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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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I had an Art SLA2 and a Matrix GT1000FX, the Matrix blows the Art out of the water, if you can afford to upgrade, do it. I have not tried the Carvin but have heard nothing really negative about it.
I personally stick to tube power amps as I felt that even with the Matrix when playing lead there was some squishy, bouncy response missing. But if you're more a a rhythm player than a shred wanna be (like me :) ) you won't notice any difference and it will get the job done nicely.

Sometimes I will use my Triple Recto as a power amp, but usually use the ART. Being able to run in stereo (with 2 cabs) vs mono and one cab usually beats out the advantages of the tubes.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2013
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Austin, TX
Honestly, the Axe 2 is doing the modeling of both the preamp and the power amp and doing it accurately. So as for the power amp discussion, you only need a power amp that can operate linearly with a flat frequency response at the desired output power level for your application.

As such, there are a lot of products out there that can hit that requirement. Jay Mitchell did an analysis of the Matrix and found nothing special about it with regard to frequency response, etc, it was just a good, flat, SS amp.

So, IMHO, there is nothing special about the matrix amp and there is no need for a tube power amp unless you want to turn off the Af2s power amp modeling and use it as a traditional preamp.

Cliff, the AF2's developer, uses an old SS Carvin power amp (F1200) most of the time, BTW. If I have to buy a new power amp, the Carvin DCM1540L would be my first choice of consideration. :hbang:


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2012
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Carvin Amp arrived today! Im going home to pick it up this weekend and Im also picking up a mesa recto 4x12 if all goes well! :D


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2012
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Ok, so I got the carvin amp and got it all hooked up. Probably going to return it, the fans are rediculously loud, trips my powerbars way too easily and the unit itself has already started smoking up twice.

As much as I like my axe fx for home, it looks like I will be back to using a real amp for my band.


^Will Twerk 4 Gear^
Apr 3, 2011
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Claremore, OK
Ok, so I got the carvin amp and got it all hooked up. Probably going to return it, the fans are rediculously loud, trips my powerbars way too easily and the unit itself has already started smoking up twice.

As much as I like my axe fx for home, it looks like I will be back to using a real amp for my band.

Sounds like the carvin was a turd. Get a Mesa or a Fryette and solve all your problems!


ESP Cult Member
Aug 27, 2013
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Is $849 for an Axe FX Standard a good price?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
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Cape Town, South Africa
Hi guys, getting some hum/static sounding electrical noise through my headphones and my Mackie speaker.

Now before someone points me too google I have ready a ton of forums but haven't actually seen many resolutions to the issue that have helped me.

Okay so I have my axe fx connected to a lexicon alpha sound card with a 1/4" cable, which is connected to my laptop. My laptop is a few inches away from the axe and my monitor is sitting on top of it. My Mackie speaker is connected via XLR to balanced out 1 on the axe.

I'm getting sound out of it fine enough, sounds great... except for this constant hum... even when the axe fx is switched off. I also get noise after a palm muted chug that slowly dies as the gate kills it.

These are some observations I've made ( might not be useful at all..):

1. When recording, the gate pretty much kills any noise until I start playing. If I hold down my killswitch or roll off the volume or unplug my guitar there is dead silence.

2. When playing through my Mackie I also get a hum/ static /electric noise. HOWEVER when I shutdown my laptop it seems to get much better. Still a tiny hiss though. This leads me to believe there is interference from my laptop?

3. When I unplug the 1/4" jack from the back of my axe that connects to the lexicon, any hiss disappears. Could that mean my soundcard is being overloaded or something? Maybe its just a shitty interface?

4. I live in quite an old house with old wiring, so maybe a little noise is attributed to old crappy wiring?

Anyway I'm no expert on electronic noise etc. so any help would be appreciated. If anyone needs more info, please let me know. It's extremely difficult and annoying to try and record and just get hiss when I slightly graze the string...let alone play anything.

Much thanks


Dat Dood
Mar 10, 2010
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South Jersey
I used to have a similar problem, but I attributed it to living right next to several cell phone dealers or the wiring(as you did). It disappeared sometimes until I realized that I had the input level way too high.

I know that very reliable sources say to keep the input level high enough to where the light indicator barely reaches red occasionally, but I've found that backing it off more substantially reduced the problem. Now, I never encounter the problem.

Maybe try it out? Good luck, man. I know how annoying that shit is. If the problem persists, try copping one of those hum eliminators. That's what Fractal told me when I emailed customer service about the issue.


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2010
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Hell hot AZ
How long are usual waiting lists for out of stock axe fxs?

There's no normal case to compare to honestly. The owner did make a post last week that they underestimated the Xmas season demand and they wouldn't have new AF2 units until first week of Feb.


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2012
Reaction score
Cape Town, South Africa
I used to have a similar problem, but I attributed it to living right next to several cell phone dealers or the wiring(as you did). It disappeared sometimes until I realized that I had the input level way too high.

I know that very reliable sources say to keep the input level high enough to where the light indicator barely reaches red occasionally, but I've found that backing it off more substantially reduced the problem. Now, I never encounter the problem.

Maybe try it out? Good luck, man. I know how annoying that shit is. If the problem persists, try copping one of those hum eliminators. That's what Fractal told me when I emailed customer service about the issue.

Thanks man. Yeah I'll def try that out.

I have discovered now however, after moving it around, unplugging everything, switching rooms etc. That everything works 100% fine when I unplug my laptop.

If the laptop is unplugged and just on battery power, there is dead silence. So for now I'm attributing it to my laptop. Maybe it has sub par components that aren't handling the current well? Or maybe there is an issue with my laptops power and my cheap shitty audio interface. Either way if I record I guess I'll have to unplug my laptop for a while.

I'll be investing in a new audio interface anyway because I want the midi option for Axe Edit, so I'll see if that helps.

I'll update this thread when that happens in case that solves it.