NBA Thread

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Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
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United Kingdom
Your best player is a rapist. End of discussion.

First of all, I think you crossed the line here.

Secondly, I am not here to discuss, defend or deny whatever happened in CO back in the summer of 2003, but if that girl is a real victim of such a serious crime, would she have just take the money and walk away? Do you know people who have gone through such ordeal in real life? I do, so I know something is not quite right about whatever that girl claimed. Good day.

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Turd Ferguson
Jul 29, 2007
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S. Florida
There are plenty of women that get raped and have to deal with it for the rest of their lives and never get anything. Why shouldn't she have taken the money? Shit OJ got away with murder. You think she was gonna win in court vs. Kobe's high powered lawyers? She did the smart thing. She took a ton of money and let it go. Instead of keep fighting and Kobe getting off and her not getting shit.


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
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United Kingdom
There are plenty of women that get raped and have to deal with it for the rest of their lives and never get anything. Why shouldn't she have taken the money? Shit OJ got away with murder. You think she was gonna win in court vs. Kobe's high powered lawyers? She did the smart thing. She took a ton of money and let it go. Instead of keep fighting and Kobe getting off and her not getting shit.

If you must put it THAT way, I see your points and don't necessarily disagree with you. Then again, for a while I thought we were talking about basketball, and how (or how immature and terribly) LBJ handled his departure from Cleveland on live national tv. So in a way I think bringing rape into this discussion is not quite appropriate, if not uncalled for, that's all.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2006
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They did it on their teams that were built around them with a good supporting cast.

The Cavaliers didn't do anything to help James, to build a team around him - this year there was a lot of GREAT free agents, did the cheap owner of the Cavaliers do something ? No. He wanted to have LeBron and thought he'll do all the work like he did from the beginning he joined the team...

Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett - same situation - great players in their old teams - leaders, but they got their Championship in Boston with Paul Pierce.

I have never been more disapointed in an NBA player. Lebron has the tools to do it himself and live up high with the all time greats. Instead he sold out to go after a manufactured championship.

No one has the tools to do it by himself... Michael, Kobe - everyone had great players around them, LeBron has none.

I'll be honest, I never liked LeBron that much, but after the decision, and after what the owner of the Cavaliers said about Lebron - I have much more respect for James, and I'm happy he'll play with great players - he deserves to play in a Good team, or deserves to have a good team built around him. no team around him.. Welcome Miami !


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I'll be honest, I never liked LeBron that much, but after the decision, and after what the owner of the Cavaliers said about Lebron - I have much more respect for James, and I'm happy he'll play with great players - he deserves to play in a Good team, or deserves to have a good team built around him. no team around him.. Welcome Miami !

I am the other way around, man. I used to respect LeBron as a player, but the way he handled this whole "the decision" thingy just turned me way off. Regardless of what Dan Gilbert said in his open letter, I still think LeBron could have and should have handled it differently with some class. Sure, players come and go and they sign with whomever offer the most etc, and I have zero problem with that, yet you've never seen someone to go on live national tv to dump this former team the way LBJ did. That's just mean and cruel, man. :noplease:


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2006
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yet you've never seen someone to go on live national tv to dump this former team the way LBJ did. That's just mean and cruel, man. :noplease:

True, maybe not the best way.. but I think we see what team he was on - and that they could deserve it - LeBron could have experienced it earlier, and with a clearer point of view than other people - I see the Cavs starting from the owner and ending with the fans that burned his jerseys - they're fake "friends/family" if you're on the top they'll love you, and only want to take from you, never give anything back ... and after you stand up to them they'll talk shit about you, and talk how much do you owe them. Lebron doesn't owe them Shit !


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
^ You know it's funny that I don't remember Jordan, Bird, Kobe or Magic giving up and running to another team when they weren't winning championships... just saying...


Team Ibanez
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Arlington, TX
:lol: This is why being a Lakers fan, you don't deserve to have an opinion here. Whether you want to admit it or not, Kobe was a large determining factor in the dismissal of Shaquille O'Neal, because LA wasn't big enough for both egos, apparently. Secondly, did you just forget his trade demands in 2007? He held the Lakers hostage for awhile, and then later that year, the Grizzlies gift-wrapped Pau Gasol for them. I'm positive that if the rest of the league knew the price for obtaining a perennial all star big man was Kwame Brown, they would have jumped all over it. That has got to be the biggest heist in the history of the NBA. I also hardly think that Lebron making the best decision for his chance to win a championship is "giving up". Also, Magic won a championship his first year in the NBA on Kareem's team, so don't give me that business. Larry Bird played with three hall of famers for most of his career, and Jordan had Scottie. For the last seven years, Lebron has singlehandedly made that team relevant, being an MVP candidate each and every season, leading a team of scrubs who, own their own merit, are only capable of about 30 wins (at best), so comparing him to these legends and saying he's no longer in the discussion for greatest of all time is flat out retarded. Chew on this, James won 61 games last season with Mo Williams and Sideshow Bob as his running mates. Imagine what he's going to do now with two other top ten NBA players, who clearly have wanted to play together for awhile. Did you see the damage they unleashed in the Olympics?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Halifax NS
wow its funny how many bitter cleveland fans are bashing Lebron for making a smart decision. Think about the past 3-4 years in cleveland, who have they brought in to help him?? an old shaq way out of his prime?? Lebron was carrying the team by himself for years, and they wernt trying to improve it by getting him good teammates. The best player they got him was Moon, and even then hes young and raw.

I mean, im a huge Raptors fan, but I dont hate Bosh for making this decision.. even though it puts our franchise back like 3-5 years.. But he did what was best for him to win a championship. The Raptors are similar to the Cavs, they brought in some shit players in the past few years like Turkelu, Marion, O'neal.. and traded away their good young players like Jamario Moon... So clearly Bosh realized that if he wants to win a championship, he wont do it in Toronto with the way they are going. He made a personal decision for himself and everyone in Canada who is a Raptors fan should thank him for the years he made us relevant and be happy to see one of our players potentially win a championship next year, instead of having a Vince Carter type dick who is hated around the league for being an arrogant asshole and bashing the city on his way out. Fuck Carter.

Lebron fits more in the Bosh category, he has never said anything bad about Cleveland, he just said he had to do this for himself.. Cleveland fans think hes the best thing since slice bread for 7 years, then now you are saying he is not worth your money, and "quit" on you in the championship games??? wtf? I think Lebron said it best at his press conference after replying to the Dan Gilbert letter.. "After that letter, I know I made the right decision to leave Cleveland".. That speaks volumes for the integrity of LBJ and the immaturity of the Cavs management.


Team Ibanez
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Arlington, TX
I'll take this bit of nonsense piece by piece.

Lebron has taken himself out of the conversation for greatest of all time. You're still safe MJ, haha. The great ones did it as THE MAN, they didn't do it by teaming up with other superstars. Magic, Michael and Larry never joined the same team to win an NBA title. They did it on their teams that were built around them with a good supporting cast.

I fail to see how putting himself in the best possible position to win a championship, while taking less money to do it, takes him out of the conversation. Like I told the other dude, Magic was drafted to an NBA championship team, that also happened to be Kareem's team. Also, good supporting cast? Calling the supporting casts on those teams good is a tremendous slight. Magic's Laker teams featured three hall of famers, other than himself. One of them is also the NBA's all time leading scorer. Larry Bird played with four hall of famers, which doesn't include a great player in Danny Ainge. Had the Cavs been able to pair Lebron with another hall of fame caliber player (Not Shaq on his last legs, people), things could have been different. I'll tell you this, I know he did what he could to bring Bosh to Cleveland, but it didn't happen.

Lebron- Miami is Wade's team. It is Wade's city. As of right now- you are his number 2. All you've done is throw in the towel and quit. I have lost every bit of respect for you. And yes, even as a bulls fan I had respect for your "talents".

Whether it has been Wade's team or not is irrelevant. What you have is three players who have put personal accolades and fiscal goals aside to compete for the ultimate glory. Most players never get there, so I fail to see how you can fault them for making this decision. Lebron could've handled it differently, sure, but the bottom line is he's putting the name on the front of the jersey way ahead of the one on the back.

As for the heat- I am not sure why everyone just crowns them champs. They have 7 guys under contract, 3 of which are rookies taken in the second round. They have no reserves or depth as of yet. Not to mention chemistry will be huge. What if they don't mesh?

Ok, if three all star players in the twilight of their careers can join the Celtics and win a Championship, what makes you think that three of the top ten players in the NBA in the prime of their career on the same roster won't, at the very least, be considered the favorite in the East? I'm not writing them in the Finals just yet, but you'd be crazy to think they don't have that potential. Supposedly, they've inked Mike Miller to a contract, which will significantly improve that depth you speak of, and there are reports Pat Riley is talking to Derrick Fisher. Plus, I'm sure with that roster, they can convince several veterans to take the league minimum and provide an impact on their quest for titles. If you watched a minute of the Beijing Olympics, then I don't even need to answer that last question.

teams like the magic, celtic, lakers, maybe even my new look bulls who are 12 deep with good chemistry could take them out.

The Magic? Absolutely not. That team relies on three point shooting waaay too much, and Dwight Howard still hasn't developed an offensive game.

Celtics? eh, maybe. Who knows if KG or Ray Allen will hold up in their brittle state? Who knows when Kendrick Perkins will be back? The one thing they do possess is exceptional team defense, but I'm not sure how you can consistently defend three incredible scorers, especially when Lebron and Wade attack the basket better than anybody in the league.

Lakers? They stand the best chance. Kobe and Artest play very good defense, and Gasol might be able to impede Bosh a little bit. I think he's way too soft to shut him down, but his size will at least be a deterrent.

Bulls? 12 deep? Really? I'm pretty sure nobody in the NBA is the least bit worried about Acie Law, James Johnson, Taj Gibson or Jannero Pargo. To be brutally honest, I think if Lebron and Bosh would have gone to the Bulls, that roster would be better than the current Heat roster by a slim margin.

I think this is your top 4 in the east next year.

1. Heat
2. Bulls
3. Magic
4. Celtics

I have never been more disapointed in an NBA player. Lebron has the tools to do it himself and live up high with the all time greats. Instead he sold out to go after a manufactured championship.

I think I've voiced my opinion, but I can't say enough that he made the best decision to put himself in the best position to win a title. You can be butthurt about it if you want, but calling it a manufactured championship is ridiculous. This isn't the Yankees were talking about here. :lol:

I'll say this as well. The real loser in all this? The New York Knicks. How do you explain to fans that you've essentially wasted two years, charging them full price for tickets, selling them on getting Lebron in 2010, and coming back with Amar'e Stoudemire. I think that's hilarious.


Team Ibanez
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Arlington, TX
wow its funny how many bitter cleveland fans are bashing Lebron for making a smart decision. Think about the past 3-4 years in cleveland, who have they brought in to help him?? an old shaq way out of his prime?? Lebron was carrying the team by himself for years, and they wernt trying to improve it by getting him good teammates. The best player they got him was Moon, and even then hes young and raw.

I mean, im a huge Raptors fan, but I dont hate Bosh for making this decision.. even though it puts our franchise back like 3-5 years.. But he did what was best for him to win a championship. The Raptors are similar to the Cavs, they brought in some shit players in the past few years like Turkelu, Marion, O'neal.. and traded away their good young players like Jamario Moon... So clearly Bosh realized that if he wants to win a championship, he wont do it in Toronto with the way they are going. He made a personal decision for himself and everyone in Canada who is a Raptors fan should thank him for the years he made us relevant and be happy to see one of our players potentially win a championship next year, instead of having a Vince Carter type dick who is hated around the league for being an arrogant asshole and bashing the city on his way out. Fuck Carter.

Lebron fits more in the Bosh category, he has never said anything bad about Cleveland, he just said he had to do this for himself.. Cleveland fans think hes the best thing since slice bread for 7 years, then now you are saying he is not worth your money, and "quit" on you in the championship games??? wtf? I think Lebron said it best at his press conference after replying to the Dan Gilbert letter.. "After that letter, I know I made the right decision to leave Cleveland".. That speaks volumes for the integrity of LBJ and the immaturity of the Cavs management.

QFT :yesway:


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ You know it's funny that I don't remember Jordan, Bird, Kobe or Magic giving up and running to another team when they weren't winning championships... just saying...

Of course, Michael joined the Bulls in '84, and won his championship in '91, and he played with players like Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, Ron Harper, Steve Kerr, Toni Kukoc to name a few.... top of the game at that time.

I really like the Lakers, I personally think that Kobe is #1 in the game these days, still he had support from his team, the Lakers had built a graet team around him - LeBron did not.

I hope to see a Lakers - Heat final next year. That would be even more awesome than Lakers-Celtics.


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
:lol: This is why being a Lakers fan, you don't deserve to have an opinion here. Whether you want to admit it or not, Kobe was a large determining factor in the dismissal of Shaquille O'Neal, because LA wasn't big enough for both egos, apparently. Secondly, did you just forget his trade demands in 2007? He held the Lakers hostage for awhile, and then later that year, the Grizzlies gift-wrapped Pau Gasol for them. I'm positive that if the rest of the league knew the price for obtaining a perennial all star big man was Kwame Brown, they would have jumped all over it. That has got to be the biggest heist in the history of the NBA.

People have been hating Kobe for his ego since his inception into the league. And that's been like 14 years and 5 titles. Yet this argument fails, since Kobe is STILL a Laker.

I also hardly think that Lebron making the best decision for his chance to win a championship is "giving up". Also, Magic won a championship his first year in the NBA on Kareem's team, so don't give me that business. Larry Bird played with three hall of famers for most of his career, and Jordan had Scottie. For the last seven years, Lebron has singlehandedly made that team relevant, being an MVP candidate each and every season, leading a team of scrubs who, own their own merit, are only capable of about 30 wins (at best), so comparing him to these legends and saying he's no longer in the discussion for greatest of all time is flat out retarded.

I suggest you learn to read. What I really said was those great ones who won championships don't easily switch teams. That's all.

Chew on this, James won 61 games last season with Mo Williams and Sideshow Bob as his running mates. Imagine what he's going to do now with two other top ten NBA players, who clearly have wanted to play together for awhile.

You are right, LeBron by himself won 61 games last season and 66 the season before. This Heat team has better win 72 plus games with all 3 of them, or it would be a failure per the way you put it. :spock:

Did you see the damage they unleashed in the Olympics?

The 2008 Olympics? Especially the gold medal game against Spain? Yeah, of course, I remember that everyone was staring at each other not sure what to do; until Kobe pretty much said screw this and took over. :lol:

I fail to see how putting himself in the best possible position to win a championship, while taking less money to do it, takes him out of the conversation. Like I told the other dude, Magic was drafted to an NBA championship team, that also happened to be Kareem's team. Also, good supporting cast? Calling the supporting casts on those teams good is a tremendous slight. Magic's Laker teams featured three hall of famers, other than himself. One of them is also the NBA's all time leading scorer. Larry Bird played with four hall of famers, which doesn't include a great player in Danny Ainge. Had the Cavs been able to pair Lebron with another hall of fame caliber player (Not Shaq on his last legs, people), things could have been different. I'll tell you this, I know he did what he could to bring Bosh to Cleveland, but it didn't happen.

There, you really didn't know what I meant by Jordan, Bird, Kobe or Magic wouldn't give up and running to another team when they weren't winning championships... how sad... :spock: :noplease:

Besides, your argument fails again in my opinion. Those truly great ones want and personally take on challenges. So when your idol (it is safe to say you sir are a LeBron fan boy) said he doesn't have the pressure to score 30pts a night... geez, I knew this guy have one thing in common with Saturn. Both are big and full of gas, but at least the latter has rings... multiple rings! I don't recall Jordan, Bird, Magic or Kobe say I don't want to carry the scoring load, or to shoot less... :lol:


Team Ibanez
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Arlington, TX
No, I think you need to learn how to read. I'm going to say it really slowly to help you understand. There wasn't really a time in Bird or Magic's career where they weren't winning championships, you imbecile. Magic won his first in his first season, Bird in his second, so their situations are completely incomparable. Apparently you also fail to realize they all had multiple hall of fame running mates. I feel like I've said that a thousand times, yet it still doesn't seep through your thick fucking skull. Also, why the hell would Bird or Magic leave anyway, or Kobe for that matter? They play for storied franchises with seemingly infinite money. My argument doesn't fail because not one time, ever, in the history of basketball has one player won his team a championship. He put himself in the best possible position to do so.


Resident Gangsta
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Crystal Lake, IL
I'll take this bit of nonsense piece by piece.

I fail to see how putting himself in the best possible position to win a championship, while taking less money to do it, takes him out of the conversation. Like I told the other dude, Magic was drafted to an NBA championship team, that also happened to be Kareem's team. Also, good supporting cast? Calling the supporting casts on those teams good is a tremendous slight. Magic's Laker teams featured three hall of famers, other than himself. One of them is also the NBA's all time leading scorer. Larry Bird played with four hall of famers, which doesn't include a great player in Danny Ainge. Had the Cavs been able to pair Lebron with another hall of fame caliber player (Not Shaq on his last legs, people), things could have been different. I'll tell you this, I know he did what he could to bring Bosh to Cleveland, but it didn't happen.

I agree with you he tried to get bosh to Cleveland. When that didn't happen he jumped ship. The point is to do it with a great supporting cast with him being the man. I can't say he is the man in miami.

Whether it has been Wade's team or not is irrelevant. What you have is three players who have put personal accolades and fiscal goals aside to compete for the ultimate glory. Most players never get there, so I fail to see how you can fault them for making this decision. Lebron could've handled it differently, sure, but the bottom line is he's putting the name on the front of the jersey way ahead of the one on the back.

And kicking his legacy to the curb. Good for him.

Ok, if three all star players in the twilight of their careers can join the Celtics and win a Championship, what makes you think that three of the top ten players in the NBA in the prime of their career on the same roster won't, at the very least, be considered the favorite in the East? I'm not writing them in the Finals just yet, but you'd be crazy to think they don't have that potential. Supposedly, they've inked Mike Miller to a contract, which will significantly improve that depth you speak of, and there are reports Pat Riley is talking to Derrick Fisher. Plus, I'm sure with that roster, they can convince several veterans to take the league minimum and provide an impact on their quest for titles. If you watched a minute of the Beijing Olympics, then I don't even need to answer that last question.

3 players in the twighlight of their careers- that couldn't do it on their own. Wade has done it. Bosh will never be the center piece of a franchise no matter how much he thinks he should be. Lebron- Had he won a title in Cleveland I don't think I would care as much. But he proved- in his prime he couldn't do it. He didn't want to score 30 a game. He didn't want the burden of it all being on him. Michael did. Larry did. Magic did. Kobe did and still does.

The Magic? Absolutely not. That team relies on three point shooting waaay too much, and Dwight Howard still hasn't developed an offensive game.

Celtics? eh, maybe. Who knows if KG or Ray Allen will hold up in their brittle state? Who knows when Kendrick Perkins will be back? The one thing they do possess is exceptional team defense, but I'm not sure how you can consistently defend three incredible scorers, especially when Lebron and Wade attack the basket better than anybody in the league.

Lakers? They stand the best chance. Kobe and Artest play very good defense, and Gasol might be able to impede Bosh a little bit. I think he's way too soft to shut him down, but his size will at least be a deterrent.

Bulls? 12 deep? Really? I'm pretty sure nobody in the NBA is the least bit worried about Acie Law, James Johnson, Taj Gibson or Jannero Pargo. To be brutally honest, I think if Lebron and Bosh would have gone to the Bulls, that roster would be better than the current Heat roster by a slim margin.

I think this is your top 4 in the east next year.

1. Heat
2. Bulls
3. Magic
4. Celtics

The magic very easily could exploit this teams weakness and beat them. Please see the 2009 eastern conference finals.

celtics- again- depth. They proved that by beating teams that were way better then they were this season and came just 5 points shy of beating a much better laker club.

Bulls- pargo and law are no longer on our roster. But Rose, Noah, Deng, Gibson, Boozer, Korver, possible JJ redick, the 14 million or so we still have to add players as well as some decent picks that have been playing overseas. Yeah there will be depth in Chicago.

I think I've voiced my opinion, but I can't say enough that he made the best decision to put himself in the best position to win a title. You can be butthurt about it if you want, but calling it a manufactured championship is ridiculous. This isn't the Yankees were talking about here. :lol:

I'll say this as well. The real loser in all this? The New York Knicks. How do you explain to fans that you've essentially wasted two years, charging them full price for tickets, selling them on getting Lebron in 2010, and coming back with Amar'e Stoudemire. I think that's hilarious.

It is a manufactured title as far as the NBA is concerned. You can get away with a hell of a lot more in baseball with the lack of a true salary cap. Again- it's not about him putting himself in the best position to win. I agree with you. He did what he perceived to be the best spot. Although, I argue the bulls are the best spot hands down. The point is he couldn't do it as the center piece. The heart of the team. He is doing it elsewhere. Bottomline- that's fine. Just don't expect to hear his name in the discussion of greatest of all time.


Resident Gangsta
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Crystal Lake, IL
The Cavaliers didn't do anything to help James, to build a team around him - this year there was a lot of GREAT free agents, did the cheap owner of the Cavaliers do something ? No. He wanted to have LeBron and thought he'll do all the work like he did from the beginning he joined the team...

Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett - same situation - great players in their old teams - leaders, but they got their Championship in Boston with Paul Pierce.

Cheap- this isn't baseball. The nba has a salary cap. If a team goes over they have to pay a dollar for dollar fine. It's Cleveland, Not New York. Any why would you go out and trade for players or sign players without knowing if Lebron was coming back? Not to mention the roster as is was built around him and had a good shot to win.

The big 3 in Boston is not the same at all. These are players towards the end of their careers that joined up, not 3 of the nba's best in their prime.

No one has the tools to do it by himself... Michael, Kobe - everyone had great players around them, LeBron has none.

I'll be honest, I never liked LeBron that much, but after the decision, and after what the owner of the Cavaliers said about Lebron - I have much more respect for James, and I'm happy he'll play with great players - he deserves to play in a Good team, or deserves to have a good team built around him. no team around him.. Welcome Miami !

Michael and Kobe have and had a good supporting cast. Yeah. But they did it as the cornerstone of the franchise.


Resident Gangsta
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Crystal Lake, IL
People have been hating Kobe for his ego since his inception into the league. And that's been like 14 years and 5 titles. Yet this argument fails, since Kobe is STILL a Laker.

I suggest you learn to read. What I really said was those great ones who won championships don't easily switch teams. That's all.

You are right, LeBron by himself won 61 games last season and 66 the season before. This Heat team has better win 72 plus games with all 3 of them, or it would be a failure per the way you put it. :spock:

The 2008 Olympics? Especially the gold medal game against Spain? Yeah, of course, I remember that everyone was staring at each other not sure what to do; until Kobe pretty much said screw this and took over. :lol:

There, you really didn't know what I meant by Jordan, Bird, Kobe or Magic wouldn't give up and running to another team when they weren't winning championships... how sad... :spock: :noplease:

Besides, your argument fails again in my opinion. Those truly great ones want and personally take on challenges. So when your idol (it is safe to say you sir are a LeBron fan boy) said he doesn't have the pressure to score 30pts a night... geez, I knew this guy have one thing in common with Saturn. Both are big and full of gas, but at least the latter has rings... multiple rings! I don't recall Jordan, Bird, Magic or Kobe say I don't want to carry the scoring load, or to shoot less... :lol:

Agreed on all points.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Halifax NS
The thing is, the bulls are running on "potential".. Sure, we all think Rose and etc will be good in a few years, going to multiple playoffs.. but we thought the same about the Hornets afew years ago with their young team, and even the Hawks looked great in the regular season with such young potential only to fall apart like the bulls in the playoffs.

LBJ is going with a PROVEN winning franchise, you seem to forget the Heat won it all afew years ago, they are used to the situation, so bring in a Bosh and LBJ and that just makes them that much closer. Bosh is better than Shaq was at his time in Miami, and LBJ even though he wont be "the guy", he is the ultimate teammate, most likely going to play an almost Steve Nash role (altho obv not as a PG) where he will make everyone on the team around him 10 times better, which is the only reason Cleveland even sniffed the NFC championship series.

Face it. The Bulls havent done much lately, they BARELY squeaked into the playoffs this year, I believe it was 1 game over the Raptors with them having injured players for half the year (Wasnt Bosh out like 15+ games this year? or was it last).. If the Raptors won 1 more game, the Bulls wouldnt of made the playoffs. They will be decent in the future, maybe, but who knows for sure, LBJ cant bank on uncertainties. For all we know, the bulls may pull off a trade for one of their young core guys like Rose even, to pick up a draft pick and a vet player.. Hell, it sure felt that way when the Raptors traded Jamario Moon.. who had so much potential and was flashing greatness only to be traded away for peanuts =/


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Northern Maine
1.How can Lebron be the Cornerstone? when he was the only Stone in with the pebbles in Cleveland?
2.Lebron did destroy his legacy, He's adding new chapters.
3.How do you know it's Wade's team? when he said wouldn't be there if the other2 had went to the Bulls?
4.Kobe and Michael-forgetting the common denominator,huh? Phil Jackson as a head coach.
5.What about owners who actually care about their teams and not using them as a tax right off? Do the Cavs actually have one of these? Dan Gilbert's letter was written after he found out that they'd loose 100 mil in sales.
6.About sed letter, pure comedy about the Letter that Dan Gilbert wrote he played everyone, The Cavs got 5 draft picks and 14.7 mil for Lebron because he did a sign and trade.
7.Clevelanders should be used to this (no offense) and really was it a surprise?
8.Most Important. Get over it whats done is done.

Honerable mention. They could have played for league minimum, it was suggested on the last page in an issue of SI about 4-6 months ago Titled "An open letter to Lebron."