Soulja Boy " F* the US troops.. "

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2008
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Nova Scotia, Canada
Okay, I have to say this. How exactly are you fighting for our rights? There is no threat that those rights will be removed, so I don't know where you get that from. You may say terrorists but it really would be impossible for them to do that. They have no means in which to remove our governments legitimacy, and it's not like they could destroy it. Al Qaeda's tactics are a farce, "Let's kill soldiers and innocent people! That'll sure take down their government!" and half the time they're reducing their own numbers in the process, or killing people that aren't their enemies.

Sorry for going off topic, but it's things like that I have a problem with. Anyway, like I said before, he has the right to say it, and you can't deny him that right, no matter how much of a dumbass he is.

As far as rights being removed, it's not the "terrorists," its your own government stepping up security and interfering more and more with your private business in the name of national security.

A terrorist organization like Al Qaeda doesn't need to dismantle Western governments, they need to create instability and fear, or terror. They also don't need to defeat the US Army in a final grand battle. They simply can't, so they'll fight an asymmetrical war and beat the US Army through attrition. The Soviets against the Afghani Mujahideen ended that way as far as I know. The Soviets pulled out because their casualties were just getting too high (they weren't that high, even) and you'd figure eventually America will withdraw once the body count gets high enough. Popular opinion seems to suggest there's a desire for that to happen, same deal with Vietnam. The US got their asses handed to them by a smaller, far less technologically advanced force. The VC knew the land and they mastered guerilla tactics. "Insurgents" and "terrorists" (I'm using quotations because I don't necessarily subscribe to the notion that everybody resisting US military occupation are what you hear they are, IE religious extremists who hate our very way of life and want to see a Muslim flag over the White House. Not trying to spare the feelings of such people either, I just go to a liberal arts university so I literally can't help it..) know the villages, language, the land, everything. They're resourceful and effective in the face of the technological monstrosity that is the US military and they've racked up quite a killcount while it SEEMS that we have no bleeding clue how much their numbers are dwindling. According to Wikileaks, 60-90% of Iraqi deaths are civilians (Wikipedia, not bothering with a scholarly research job here). Not trying to imply that the US Army are a bunch of genocidal murderers as so many love to say, but the situation regarding "who is dead and who isn't" is really cloudy.

Anyway, getting back on track, "terrorists" don't need to kill every last US soldier to win the war, they just need to wear them down so the US State decides the cost to benefit is no longer in their favor, that's how attrition works, at least. Things will start to look shady when the bodycount gets REALLY high and the US stays there regardless. And the terrorists won't strip our rights, our own governments will while the people sit on their asses bitching about how much of a blowhole Glenn Beck or Rush Limbaugh or Wolf Blitzer or whoever the fuck else are and not doing a goddamn thing to exercise something called "democracy" or real social resistance. Nobody cares enough to educate themselves and do something, and that could very well be the downfall of freedom.

As for me, I won't automatically support the mission just because it's our military and our military is awesome, but I am sympathetic to people who are having bullets whiz by their heads and are losing friends. This leaves room for the enemy, and I feel uncomfortable being sympathetic to somebody who would actually want to kill me, so I'm not, but I don't know who wants to kill me and I sure as fuck don't trust the mainstream news.

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the fuhrer

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2011
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Not Jesus land
I would have never known about this if it wasn't for this thread. Who cares what some retard thinks. I hear at least 27 idiot's point of view in my daily life. I don't need another.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2011
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So you don't see destroying terrorist cells and training camps as preemptive defense?? It's preventing further loss of thousands of lives in terrorist attacks.


No need to try to explain or even respond... This guys an idiot...


Mar 28, 2005
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New York, NY
No need to try to explain or even respond... This guys an idiot...

You saying *I'm* an idiot or someone else? If you're referring to me please say how I'm an idiot exactly, I haven't said anything outlandish. :scratch:

Dec 19, 2007
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:facepalm: How the FUCK did a misinformed thread about a rapper's vague sentence become a misinformed thread about what the military really does. Do you people see why threads get closed now? Did any of you stop and think "hey..this might derail it, I should take this to private messages"?


JJ Rodriguez

Aug 16, 2005
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I think anyone should have the right to say any god damn thing they want, but I also think if someone says something completely out of line, we should have the right to punch them square in the fucking dick.

Sure, you have the right to say anything, but everything has consequences.

that short guy

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2011
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Fairbanks, AK
If there is proof against it that is easy to access, yes.

I'm going to stop posting in this thread, I don't want to get banned over something this stupid.

I'm a soldier, just like the guy that started this thread, and i'm not gonna get in to this with anyone. but i will put this wanting proof thing to rest. Bottom line what we do isn't fun, easy or even something i'd want anyone else to have to do. but we live by a simple rule, If the general population knows what we've done-we failed.



He seldomly knows...
May 23, 2009
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Formerly from Cucaramacatacatirimilcote...
I've been thinking about the questions, "How do you prove what is prevented by having the military respond? How does it preserve anyone's rights?"

Second firstly: If you're dead, then your right to life without it being wrongfully taken has been violated. That's a cornerstone of US law.

Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda had been trying for years to destroy the World Trade Center. On one occasion, their plan succeeded. That means that all those other occasions where the plan was thwarted, those lives were saved.

Now extend that out, and disprove that those other terrorist cells were not going to kill just as many people. Let us know exactly how many incidents wouldn't have happened even if those groups hadn't been stopped.

Personally, I like the idea that one doesn't believe leaving one's front door open isn't an invitation to crime. "I don't believe security protects my right to life and property. Prove I'm wrong!" I'd rather see someone prove the opposite, and walk into those areas where people are known to be hostile without getting harmed.

Well, known to be hostile to everyone but the person who doesn't believe they are. What a great way to put their money where their mouth is, don't you think?

And that's what the US soldier does every day.

Which one do you think is more dishonest? The one putting themselves on the line, or the one posting from the safety of home... safety provided by the ones putting themselves on the line?


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2006
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Either way, I find it sad that you'd rip into the guy when he's the one following orders daily, not seeing his family from across the other side of the world, etc. Maybe he's frustrated at how his sacrifices are not appreciated. Either way I wouldn't blame him or call him names for the governments actions. Not cool. Rev.

Last time I checked, there isn't a draft. Those people Volunteer to serve.

Those guys sign up for lots of different reasons, some noble but misguided (brainwashed bastards), some economic (poor bastards), some rather repugnant (sick bastards). Just because he wears a uniform doesn't entitle him to my fawning praise and allegiance. It DOES entitle him to lots of other things like what's in the GI bill :hbang: It does entitle most of them to my sympathy because, no matter how misguided their choice, they get thoroughly fucked by our system before, during, and after their enlistments are up. :realmad::noplease:

Regardless of what soldiers THINK they're fighting for, they are fighting so some rich bastard can make a lot of money.
As for defending your rights and freedom: We haven't been in that type of war since 1945. During our lifetime, the ACLU (and, occasionally, the Supreme Court) have done more to defend our rights than soldiers.
As for fighting religious extremists: considering the Air Force's track record with Christo-Fascist Fundamentalists in its training academies, the US military should be concentrating a little more locally. The Religious Right (particulalry the Dominionists) is a greater threat to America than Al Queda.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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St Petersburg, FL
OMG someone said something that, taken out of context, sounds like something negative about army troops (not even necessarily the US Army)!


'marickuh, FUCK YEAH!


Mar 28, 2005
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New York, NY
@kgad0831- I'm not surprised how much negative rep you have LOL (and no I didn't neg you). So basically you are saying everyone in the military currently is misguided, poor, or stupid? Seems to me you're the misguided one.


Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
Butthurt all up in this thread. Can we all please calm down and seperate ourselves from our egos and approach the subject with diplomacy?

Pretty please?


Total Grind Hell
Jul 10, 2011
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Glasgow, UK
@kgad0831- I'm not surprised how much negative rep you have LOL (and no I didn't neg you). So basically you are saying everyone in the military currently is misguided, poor, or stupid? Seems to me you're the misguided one.


I think there are an awful lot of younger people who would fall into those categories, sadly, those who've signed up in the last couple decades. Most of the people I know who've signed up certainly did.

Daft wee guys convinced they were going off to save the world and defend their homes and found themselves sitting around all day in the desert for years on end waiting for their legs to get blown off for nothing. It's really very sad.


Mar 28, 2005
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New York, NY
I think there are an awful lot of younger people who would fall into those categories, sadly, those who've signed up in the last couple decades. Most of the people I know who've signed up certainly did.

Daft wee guys convinced they were going off to save the world and defend their homes and found themselves sitting around all day in the desert for years on end waiting for their legs to get blown off for nothing. It's really very sad.

Absolutely there are a ton of those guys in the military, "I'm gonna go kick some Arab ass" mentality. But that dude painted everyone in the military as being in for all the wrong reasons. Shit, why have a military then since there is no current Hitler or Japan type threat? As I said earlier, I agree with many that Iraq was a bad move and for all the wrong reasons. But Afghanistan was a breeding/training ground for terrorists - not just a threat to the USA but to innocent civilians the world over. Are we all to just turn a blind eye and do nothing?

Dec 19, 2007
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Absolutely there are a ton of those guys in the military, "I'm gonna go kick some Arab ass" mentality. But that dude painted everyone in the military as being in for all the wrong reasons. Shit, why have a military then since there is no current Hitler or Japan type threat? As I said earlier, I agree with many that Iraq was a bad move and for all the wrong reasons. But Afghanistan was a breeding/training ground for terrorists - not just a threat to the USA but to innocent civilians the world over. Are we all to just turn a blind eye and do nothing?


..What does this have to do with the original post? Not coming down on you specifically..just saying


Total Grind Hell
Jul 10, 2011
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Glasgow, UK
I was more getting at the number of people who're there because they're poor and the economy and job prospects led them to it or because they've been misled by recruiters telling them stories about the adventures they have and they great job they'd be doing.

I find this song pertinent.

Anyway, getting away from the topic. Soulja Boy's (who I've never heard of previously, is he even famous enough to warrant anyone giving a shit?) lyric taken at face value out of context seems silly. I've not near enough interest to investigate him further, but I've plenty stuff in my record collection that would be a million times more offensive to squaddies than that, if taken out of context, so I'd find it hard to castigate him for it. Especially if he means to target specific types of folks in the military, because in various cases I'd agree with him.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2008
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I can see where dragonblade is coming from, though it could have been worded better. However, that is a topic for a different thread. :lol:

I'm all for freedom of speech, however people influence other people and if they're saying hateful, ignorant shit then some people will agree and possibly back those ideals through action. Most evil acts that take place in this world start with one persons opinion. There is a line we are still struggling to define between what is exercising your freedom of speech, and being a negative influence in society. I personally think hate groups such as the EDL shouldn't be allowed to exist because they spread negative and destructive ideals through society. Whether or not Soulja Boy has the same influence I don't know, but I do think we need to stop taking bullshit from people. Freedom of speech shouldn't be freedom to be a dick.


I am Denko (´・ω・`)
Nov 28, 2009
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Lancaster, CA
I'm with Drakkar on this one. Um, why isn't this crap all being done via p.m.? This thread is about a half baked rapper spewing ignorant crap just piss people off. Obvious IRL troll is obvious. We all played right into the dumb bastard's hands even as we were aware that he was still IRL trolling... :noplease:

But by all means, I'll even make a US troops thread if you guys wanna really open up that can of worms. Just please don't get this thread locked. Please?
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