"Not Worth its own thread" Thread

  • Thread starter CanserDYI
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Jacksonville, FL
87F out
holiday weekend √
lemonade made - √
strawberries made (slice 'em up, coat them with sugar and stir 'em up. let sit for an hour (stir occasionally) - √

'tis a good day today.

I went to this place called the olive oil store years ago. They were serving pound cake with a blood orange olive oil and a strawberry balsamic vinegar. We were going to be making homemade strawberry shortcake that night. I bought the oil and vinegar and we knocked that shit completely out of the park. Homemade whip too I believe.

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resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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87f is almost 20 degrees hotter than anything that resembles a temperature preference to me. My wife likes the heat and I know loads of other people who do but it's just not my bag.

Hoodie weather or gtfo

Or like 311 said "Jackolantern's Weather"

That being said, fuck yeah lemonade.


SS.org Regular
Dec 14, 2019
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Peach Land, USA
87f is almost 20 degrees hotter than anything that resembles a temperature preference to me. My wife likes the heat and I know loads of other people who do but it's just not my bag.

Hoodie weather or gtfo

Or like 311 said "Jackolantern's Weather"

That being said, fuck yeah lemonade.
haha I lived in the frozen tundra of Montreal for 5 years. 87F is amazing after experiencing those -20 to -40 winters. I need it tropical for a while!


Ur Mom Is Too Much Gain
Sep 11, 2011
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Roseville, CA
Ok I have figured out the difference. The stuff that I wasn't into was heavily grass-fed and the stuff I'm used to is grain-fed (and maybe grass finished). Seems like it makes a big difference in flavor.
7 year carcass butcher here.

Grass finishing after grain isn’t really a thing. I’m sure there are people who try it but it is by no means a standard practice.

Grass fed and finished beef can produce much more similar flavors to grain finished beef, but the rancher in question has to be extremely diligent with what grows in their pasture, often times needing to rotate pastures and intentionally plant good feed grass. Most ranchers don’t go through this effort and expense.

FWIW I much prefer grain finished beef on average.


Super Moderator
Apr 23, 2006
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The Electric City, NY
87f is almost 20 degrees hotter than anything that resembles a temperature preference to me. My wife likes the heat and I know loads of other people who do but it's just not my bag.

Hoodie weather or gtfo
My bar is "being able to do things out in the world without being absolutely miserable". I don't really care which direction the seasons are moving really.

I don't think temp bothers me as much as persistent fuckin' rain, or wind or the friggin wildfire smoke like last year.


Heaven's Football Bat
Sep 1, 2012
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San Diego
In the darkest of times, when PCE has fallen

HE has returned to resurrect the rage of SSO

May God help us all


SS.org Regular
May 29, 2019
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I don't think temp bothers me as much as persistent fuckin' rain, or wind or the friggin wildfire smoke like last year.
I don't mind windy conditions though it's never extremely windy where I'm at. Fuck the wildfires and that smoke, that does unfortunately sweep through my area. 👎


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
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Summer supremacy over here. Winter can suck my dick. Fall can suck my dick. I like long days, hot weather, and thunderstorms. Whether people want to admit it or not their moods go to shit in the wintertime and all that cozy time crap goes out the window very quickly. I don't want to sit inside and watch movies or do crafts and shit, that's an endeavor befitting any season and one should not be so gladly forced to concede himself to it just because of the weather. It's like you people need to become whole through strictly enforced reduction or something, I do not comprehend it.

Winter lovers, tell me which season you can reliably go outside in your house clothes for ten minutes and not die of exposure? Why do we not worry as much about the homeless during the summer?

Which season looks the best? Fall, when everything is dying? All those reds and yellows are the result of dead chlorophyll and organisms entering dormancy. Are you pleased by death and retardation (literal, calm down) as simply as that, you are prepared to gladly accept its limitations through ignorance and primitive impulse regardless?

Summer haters, which season grows the food you eat, which one is devoid of snowstorms which lead to multiple injuries and deaths every single year? Just admit that the calorically superior seasons are, in fact, superior for life on this planet- or admit you are a demon who is running from hell like a scorned lover.


Nov 26, 2008
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Boston, MA
Winter lovers, tell me which season you can reliably go outside in your house clothes for ten minutes and not die of exposure? Why do we not worry as much about the homeless during the summer?

Summer haters, which season grows the food you eat, which one is devoid of snowstorms which lead to multiple injuries and deaths every single year? Just admit that the calorically superior seasons are, in fact, superior for life on this planet- or admit you are a demon who is running from hell like a scorned lover.

Uh, I can go outside in the majority on winter nowadays and not die of exposure, I'd more question where are you thinking the majority of people ARE living in area where they go outside for 10 mins and die of exposure. If anything, that's more realistic to happen in the summer now with temps constantly on the rise, forcing consumers to keep their cooling running putting more stress on the unit (and their owner's wallet) and requiring more maintenance which means someone needs to fix it in that same aforementioned heat; and it won't be their only call of the day, so they'll probably be close to heat stroke by the end of the day if not careful.

Also, yes, Fall DOES look best according to every dipshit that travels to New England to see the leaves change, they don't give a shit whether or not it's because of dead chlorophyll.

We grow crops and livestock year round, which are the foods I love to eat most, at no point in the winter do I see a lack of foods to eat because nature is running it's course - we solved that problem decades ago? These are shit strawmen you're pulling at, with the only valid in my opinion being people's circadian clocks/general moods being worse in the winter due to lack of vitamin D, but if we just stopped with outdated ideas like DST, that's half the battle.
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resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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Summer supremacy over here. Winter can suck my dick. Fall can suck my dick. I like long days, hot weather, and thunderstorms. Whether people want to admit it or not their moods go to shit in the wintertime and all that cozy time crap goes out the window very quickly. I don't want to sit inside and watch movies or do crafts and shit, that's an endeavor befitting any season and one should not be so gladly forced to concede himself to it just because of the weather. It's like you people need to become whole through strictly enforced reduction or something, I do not comprehend it.

Winter lovers, tell me which season you can reliably go outside in your house clothes for ten minutes and not die of exposure? Why do we not worry as much about the homeless during the summer?

Which season looks the best? Fall, when everything is dying? All those reds and yellows are the result of dead chlorophyll and organisms entering dormancy. Are you pleased by death and retardation (literal, calm down) as simply as that, you are prepared to gladly accept its limitations through ignorance and primitive impulse regardless?

Summer haters, which season grows the food you eat, which one is devoid of snowstorms which lead to multiple injuries and deaths every single year? Just admit that the calorically superior seasons are, in fact, superior for life on this planet- or admit you are a demon who is running from hell like a scorned lover.

As impassioned as that was, I'm still a Spring guy. 90% of the stuff in my perennial garden bloom and look great for several weeks.


Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Sioux Falls, SD
I too prefer summer, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is I can go out on the highways on my bicycle and not assume I'm going to die from some dipshit that can't handle a minor sprinkling of snow or a patch of ice. That said, I'm feeling chatty and argumentative, so let's go.
Summer supremacy over here. Winter can suck my dick. Fall can suck my dick. I like long days, hot weather, and thunderstorms. Whether people want to admit it or not their moods go to shit in the wintertime and all that cozy time crap goes out the window very quickly. I don't want to sit inside and watch movies or do crafts and shit, that's an endeavor befitting any season and one should not be so gladly forced to concede himself to it just because of the weather. It's like you people need to become whole through strictly enforced reduction or something, I do not comprehend it.
Bow to your technogods, bitches. The TV is the window to the world. Not windows. Certainly not stepping out a door.
Winter lovers, tell me which season you can reliably go outside in your house clothes for ten minutes and not die of exposure? Why do we not worry as much about the homeless during the summer?
I go out and shovel my sidewalks in my house shorts and T-shirts all the damned time.
Which season looks the best? Fall, when everything is dying? All those reds and yellows are the result of dead chlorophyll and organisms entering dormancy. Are you pleased by death and retardation (literal, calm down) as simply as that, you are prepared to gladly accept its limitations through ignorance and primitive impulse regardless?
This is why I enjoy sitting down by the Smithfield (ex Morrel) slaughterhouses during hot summer afternoons. Not only is the air filled with the dying squeals of pigs and cattle walking their way to death, but you also get that lovely bloody metallic tinge in the air that can't be replicated in most modernized cities. And the smell can't be beat. Like, literally. If I could I would beat it with a baseball bat. And you can tell by it's absolute disgustingness that it would enjoy the beating, rather than flee from it.
Summer haters, which season grows the food you eat, which one is devoid of snowstorms which lead to multiple injuries and deaths every single year? Just admit that the calorically superior seasons are, in fact, superior for life on this planet- or admit you are a demon who is running from hell like a scorned lover.
I'm going to save this paragraph for my wife this evening. She loves winter and hate summer. I'll report back if I'm able.


SS.org Regular
May 29, 2019
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As impassioned as that was, I'm still a Spring guy. 90% of the stuff in my perennial garden bloom and look great for several weeks.
I used to love spring until bought my house. The soil is clay, so once things thaw out I have 3 acres of soup, sometimes well into April. And the areas where we slack on picking up dog shit? It's poop soup.


\m/ (゚Д゚) \m/
Sep 26, 2010
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Windsor, ON
Winter lovers, tell me which season you can reliably go outside in your house clothes for ten minutes and not die of exposure? Why do we not worry as much about the homeless during the summer?
10 minutes outside won't kill you unless it's like -30 °C or below, and no one talks about the homeless in the summer but I'm sure there are also deaths there. There are certainly old folks dropping dead in the summer when it's 45°C or more.
Which season looks the best? Fall, when everything is dying?
Are you pleased by death and retardation (literal, calm down) as simply as that, you are prepared to gladly accept its limitations through ignorance and primitive impulse regardless?
Yeah, it's metal as fuck and the spooky season.
Summer haters, which season grows the food you eat, which one is devoid of snowstorms which lead to multiple injuries and deaths every single year? Just admit that the calorically superior seasons are, in fact, superior for life on this planet- or admit you are a demon who is running from hell like a scorned lover.
Humidity can eat shit. I hate stepping outside and feel like I'm swimming in bath water before I even start sweating. Summer is fine, otherwise.