Vik Guitars Discussion

  • Thread starter leonardo7
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2011
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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2005
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London, UK
Has he deleted it already as well??? One second it was on my feed and i could see comments now its just vanished!


Crunchy Riff, Eh?
Dec 5, 2010
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I suspected Misha was cashing in on a sinking ship.....nice to see his true colours. Using homophobia as a front for his own gain.

Maybe I am reading too far into that, but by saying he would keep quiet....what else could that have meant?


Also really shitty of Vik to screw around with what he owes someone, however I'm glad Misha got it all sorted out.


Mar 2, 2011
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Just copying my comment here before speculation starts.

Shots fired :lol:

But in all seriousness, can't he just let it go? This has the same level fervor as a young woman gossiping about her friends in school.

"Just to clear this up, here's some more fire for the controversy that isn't doing me or my business any good"

That's essentially what I see, and before we make assumptions, Misha is active on here. Let's not start conspiracies and theories when the guy is on here and can speak for himself.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
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Regardless what he was going to keep his mouth shut about it's still not cool.

We all know at this stage that Vik can not run a business professionally and there were signs well before this.

But what I find disgraceful is that Misha would have continued to hide that from us if he had got his guitar :nono: (assuming that post of the private message is correct)


Naturally Cynical
Nov 10, 2009
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Renton, Washington
I suspected Misha was cashing in on a sinking ship.....nice to see his true colours. Using homophobia as a front for his own gain.

How the hell did you get from Vik being a dick to Misha supporting/cashing in on homophobia?!

Misha just wanted his guitar and Vik wasn't willing to give it to him (as indicated above) without having some kind of clarification in place as to how Misha would act publicly regarding Vik's comments. When Misha posted his statement, this wasn't a conversation I'd seen, but now that it got posted, I completely see where Misha was getting that vibe from Vik's reply.

But what I find disgraceful is that Misha would have continued to hide that from us if he had got his guitar :nono: (assuming that post of the private message is correct)

What exactly was he going to "keep quiet about?" He doesn't say that he's going to sweep the homophobia under the rug for the sake of getting his guitar, so there's no need to assume that and make him out to be something he's obviously not (as shown with the statement he issued). I would suspect he meant that he would keep quiet about the poor customer service aspect (publicly known regardless) in exchange for getting his guitar, which I believe would be why he said no press whatsoever.


Mar 2, 2011
Reaction score
Regardless what he was going to keep his mouth shut about it's still not cool.

We all know at this stage that Vik can not run a business professionally and there were signs well before this.

But what I find disgraceful is that Misha would have continued to hide that from us if he had got his guitar :nono: (assuming that post of the private message is correct)

He has the right not to make a statement on the matter and convince anyone of anything. He had no personal involvement in the situation Vik caused besides being another customer in the queue waiting for his guitar.

Disgraceful is putting it pretty harshly, considering wether him and anyone else had said anything. Vik would have still said what he said, so they weren't hiding anything from anyone since they weren't the source of the information. :scratch:


Crunchy Riff, Eh?
Dec 5, 2010
Reaction score
How the hell did you get from Vik being a dick to Misha supporting/cashing in on homophobia?!

Woah, easy pal. Just wondering in terms of chronological order... Misha may have outspoken against Vik (In regards to homophobic comments) and then mentioned he would keep quiet after, if he received his guitar.

I just found it interesting how hard Misha hit social media with this whole thing, for a couple days after it seemed... couldn't help but wonder if it was all a little spiteful.


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, I wouldn't fault Misha for not publicly criticizing Vik in order to get his guitar. It sounds like Misha was responding to Vik not giving him his guitar unless he publicly supported Vik, which is the definition of endorsement. Misha was saying he could no longer do that, and wanted his guitar.


Guitar/pizza regular
Jul 18, 2011
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Bay Area, CA
So Vik actually believes that by making public his mistreatment of an important customer, his situation will improve?? :scratch:


Naturally Cynical
Nov 10, 2009
Reaction score
Renton, Washington
Woah, easy pal. Just wondering in terms of chronological order... Misha may have outspoken against Vik (In regards to homophobic comments) and then mentioned he would keep quiet after, if he received his guitar.

I just found it interesting how hard Misha hit social media with this whole thing, for a couple days after it seemed... couldn't help but wonder if it was all a little spiteful.

Chronological order aside, there was still no indication that Misha was insinuating he'd keep quiet on the homophobic comment front in the message posted above, hence the reason why I made my comment.


Custom User Title
Sep 22, 2006
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Chester, UK
Remember that above screenshot is with zero context of the conversation that went on before it. Maybe what Misha was going to keep quiet about was Vik dicking him around about sending the guitar out. Maybe not, who knows.


乇レ 刀uᄊ乇尺o u刀o
May 1, 2012
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Sprawling Concrete
So wait, let me get this right. Regardless of chronology, Misha's ethics are more important than a guitar...unless he can still get it delivered to him on the low.


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Well, if Vik was NOT going to send the guitar unless Misha kept his mouth shut about the homophobic comments that would be extortion. And he may well have said/alluded to that in Misha's case. Misha wouldn't be the first person who has been instructed to act a certain way by a luthier just to get the guitar he paid for. Usually it's to not mention flaws or delays, etc. Whatever the case, it's inexcusable. And I doubt Misha would have offered that if there was not a fear on his part that Vik wouldn't send the guitar if he said something negative (about the homophobic commnets or otherwise).


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Parma, italy
It ' now time to say something , too. First of all let me introduce myself since I've posted a few times in the forum although I have always followed . My name is Alessandro, and for those who have read a few lines above, I’m a customer of Vik . I believe that in recent weeks we have been treated subjects too large for a forum of guitars. It all started with a joke of poor taste and it all culminated in a mass movement against a person. Public apologies are not directly arrived but Vik himself has stated that he has nothing against gays, simply does not agree with their choices ... Not sharing gay choices mean to be homophobic ? I'm not gay but I have dear gay friends.. I do not agree with their choices but we're good together .
You have to think this too: not all live in the U.S., storically
liberal land. There are countries where the culture is still rooted . In Italy for example, the birthplace of Christianity and home to the Vatican , have not yet liberalized Gay marriage and abortion is against the law . COUNTRY THAT GO CULTURE THAT YOU FIND .
I think many have wanted to take advantage of a unhappy joke to lash out at someone without even know him personally ... no one knows him except for his work and HOW HE MANAGE HIS BUSINESS.

Those of you in the past has never made gay jokes ?
Come on guys a little ' honesty !

His Facebook page was filled with insults and strong words by those who maybe in the past has perhaps done the same thing .
This persistence of mass towards a person is homophobia .
A wise once said : YOU DO NOT HAVE SIN cast the first stone .
The problem is only one: Do you like his guitars ? yes or no ?
This is the one and only problem.

Who did not agree with him, decided pubblically to give up endosement
saying no other words (NOLLY).Others still very influential have decided to make more noise . The reason was the unfortunate joke about gay people or the fact that his guitar had not been delivered yet ? I think Misha , evidently annoyed by the delays , has taken advantage of the situation to make a lot of noise . I condemn his attitude simply because being a public figure may adversely affect the masses.
The behavior of Nolly was definitely more correct on social networks.

Having said that, I hope I have not offended the intelligence of anyone.
Happy to be part of this tread and happy to be a future owner of a Vik Duality.
I hope I can use this tread to post photos of the guitar that Vik being realized. After all, the purpose of this tread is this.

Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
It ' now time to say something , too. First of all let me introduce myself since I've posted a few times in the forum although I have always followed . My name is Alessandro, and for those who have read a few lines above, I’m a customer of Vik . I believe that in recent weeks we have been treated subjects too large for a forum of guitars. It all started with a joke of poor taste and it all culminated in a mass movement against a person. Public apologies are not directly arrived but Vik himself has stated that he has nothing against gays, simply does not agree with their choices ... Not sharing gay choices mean to be homophobic ? I'm not gay but I have dear gay friends.. I do not agree with their choices but we're good together .
You have to think this too: not all live in the U.S., storically
liberal land. There are countries where the culture is still rooted . In Italy for example, the birthplace of Christianity and home to the Vatican , have not yet liberalized Gay marriage and abortion is against the law . COUNTRY THAT GO CULTURE THAT YOU FIND .
I think many have wanted to take advantage of a unhappy joke to lash out at someone without even know him personally ... no one knows him except for his work and HOW HE MANAGE HIS BUSINESS.

Those of you in the past has never made gay jokes ?
Come on guys a little ' honesty !

His Facebook page was filled with insults and strong words by those who maybe in the past has perhaps done the same thing .
This persistence of mass towards a person is homophobia .
A wise once said : YOU DO NOT HAVE SIN cast the first stone .
The problem is only one: Do you like his guitars ? yes or no ?
This is the one and only problem.

Who did not agree with him, decided pubblically to give up endosement
saying no other words (NOLLY).Others still very influential have decided to make more noise . The reason was the unfortunate joke about gay people or the fact that his guitar had not been delivered yet ? I think Misha , evidently annoyed by the delays , has taken advantage of the situation to make a lot of noise . I condemn his attitude simply because being a public figure may adversely affect the masses.
The behavior of Nolly was definitely more correct on social networks.

Having said that, I hope I have not offended the intelligence of anyone.
Happy to be part of this tread and happy to be a future owner of a Vik Duality.
I hope I can use this tread to post photos of the guitar that Vik being realized. After all, the purpose of this tread is this.
