"Not Worth its own thread" Thread

  • Thread starter CanserDYI
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Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
Grain fed in most cases means corn fed. Cows don't take to corn too well, especially when there are cow parts in it too. The latter doesn't happen often...anymore.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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Sioux Falls, SD
Meat content below so there's the warning for those who don't partake:

I've butchered primal cuts and smoked them, made thousands of burgers, blah blah blah

Here's the thing: buying supermarket ground beef for so long has ruined my palate. I don't usually buy local farm-raised slaughtered and processed ground beef because it's too expensive. Recently on two occasions I've gone for the farm-raised local stuff and each time I've really disliked the flavor. It has a certain... thing going on that reminds me of wild game dinners at the masonic lodge. Some type of gamey deal. I'm gonna stick with the cheaper stuff... the local supermarket grinds it fresh daily and they must not get it from local places that do the specialty diets for the cows or whatever, as it has a far more neutral "generic beef" thing going on and I think that's what I've been conditioned to like. I think in general when it comes to burgers I prefer the flavor come from all the items of choice which dress it up. Just thought it was weird how the local natural stuff that probably tastes how beef should taste just doesn't really do it for me.

Something something Ted talk
Most of us grew up eating corn-fed or at least corn-finished. Free range/grass fed tends to have a hint more gamey flavor compared to the grocery store common stuff.
Ok I have figured out the difference. The stuff that I wasn't into was heavily grass-fed and the stuff I'm used to is grain-fed (and maybe grass finished). Seems like it makes a big difference in flavor.
We in America have been conditioned to love corn fed everything. You should probably pour some straight up HFCS on it when cooking just for good measure. Maybe eat it on a corn tortilla, with corn topping.


resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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Most of us grew up eating corn-fed or at least corn-finished. Free range/grass fed tends to have a hint more gamey flavor compared to the grocery store common stuff.

We in America have been conditioned to love corn fed everything. You should probably pour some straight up HFCS on it when cooking just for good measure. Maybe eat it on a corn tortilla, with corn topping.

Too true


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
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Honestly I don't eat any of those industrially farmed animals. Zero fucks are given about the animals and practically zero are given about regulations. Paying 50% more for something actually worth eating just makes it easier. I tried some chicken nuggets for the first time in years. It was basically fried meat jello, I don't know how people eat that crap.

Corn fed deer are better, I'll give ya that without losing any ground.


resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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Why do instrument companies/retailers not put THIS SIDE UP with arrows all over their boxes? I'm seriously sick of this shit. Half the guitars I receive have traveled upside-down with all the weight transference on their headstocks.

Just got in a pointy headstock guitar I'll do a NGD/QC breakdown on tomorrow and it was shipped upside down in a second box with no padding or bubble wrap. The usual modus operandi.

By some miracle, there is no denting, stress fractures, chips, or structural issues that I can see upon my initial ocular patdown. I hope it stays that way when I do a deep dive tomorrow.

When I ship anything with strings, every side of the box has up arrows and the front and back face say FRAGILE- THIS SIDE UP :)

Are permanent markers and/or bulk stickers really that big a hit to overhead? We're already getting pecked to death on price increases, so I'd like to give a big fuck you to every cog in the machine involved in logistics.


resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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My old beater daily driver passed its yearly inspection today.. I'm in total shock. Thought it was gonna fail for numerous things because the front end doesn't feel that great in certain situations. But alas. God I love a good shitty car. 2012 Ford Escape 5spd manual. I've had 2 first gen and 2 second gen escapes, they're almost as impossible to kill as a Tacoma.

Also, I did a ngd post today but have three more to do. I'm lagging behind.


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
I completely agree with him about the sig model (false) saturation.

As far as bass I also agree with him, but don't think it's a problem. I don't prefer a bassist who is just background or atmosphere, but the stuff I write switches from ignorantly heavy to pretty progressive and there's a lot of opportunity for the bassist to do their own thing. Having a four piece, doing music of that sort, and one of the members is just root riding doesn't really help anything. Been through a majority of the bassists out there and it seems like a lot of them just want the path of least resistance to being in a band, which is pretty sad. Of course there are folks who are beastly at bass and they're in extremely high demand for this reason.


SS.org Regular
Dec 14, 2019
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Peach Land, USA
When I first started seriously thinking about writing music, my initial thought was to have the bass be the main driver and guitar just be more textural stuff over the top. But then when I'd sit down to actually write, I fell into the opposite hole where the guitar is the main driver and the bass just sits underneath. ...'cause it was easier.



resident pat metheny fanatic
Jun 18, 2023
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Ha, that reminds me. I had a couple friends who have a 2 piece band just drums and bass and he has like the largest pedal board I've ever seen.

My wife and I are headbanging extras in this video lol

Been YEARS and I forgot all about them so thanks for the reminder


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
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Pacific NW
You've heard of the T1000, but have you heard of the TU1000?

View attachment 144052
I unironically kind of want one of these lol
My first exposure to memes and internet culture was the harmony central fx forum, and this thing got meme'd to death. Here's an old tgp thread with some of the edits, a bit dated, but still makes me laugh: https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/boss-tu-1000-revival-thread.1606810/

I kind of want to own one, too, for internet nostalgia's sake haha.


Scares the 'choes.
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
That R. Kelly shirt reminds me of the time I basically got kicked out of a job interview. I didn't need the job and had gotten hired somewhere else the day before the interview, but I still showed up since nobody answered the phone and thus I technically couldn't cancel. It was a leather jacket store, and my father collected leather jackets his whole life and passed down quite a bit of otherwise entirely useless information about them to me. Thought it might be a good fit, but alas found a better job. I walked in and went to the clerk to explain myself politely and hopefully save them some waiting around for a guy who was never going to show up. I got as far as telling her my name before she jumped down my throat for dressing unprofessionally, and then continued to interrupt me upon all attempts I made to finish my sentence. She concluded that I was also late (I was half an hour early, store was a tomb), but despite all this would be willing to get the interview started. Myself being the inescapable smartass that I am, in turn politely accepted.

After dressing me down again for my attire (white tee and black slacks) not being fit for an existence in the back while stocking inventory at their fine establishment, she asked me why I wanted to work there. I told her, "I was making and selling athletic wear for dogs, but things haven't been going my way. I figured selling clothes made out of animals would translate pretty easily." She became visibly annoyed then gladly proceeded to tell me I won't be selling anything, should not interact with the customers at all, and would just be dealing with inventory or little handyman things around the store. I replied, "That's probably better. I went all in on Michael Vick jerseys and in hindsight that may not have been the best decision." All at once a sort of horror came over her face as she realized I did not have an authentic reason to be there, she had absolutely no leverage over me, and I had simply indulged her for my own amusement. With that she was done with me, and formally but rudely ended the interview as I chuckled very obviously. As I was leaving, still laughing, I gave her a few rapid fire questions about leathersmithing- none of which she could answer, and then she told me not to come back as I was already out the door. I will never forget that day, though I did forget whatever her name was. I doubt she even told me.

I won't put out the many times I've had to flatter a boss so they would simply give me my fucking paycheck with any amount of punctuality, but in the interest of being fair and balanced admit that it has been a much more regular occurrence than styling on some cantankerous lady's face for jollies has been.