Soulja Boy " F* the US troops.. "

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Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
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Sunrise, FL
Okay, I have to say this. How exactly are you fighting for our rights? There is no threat that those rights will be removed, so I don't know where you get that from. You may say terrorists but it really would be impossible for them to do that. They have no means in which to remove our governments legitimacy, and it's not like they could destroy it. Al Qaeda's tactics are a farce, "Let's kill soldiers and innocent people! That'll sure take down their government!" and half the time they're reducing their own numbers in the process, or killing people that aren't their enemies.

You're fighting for the United States in the loosest sense of the word. It's either giving assistance to another nations people in gaining independence or helping protect another countries government, or am I missing something?

Stop deluding yourself, nothing would change right now if the military wasn't doing anything, because their isn't any serious threat. There should be a military should the need for protection arise, but don't pretend to be doing something you're not, it makes you look like an asshole.

Sorry for going off topic, but it's things like that I have a problem with. Anyway, like I said before, he has the right to say it, and you can't deny him that right, no matter how much of a dumbass he is.

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Dec 19, 2007
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Oh lord...and goodbye thread..

Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
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Okay, I have to say this. How exactly are you fighting for our rights? There is no threat that those rights will be removed, so I don't know where you get that from. You may say terrorists but it really would be impossible for them to do that. They have no means in which to remove our governments legitimacy, and it's not like they could destroy it. Al Qaeda's tactics are a farce, "Let's kill soldiers and innocent people! That'll sure take down their government!" and half the time they're reducing their own numbers in the process, or killing people that aren't their enemies.

You're fighting for the United States in the loosest sense of the word. It's either giving assistance to another nations people in gaining independence or helping protect another countries government, or am I missing something?

Stop deluding yourself, nothing would change right now if the military wasn't doing anything, because their isn't any serious threat. There should be a military should the need for protection arise, but don't pretend to be doing something you're not, it makes you look like an asshole.

Sorry for going off topic, but it's things like that I have a problem with. Anyway, like I said before, he has the right to say it, and you can't deny him that right, no matter how much of a dumbass he is.

Aw hell. I thought you were cooler than that.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
There should be a military should the need for protection arise, but don't pretend to be doing something you're not, it makes you look like an asshole.

I was gonna neg you but figured it would be better to state my words to you publicly. I agree with nearly everything you said for the mostpart. But calling someone an asshole (I know you didn't directly call him that but it was definitely implied by your wording) is just plain stupid and not very well thought of a reply.

Again, I agree with most of what you are saying. But the other day I thought about what it would be like if the US didn't initiate this "war on terror". Our economy would surely be way stronger than it is now without all that spending, regimes such as Saddam's would still have control over their people - especially the bad one's etc. But, the US did take down a shit load of terrorist training camps, terror cells, etc. It took down the Taliban, though that's still proving hard keeping them down. All in all the US said we are NOT going to stand for this shit. Killing 5000 people is not a small joke done by a few punk criminals. We responded in a way I think for a while was good. I am not happy with the whole Iraq thing and there I think we made things worse in the long run.

Either way, I find it sad that you'd rip into the guy when he's the one following orders daily, not seeing his family from across the other side of the world, etc. Maybe he's frustrated at how his sacrifices are not appreciated. Either way I wouldn't blame him or call him names for the governments actions. Not cool.


Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
I really don't see how we are being defended. We have been defended, we probably will be defended in the future, but for now we aren't. If you have proof otherwise I'd love to see it.


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
I really don't see how we are being defended. We have been defended, we probably will be defended in the future, but for now we aren't. If you have proof otherwise I'd love to see it.

So you don't see destroying terrorist cells and training camps as preemptive defense?? It's preventing further loss of thousands of lives in terrorist attacks.

Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
I really don't see how we are being defended. We have been defended, we probably will be defended in the future, but for now we aren't. If you have proof otherwise I'd love to see it.

I'm sure he'd love to provide that proof..IN PRIVATE MESSAGES AND NOT IN THE THREAD...kay?:yesway:

Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
I was gonna neg you but figured it would be better to state my words to you publicly. I agree with nearly everything you said for the mostpart. But calling someone an asshole (I know you didn't directly call him that but it was definitely implied by your wording) is just plain stupid and not very well thought of a reply.

Again, I agree with most of what you are saying. But the other day I thought about what it would be like if the US didn't initiate this "war on terror". Our economy would surely be way stronger than it is now without all that spending, regimes such as Saddam's would still have control over their people - especially the bad one's etc. But, the US did take down a shit load of terrorist training camps, terror cells, etc. It took down the Taliban, though that's still proving hard keeping them down. All in all the US said we are NOT going to stand for this shit. Killing 5000 people is not a small joke done by a few punk criminals. We responded in a way I think for a while was good. I am not happy with the whole Iraq thing and there I think we made things worse in the long run.

Either way, I find it sad that you'd rip into the guy when he's the one following orders daily, not seeing his family from across the other side of the world, etc. Maybe he's frustrated at how his sacrifices are not appreciated. Either way I would blame him or call him names for the governments actions. Not cool.


I have no problem with him following orders, in fact I commend him for actually following orders. It's something I'd have trouble doing. When I said nothing would change, I was referring to the status of our government and our rights. I know it's pretty self centered in that I'm only referring to the US, but I was only speaking of how we aren't being protected.

He has every right to be frustrated, but I call him an asshole not because of what he is doing, but the fact that he or anyone else would blatantly lie when there is extremely loud proof that its false. That makes someone seem like an asshole to me.

So you don't see destroying terrorist cells and training camps as preemptive defense?? It's preventing further loss of thousands of lives in terrorist attacks.


Is there any proof that it's actually been worth it, considering how much military personnel and civilians have died to attain these goals?

Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Is there any proof that it's actually been worth it, considering how much military personnel and civilians have died to attain these goals?

How exactly would one go about proving that preemptive defense has worked?


Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
New York, NY
Statistical analysis could give them an approximation. They could at least tell us how many have actually been taken down, maybe even a body count/capture count.

Sorry, but no. There is not yet any accurate statistics for such a thing. For one, no statics could've foreseen the lives lost in the 9/11 attacks since the number of deaths from Islamic extremist attacks in the past never came close to such a casualty number.


Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Statistical analysis could give them an approximation. They could at least tell us how many have actually been taken down, maybe even a body count/capture count.

That seems like an odd way to measure the success of preemptive defense. Do you judge the effectiveness of bug spray based on how many bugs it killed, or how many bug bites you got?


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Holy crap, I can't believe someone just called a soldier an asshole for saying he's fighting for our right to live in this country freely. I voted in the last election and I'm damn sure if I didn't vote the outcome would not have changed. But I voted because I'm doing my part to make this a better country. Do you doubt that? Tonight I ate peas for dinner because I am trying to be healthier. Are you going to call me an asshole because I think my dinner is going to make me live longer? Look at the big picture man. And if that doesn't help, consider that the US military is not likely going to give you evidence of what they're working on. You pissed because you didn't get a phone call before Bin Laden was taken out? :lol:

Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
Holy crap, I can't believe someone just called a soldier an asshole for saying he's fighting for our right to live in this country freely.

So you're saying that you aren't an asshole if you lie? Yeah, I lie, but I also know I'm an asshole.

I voted in the last election and I'm damn sure if I didn't vote the outcome would not have changed. But I voted because I'm doing my part to make this a better country. Do you doubt that? Tonight I ate peas for dinner because I am trying to be healthier. Are you going to call me an asshole because I think my dinner is going to make me live longer? Look at the big picture man.

The thing about those situations is that they contribute. Voting contributes to the overall election's decision, eating healthy contributes to a longer life. Assisting the Libyan rebels to overthrow their dictator does not contribute to protecting our rights.

Again, am I missing something? I honestly would love to see how the US is actually being protected from being overthrown. The only protection I see, the preemptive defense stated earlier, is protecting more American citizens from being murdered. There haven't been any acts to overthrow the US government, really, since WWII. Since then the US has just been assistance or an aggressor.

And if that doesn't help, consider that the US military is not likely going to give you evidence of what they're working on. You pissed because you didn't get a phone call before Bin Laden was taken out? :lol:

I would like the military to give me as much information as they can without incriminating anyone. I understand, for example, the military not releasing who was part of the operation to kill Bin Laden. What I don't get, though, is why they can't give us simple, ambiguous statistics like how many terrorist camps they have taken down.

It's not like I'm saying the military has done nothing, I just want clarity.

Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
So you're saying that you aren't an asshole if you lie? Yeah, I lie, but I also know I'm an asshole.

If someone says he's defending our rights because that's what he thinks he's doing, whether he actually is or not, is he lying?

Hemi-Powered Drone

May 22, 2010
Reaction score
Sunrise, FL
If someone says he's defending our rights because that's what he thinks he's doing, whether he actually is or not, is he lying?

If there is proof against it that is easy to access, yes.

I'm going to stop posting in this thread, I don't want to get banned over something this stupid.

Grand Moff Tim

Some call me... Tim
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
If there is proof against it that is easy to access, yes.

I'm going to stop posting in this thread, I don't want to get banned over something this stupid.

That's absurd. Lying is being intentionally misleading. What you've been describing is being wrong, not lying.
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