NBA Thread

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Dec 25, 2005
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sanford , me
i agree that kobe is #1 and i'm a celtics fan...i think he's better than lebron for a lot of reasons and paul pierce has never faked or embelished an injury in his career:rolleyes:. i almost puked when i saw the box score for game one...the celtics need to seriously get gasol and bryant in line b4 it's too l8. i haven't seen footage but i can imagine the defense had to have been lazy at best and sluggish at the offensive end. the celtics are at their best when they are unselfish and patient at the offensive end and brutally agressive on the defensive end. 1-0 lakers i still think the celtics will pull it out...if not they are coming into some rebuilding so who knows when we'll see them again.


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
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United Kingdom
Did you see the post-game interview with Fisher? He was about to break down in tears... Touching.

I did, and yeah, he was pretty choked up after the game...

Having said that, again we sucked in the 4th in game 4, much like we did in game 2... :noway: :noplease: We just stopped hustling, period! Game 5 is going to be a HUGE game with or without Bynum. Kobe and Pau must really step up and dominate!


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
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United Kingdom
Kobe's gotta have a Jordanesque night! If someone can pull it, it's him. :agreed:

IMO, it is not so much about how much he scores, rather he can be an effective scorer. The C's are routinely throwing up to 3 guys at him, and he still tries to fight his way to the hoop or force tough jumpers ain't the way.

Plus, our bench MUST step up and play some hard nose D for a change! Oh, and if they can manage not to turn the ball over as much would help too. :noplease:


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
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United Kingdom
Last night's game was disappointing... it felt like aside from Kobe, no one else did anything productive at all! But you are right, the next two are in LA and that beats playing @ Boston. Still, even if we should lose the series, I'd rather we give them hell before we let them win... geez... our bench sucks! :wallbash:


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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As a Celtic fan, I've never held Kobe Bryant in higher esteem than I do right now. What an assassin. What a killer. Such heart and drive. Too bad the rest of the team save for 1-2 guys are a bunch of soft, flopping, no-defense, brick laying chumps. Lamar Odom and Ron Artest are a joke. If I was a Lakers fan I'd want them to retire in disgrace. Gasol has played well most of this series but has really faded the last few games.

I feel like the Lakers beating up on soft West teams who don't play defense really did not prepare them well for this series at all. In my eyes LA is only played well in one game in this entire series. They're fortunate to be still alive in the series IMO.

The Celtics on the other hand are freakin' warriors. Smart, clutch, unselfish, lots of character (even if some are unlikable dudes) and are simply "winners". The intangibles guys like Rondo and Pierce bring to the game are off the charts.

All that said, I'm not convinced the series is over. Even though Boston has been a better road team tham home all year long, you still have to expect the Lakers to show some pride and at least win game 6. I'm sure the refs will help them out too, David Stern surely wants a game 7. Too much money to be made.

And to those ragging on Paul Pierce, he may embellish from time to time but he's a beast. That guy is a winner, a complete player. He defends, he rebounds, he scores from the inside, deadly midrange jumper, deadly 3 point shooter, he takes charges, he gets his teamates involved, hes clutch, he draws fouls, and hes got heart. The dude has hardly missed a game in his entire career save for 2006, and even after he was nearly stabbed to death he came back and played 82 games. I think hes one of the most underrated stars of all time. The anti-Vince Carter, anti-Allen Iverson, anti-Tracy McGrady, anti-LeBron (yes I went there, that dude gave up on his team). Pierce is a no flash, all substance player.

Sure is he a bit cocky and arrogant sometimes on the court? Yes. So isn't Kobe. Thinking you can't lose and that you're the best is part of being great. Jordan was the same way. Paul knows he isn't as talented as Kobe, but to be great you have to convince yourself you're the best.

Anyways, this has been a good series. I respect both teams, but I just think in the end the Celtics proved that they're the best TEAM. They've proved all playoff long that having the best individual talent doesnt mean jack. They stomped D-Wade, LeBron, Howard, and now Kobe is likely to be the next guy who couldnt overcome a complete team in the C's.

If the Lakers lose this series, at least you guys can sleep at night knowing you won last year while KG was out of the playoffs. Because if he was healthy, it's reasonable to assume we'd probably be looking at a three-peat right now ;)


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
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United Kingdom
@ zimbloth

what a fair and unbias piece on the Celtics you've got up there... to sum it all up, I can say this: I HATE THEM CELTICS! :fawk: