The Laney Ironheart Owners Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2013
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My current setup:

Laney IRT60H - Koch Studio Load Box - Interface - Guitar Rig5 Cabinet sims.

Sounds awesome for dirt tones. I just wish the IRT60H could have more headroom in the clean channel. i notice it starts to break up fairly quickly. But I dont know, maybe its my pickups? Maybe a tube change will help.

Anyone used some E34Ls on the power section?


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
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My current setup:

Laney IRT60H - Koch Studio Load Box - Interface - Guitar Rig5 Cabinet sims.

Sounds awesome for dirt tones. I just wish the IRT60H could have more headroom in the clean channel. i notice it starts to break up fairly quickly. But I dont know, maybe its my pickups? Maybe a tube change will help.

Anyone used some E34Ls on the power section?

EL34's break up earlier than 6l6's so swapping the power tube type won't solve your early distortion problem. I've done a fair amount of tube swaps already in my 60H (doing another one later tonight) and I attribute the early breakup to the stock preamp tube selection. Edit: Forgot to mention, I did swap the power tubes, but for another set of 6l6's. Instead of the Ruby's, I put in a set of Tung-Sol 6l6GC STR's. I don't really notice a huge difference, but if anything I would say they're more neutral and balanced eq-wise than the ruby's.

In V1 I put a Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG+ and it definitely lowered the gain a bit and added some low end. Then in V2-V4 I removed the Ruby 12AX7AC5's it uses in every slot (Which are some of the higher gain 12AX7's out there) and put in 2 Ruby 12AX7WBC HG's (Which are chinese copies of the Sovtek 12AX7WB) in V2 and V3. This I feel really helped smooth out some of the excess fizz and added more punch. Finally in V4 I put a Sovtek 12AX7LPS because honestly it's what was suggested to me by many sources and seems to be agreed upon as the go to tube for the phase inverter (V4) slot.

This whole new set of tubes without a doubt has more headroom than the stock set. The reason I'm still doing swaps is to try to add back in some of the gain I lost in the early stages, tighten up the boost a little more and still maintain a bit of the headroom I added.

My next swap is going to put a tung-sol reissue in V1, a Shuguang 12AX7B in V2, Then I'm going to experiment with the Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG+ or the 12AX7WBC in V3 and see how those respond.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2013
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I meant E34Ls not EL34s hehe. My IRT60H still has the stock tubes.

Let us know your observations on your tube change Mike!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2013
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Jakarta, Indonesia
just a curious question for IRT Studio user

is it safe to continuously abuse your power tube like, always turn the volume to 6-8 everytime you use it?

i'm currently not using any cabinet. just a very simple DI out with speaker sim goes to 2i2


Active Member
Nov 29, 2014
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Does it have good death metal tones with and overdrive pedal?


Active Member
Oct 15, 2013
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Berlin, Germany
Inspired by the wait for the new Ahab-Record I had a little Recording-Quickie today. Guitars used are Epiphone Lee Malia Custom Left and Epiphone Les Paul Tribute+ Right. I used a Laney GS212IE Cab loaded with a Celestion V30 and a WGS Invader and no Boost in Front. Really satisfied with the way it turned out! Sounds massive



Active Member
Mar 25, 2012
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Has anyone tried one these amps with through a cab loaded with t75s?

My IRT Studio runs through a 2x12 cab with a T75 and a K100. The cab is vertical slanted, so the K100 goes to my face, the T75 to my feet to avoid the direkt beam.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
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Bratislava, Slovakia
I use my axe-fx in the loop ant it's ok.
but I have swapped the preamp tubes, as the orgininal jj/ruby were noisy.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
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I've been messing around with a lot of different tube combos in my IRT60H and figured I'd share my thoughts and findings in case anyone was curious. Stock, my 60H came with a JJ ECC83S in V1 and Ruby 12AX7AC5's in V2-V4. From what I gather, this amp either comes with a Ruby 12AX7AC5 HG+or the JJ in V1 (guessing the earlier models have the ruby and later ones get the JJ).

With the stock set, the problem I found, which I've seen a common complaint about is the noise. I blame it on the JJ in V1. It's a good tube but in this amp it definitely adds hiss. What I did not like about the stock set was that it seemed quite scooped to me. The tone was dark and the top end was too hairy for my liking. Aside from that, it was pretty good for getting a thick saturated tone.

All of these swaps were done with a set of Tung-Sol 6L6GC-STR power tubes. I chose them just because I've had good luck them in the past increasing headroom and never getting mushy. All tubes have balanced triodes and matched gain. Even if it is a bunch of hubub, I still like knowing extra care was taken to checkout and test the tubes for a couple more bucks.

My first swap: Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG+ in V1, Matched Ruby 12AX7WBC's (Chinese copy of a Sovtek 12AX7WB) in V2 and V3, and a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V4. This set really added some punch and more bottom end. Noise level dropped quite a bit which made everything seem more articulate and decipherable. It smoothed out that annoying hairy distortion that I did not like. It was a bit less scooped compared to the stock set, but still lacking the full midrange body that's akin to a 6505. The overall gain lowered which was fine by me seeing as how the amp has more than enough gain on tap. So far this is the most dynamic feeling set of tubes. The tone controls also seemed to be more touchy. Smaller adjustments to the bass/mid/treble seemed to have more of an impact. I would definitely recommend this swap if you want more punch and headroom.

Second swap: Tung-Sol Reissue in V1, Chinese/Shuguang 12AX7B in V2, Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG+ in V3, Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V4. The first thing I noticed was the low end getting this added depth to it. It wasn't more bass, just a deeper bass. Palm mutes had that deep low that you can feel more so than hear. The mids seemed to come out a bit more since there was less bass. The amp also brightened up noticeably, but still managed to keep the fizz at bay. Sustain and gain also increased over the first swap, but some noise was introduced back in. Still better than stock however. What I did not like was the added compression. Even though there was that extended feeling of depth on bass, everything else seemed like it was being limited. The sound was very even, but when I'd dig in and pick hard it felt like the notes were almost getting held back from how loud and strong they should be.

Third swap (Currently in use): Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG+ in V1, Ruby 12AX7AC5 HG+ in V2, Ruby 7025SS HG in V3, Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V4 (yeah he kinda lives there). Right off the bat, I noticed the noise becoming almost silent. The deep lows went away, but were replaced with a much more present midrange (Like mid mid, the kind you want to help cut through a live mix.) The low mids are lacking. I had to crank the bass level to add the same chunk that previous sets had. Palm mutes sound nice and clear, but are lacking punch. Dynamics are improved over the Tung-Sol setup (2nd swap), but still don't compare to the 1st swap. Brightness also went up compared to the second set and with it came fizz. This causes fast runs of higher notes to blend together. What I can't explain is even though the noise is the lowest of all the sets, it also has the most gain on tap. Notes start and then will stop on a dime, but chords really ring out for a long time if uninterrupted. The attack on single notes is more pronounced, but without the low mid, they don't feel like they carry any weight if that makes sense.

Next swap I'm thinking of trying the Ruby 12AX7AC5 HG+ in V1, a Ruby 12AX7WBC in V2, the Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG+ in V3 and the LPS in V4.

I'll probably add some more impressions after trying some more swaps. This amps pretty fun though because these tube swaps really do give the amp a slightly different character.

TL;DR: Tube swaps do have some impact on this amp and jet fuel can't melt steel beams.


Innovation Threat
Nov 1, 2008
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Bromborough UK
In the past I have been testing huge amount of preamp tubes. I understand that everyone has different taste but you should try a little bit different config. I think that Sovtek LPS in V4 stage is a waste and that tube doesn't work for PI as good as Tung Sol works.
I always come back to identical config. with any amp I have

V1 - Tung Sol 12AX7 ECC803 Gold Pin Balanced
V2 - EHX 12AT7 ECC81 Gold Pin Standard
V3 - Sovtek 12AX7 LPS ECC83 Balanced
V4 - Tung Sol 12AX7 ECC803 Gold Pin Balanced

If you have some spare change and like experiments then try that


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
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In the past I have been testing huge amount of preamp tubes. I understand that everyone has different taste but you should try a little bit different config. I think that Sovtek LPS in V4 stage is a waste and that tube doesn't work for PI as good as Tung Sol works.

So what's the reasoning for the Tung Sol Gold Pin over an LPS in the Phase Inverter slot? What does it do better for you vs. the LPS?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2011
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Norfolk, UK
I had the 120 watt. Decent enough but I sold it for £500 and moved onto to 100% digital and 100% direct to PA


Oct 10, 2010
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Beirut, Lebanon
agree, i much prefer the rhythm channel over the lead one. i think the lead channel might be even better for low gain/mid gain tones compared to the rhythm one. that's a very cool track! all bouncy and sunny with a pinch of bittersweetness scattered here and there.


Baconator 2000
Aug 9, 2015
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agree, i much prefer the rhythm channel over the lead one. i think the lead channel might be even better for low gain/mid gain tones compared to the rhythm one. that's a very cool track! all bouncy and sunny with a pinch of bittersweetness scattered here and there.

Thank you for listening to it!, :D

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