Is sharing that legal?
I got the same situation with extra money.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
congrats on the spawn. i'm trying to do everything in my power to make sure mine is right-handed so I don't have to end up buying him new axes.

i don't think you can legally "share" copyrighted IRs. But of course you were joking! April Fools!!! HAHAH :p :-/

don't tell me you started ANOTHER axe past the V! Are you STILL married? lolz


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
wowzers. a veritable army of the next wave of metalheads. things gonna be weird when our kids tell us our music was boring and lame.