The Fishman Fluence Thread


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May 9, 2016
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Eastern Europe
Depends on how the goc are routed.
Quick google search tells me they won’t work. Goc uses angled base plates pickups.
I don't have it with me currently, but I did find this pic I took from way back, and it doesn't seem to be the case with mine - should this be ok?

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Mura Regular
Mar 23, 2021
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I don't have it with me currently, but I did find this pic I took from way back, and it doesn't seem to be the case with mine - should this be ok?

As far as I can see the image, it looks fine, but I can't say for sure.

There may also be a PU height issue.
I put the TA6 on the starling maj100, but at that time I had to dig down about 3mm of the PU mounting holes on the body.

It's best to check the size with your guitar vendor or the owner of the same guitar.

Mura Regular
Mar 23, 2021
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Does anyone use any fishman fluence with Treble Bleed attached?

I have a 0.001μf Treble Bleed on my passive PU guitar and I like how it feels when I turn down the volume on that guitar.
(Of course, full vol sound too.)
I want the same feeling with a guitar with fishman fluence.

Considering that the Tone capacitor resistance value attached to fishman fluence is 0.22 μf, I think that attaching a 0.01 μf capacitor to the Vol pot will give a similar feeling, but if anyone has already tried it, I would like to hear your impressions.

Mura Regular
Mar 23, 2021
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I have tried it, so I will report it.

I attached 0.01μf capacitor to vol pot on a guitar with fishman abasis.

It's very similar to a passive PU guitar with a 0.001μf capacitor as a tone bleed and a vol change.

This is a very satisfying result for me, but some people may find the sound of Vol5-7 to be too bright.

KyleDoesGuitar Regular
Apr 22, 2021
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Sorry if this has been answered already...
Can Fluence pups be wired in parallel?
Just got the new Keith Merrow mkiii Hybrid. I’m not crazy about the pups. They’re his new single voice ones. Super dark, like Les Paul on steroids dark... Maybe good for really bright amps or dirt pedals. Not articulate at any gain, at stock height. Had to lower both dramatically to get clarity, just w DI -nevermind when you start adding fx...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Not only that, you still have to figure out which wires go where if you have a very specific wiring setup. Fluence does not have lots of wiring diagrams and emailing them will not always help either

Mad Hatter would help with that, if they don’t already have the diagram on their site. I bought the EVO Terminator harness for my JEM because it was time to replace the 24-year old pots, had it installed in 15 minutes. Super helpful company, I thought I had an issue with the wire running to the output jack, they sent me a new one immediately, no questions asked. Then when I opened it up, I saw the wire came out of the connector.

I also tried an Obsidian pre-wired deal in my Strat, it took me 3.5 fucking hours to get the wires into the little connector and then when I got the guitar back together, the middle pot didn’t work at all and if I screwed the pickguard all the way down, it lost output entirely. There’s washers between the pots/pickguard to stop that, but it still happens. Totally fucking useless and a nightmare to install. Mad Hatter has their shit down tight and I’ll be putting their stuff in every guitar I own.

I’m not even terrible with soldering, I’ve made my own momentary switches, wired a ton of pickups, fixed shit around the house, do it at work all the time, etc, but the fact that I can do a pickup change in 5 minutes or less is too good to pass up, especially with me getting ready to do a pickup swap on almost all my guitars. I know I won’t find ones I love right away, so this will make it that much easier.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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St. Paul, MN
Sorry if this has been answered already...
Can Fluence pups be wired in parallel?
Just got the new Keith Merrow mkiii Hybrid. I’m not crazy about the pups. They’re his new single voice ones. Super dark, like Les Paul on steroids dark... Maybe good for really bright amps or dirt pedals. Not articulate at any gain, at stock height. Had to lower both dramatically to get clarity, just w DI -nevermind when you start adding fx...

If you mean inner and outer coil on a single pickup in parallel, there is not a series / parallel switching option on any of the models. Furthermore, series / parallel distinctions can get murky with active pickups where the outputs can get summed in a pre-amp. That said, if you want bright - try the classics. I have never had an issue with clarity on any of the Fishman sets, but if you like bright pickups (I tend to), these are good ones.

KyleDoesGuitar Regular
Apr 22, 2021
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If you mean inner and outer coil on a single pickup in parallel, there is not a series / parallel switching option on any of the models. Furthermore, series / parallel distinctions can get murky with active pickups where the outputs can get summed in a pre-amp. That said, if you want bright - try the classics. I have never had an issue with clarity on any of the Fishman sets, but if you like bright pickups (I tend to), these are good ones.
Thanks for the reply! -I’m looking to do neck pup in parallel on position 3 and singles from each in parallel on position 2 (Full/Series Bridge position 1)
It sounds like I’m pretty much stuck w what I’ve got. Will look into Abasi’s as they advertise single/split sounds, a bit pricey though. I’m used to Bill Lawrence L-500XLs. Nuno uses an X2N-7, since Bill never made a 7....


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Sorry if this has been answered already...
Can Fluence pups be wired in parallel?
Just got the new Keith Merrow mkiii Hybrid. I’m not crazy about the pups. They’re his new single voice ones. Super dark, like Les Paul on steroids dark... Maybe good for really bright amps or dirt pedals. Not articulate at any gain, at stock height. Had to lower both dramatically to get clarity, just w DI -nevermind when you start adding fx...

technically no since the outputs come from the preamp-out

now there is a way to wire them so that the pre-preamp signal of one coil goes into the signal in of the another pickup. but since the km7's have the same single coil voicing preamp in both pickup it won't make that much of a difference.

I would go over the wiring though. the km7s are a bit darker then the classic on the bridge. but these aren't dark pickups. they should be very very bright.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
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I don't have it with me currently, but I did find this pic I took from way back, and it doesn't seem to be the case with mine - should this be ok?

The uncovered Fluence pickups might fit in that guitar, but the covered ones IDK. the covers make them wider and usually don't fit in direct mounts like yours. but it's worth a try. Just to be clear i'm talking about the non- soap bar ones. The soap bar ones would definitely for sure not fit in there without some routing

Mura Regular
Mar 23, 2021
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Sorry if this has been answered already...
Can Fluence pups be wired in parallel?
Just got the new Keith Merrow mkiii Hybrid. I’m not crazy about the pups. They’re his new single voice ones. Super dark, like Les Paul on steroids dark... Maybe good for really bright amps or dirt pedals. Not articulate at any gain, at stock height. Had to lower both dramatically to get clarity, just w DI -nevermind when you start adding fx...

I found it very unusual for fishmans to sound dark.
Perhaps, isn't HFtilt always on for wiring?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
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Sorry if this has been answered already...
Can Fluence pups be wired in parallel?
Just got the new Keith Merrow mkiii Hybrid. I’m not crazy about the pups. They’re his new single voice ones. Super dark, like Les Paul on steroids dark... Maybe good for really bright amps or dirt pedals. Not articulate at any gain, at stock height. Had to lower both dramatically to get clarity, just w DI -nevermind when you start adding fx...

Weird that they sound dark in your guitar. Keith Merrow's set is based off the Classics and those are for certain very bright pickups. Could it be possible that it's your amp or possibly just the guitar..

KyleDoesGuitar Regular
Apr 22, 2021
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Weird that they sound dark in your guitar. Keith Merrow's set is based off the Classics and those are for certain very bright pickups. Could it be possible that it's your amp or possibly just the guitar..
I’ll be doing a review video -All will be made clear


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2011
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Is it just the bridge pickup thst sounds muddy? What about the neck pickup? If that's the case then either you got a bum pickup or the HF tilt on the bridge might have accidentally been replaced IF it has that.

Also FWIW I remember Ola doing a comparison between the KM3, stock Solar, and an EMG loaded Solar and the KM3 sounded really unclear and muddy compared to the Solars.


Kyle Jordan

Ace of Knaves
May 25, 2008
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Karakura Town
Question for you Fluencers (ha!):

I keep seeing demos of people that are using what they’re calling “Voice 2” on the single coil Voice 3. It does not seem to be the HF Tilt either.

So for any of you that have wired these up, the Open Core Classics to be specific; can you wire up the third voice to have some type of secondary option as well? Or are these people misstating what is going on and it’s another thing like using the other coil of the pickup and not the one dedicated for Voice 3?

The Monster With .

Death row, water buffalo
Oct 14, 2020
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Question for you Fluencers (ha!):

I keep seeing demos of people that are using what they’re calling “Voice 2” on the single coil Voice 3. It does not seem to be the HF Tilt either.

So for any of you that have wired these up, the Open Core Classics to be specific; can you wire up the third voice to have some type of secondary option as well? Or are these people misstating what is going on and it’s another thing like using the other coil of the pickup and not the one dedicated for Voice 3?

I have the 6 string open core classics and a far as I can tell the single coil "third voice" overrides the other voices, so when I pull up the push pull pot for voice three it goes to the single coil voice, regardless of whether the other push pull pot is on voice 1 or 2. So with the basic wiring from Fishmans with the Open Core Classics there is no secondary single coil voice.


Nov 1, 2020
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Fluence, including the carpenter and moderns, can do single coil tapping. it just doesn’t have the quick pin connect or pre amp voicing , like Tosin, but you can still do split coil if you solder

I’m really happy to learn that now because I have two 7 and 8 string equipped Stef Carpenter pickups and one thing I was disappointed that they put single coil for Tosins but not Stefs, especially considering his B8 config

so now I’ll have to solder but at least It’s possible


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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St. Paul, MN
I have the 6 string open core classics and a far as I can tell the single coil "third voice" overrides the other voices, so when I pull up the push pull pot for voice three it goes to the single coil voice, regardless of whether the other push pull pot is on voice 1 or 2. So with the basic wiring from Fishmans with the Open Core Classics there is no secondary single coil voice.

That is precisely how the Tosin set works. That said, they don't have a HF Tilt on the Tosin set (or if they do I don't have it wired).