PRS Private Stock, Yay or nay?

  • Thread starter eugeneelgr
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Jun 6, 2009
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Denver, CO
I can't think of a quicker way to destroy the value of a PRS than to have a private luthier do a body mod on it...

In theory, this is exactly why the PRS Tech Center exists. However I don't know if they'd be willing to do something like an SS refret.

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On vacation
May 24, 2010
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Wow, if that's really the price, that's great. I'd probably double check that price, but if they're serious, I'd jump on it. Prices are just going up with waiting times, so no guarantees it'll be that low next time you go back to get a quote.

Yea it would probably have been a bigger deal before the Holcomb signature and now Tremonti.

This. It was a much bigger deal prior to either of those models, but now that they have hardtails and scale lengths in their production process, it's helped out on the PS pricing for those options.

What the fuck kind of cars do you buy?

Not sure what you mean exactly by this comment, as I wasn't attacking anyone's socioeconomic position, but I mean, let's take a car like a Z06 or even a well appointed BMW M or Lexus or something like that. Dropping $25k for a down payment, if not more, is reasonable. That's all I was saying, so maybe I needed to clarify.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
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South Jersey
Not sure what you mean exactly by this comment, as I wasn't attacking anyone's socioeconomic position, but I mean, let's take a car like a Z06 or even a well appointed BMW M or Lexus or something like that. Dropping $25k for a down payment, if not more, is reasonable. That's all I was saying, so maybe I needed to clarify.

I didn't mean anything. I just thought it was funny that you defaulted to well over 10k being a down payment on a car when that was more than the down payment on my house haha.


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
In theory, this is exactly why the PRS Tech Center exists. However I don't know if they'd be willing to do something like an SS refret.

Unfortunately I can confirm, I recently had a refret done by PTC and they told me they wouldn't do stainless. Maybe they've changed their tune since then, but it would be news to me.


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
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9k is not bad. I was expecting 12.

25.5 is probably not that expensive of an option, the holcomb and a few others use it. You're basically just combining a bunch of their standard options into one guitar.

can their trem not be set up to float? or is the trem up route something different. It's been a long time since I've played a cu24.

Well, I think 9k doesn't consist of the other aesthetic appointments that PRS PS is famous for. I filled in just the main specs in my build sheet to my dealer.

The normal CU24's trem allows just a little bit of pull up when set up parallel to the body(bridge is raised a little above the body unlike a fender for example). With the trem up route, which I haven't personally seen in real life, its kinda like a guthrie or petrucci trem route where its a traditional style non locking trem with a cavity. The posts(or screws in PRS's case) are not mounted in the cavity though, so I suspect pullup is limited as well.

Sounds sweet. What sort of tone are you going for with this? I'm curious about why the rosewood neck. Is it just the visual appeal, as they do look sweet or are you looking for something tonally

My suhr has a mahogany neck and my strandberg has a rosewood neck, identical specs the rest of the way, and I feel my strandberg has a little bit more sizzle in the top end and tighter bass response. I realise I could mimic the tone of the suhr by turning the tone knob down on the 'berg as well, so it's win win for me. Could be due to different pickups or guitar design, but I much prefer the aesthetic of a rosewood neck as well.

Sounds like you probably shouldn't get one just yet then. Wait, save, order, enjoy.

I wish it was that simple mate :( Not a matter of having the money actually, more like whether I can justify 9-12k on a guitar.


Gearus Pimptasticus
Super Moderator
Apr 15, 2006
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Out there, somewhere
I wish it was that simple mate :( Not a matter of having the money actually, more like whether I can justify 9-12k on a guitar.

I see this and it always cracks me up. If you can afford it without financial hardship or neglecting anything else who do you need to justify it to? If you're married then yeah a $10k guitar purchase would need discussed if that amount is significant to you so I could see that, but otherwise who? The internet? :lol:

(and before people jump on me, yes $10k is a lot of money but I do have friends and acquaintances that wouldn't even need to think before spending that much so I don't make assumptions about other people's finances)


Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
If you know the specs you want are not offered and you can get what would make you happy through the PS, I think that's all the justification you need as long as covering the guitar doesn't cause undue financial hardship in the process. If you can afford it, I highly recommend it. :yesway:

My personalized PS build should be done in a couple months so I'm pretty stoked for that, but I haven't been disappointed by a PS yet and I've owned quite a few over the years. Their newer builds are even better than the older stuff, IMHO, so no better time to drop an order with them than now! :D


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
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South Jersey
I wish it was that simple mate :( Not a matter of having the money actually, more like whether I can justify 9-12k on a guitar.

Let me help here, since you obviously have the money for it. The guitar you buy will be around long after you're gone. It can be given to your kids if you have any, it can be passed down to their kids if they have any. What else are you going to buy with 12K that you can say that about? A Car? An awesome vacation? New countertops? A bathroom?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Haha you guys' would make terrible financial planners, but yea, I would probably go for it in the future. Just graduated and settling down in my career so I want to amass some wealth before I go ahead with it. Living expenses especially property is very expensive here so I'm deciding whether it's wise to blow that amount of cash.

Decided on the build specs, just haven't decided on colour.

I quite like this one.


A Dream Cartographer
Sep 22, 2012
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United States
Though I have 0 experience with PRS, I have gone through ESP for an Order Made/One-Off. I just wanted to make a general comment/give my opinion about buying custom guitars.
  1. If you have no other pressing responsibilities ***(i.e. family, significant outstanding debts, etc.)*** then, like others have said, you don't need to justify your purchase. It's your money, do what you want with it.
  2. If money is not an issue, that probably means you have a job. The money will come back. Unless you are trying to amass a fortune to start Outer Heaven or something like that. In that case, decide on your priorities.
  3. The only reasons to own a custom guitar are those you decide on (make up) yourself. With the exception of ESP(?), I believe most custom shops are just making you a production model with your preferences. Are your willing to pay $XXXXX for your preference?
  4. In the grand scheme of things, you won't ever sell your custom, it becomes priceless, and as such, as others have said, has heirloom status. So, ideally money should not be an issue when buying custom, because it should, ideally, become "The One" (priceless). The guitar you will never part with, and will last forever.
My final comment: You'll know when you want a custom because you won't have to ask people whether you should do it. You will just do it. You're not going to ask for other people's input, or care what they think (unless ***). When I was getting my ESP, I just submitted a request for quote, got the price, gave the down payment, and moved on. I feel many would do the same when/if the time is right. And I think you will know when the time is right!

*None of the above is meant to be condescending or disrespectful! So, please don't take it as such!*
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