Why are you mad right now?

  • Thread starter Faine
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Mar 27, 2009
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Hartford, CT
Sick and tired of having my mother live vicariously through me just because she fvcked up one too many times in her own damn life (including, but not limited to, STEALING OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM HER OWN DAMN FATHER!).

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Emperor Guillotine

The Almighty Ruler
Jul 8, 2014
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Somewhere Under the Pacific Ocean
I was walking back to my car from the Sleepwave concert and found that some cowardly d*ckless piece of sh*t had smashed my rear windshield. I was parked literally less than 100 feet from the venue...and somehow this happened.

Only the rear windshield was smashed. So they were not trying to enter the car to take anything. (There wasn't anything to take anyway.) And I just got the car about a month ago. No one even knows that it is my car yet. So this was just someone being an utter f*cking jackass.

I haven't been this angry in a long time.


Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
The Riff Filled Land
Well the India saga gets better:

My supervisor advises me to go to Sambalpur and connect with his old assistant, who I call and says 'yeah let me know when you will come'. I book a train ticket for the 24th dec and then cannot get hold of him thus far for three days.

Currently spending Christmas day in a hotel room listening to Muslim mosques broadcast prayers on terrible speakers, watching terrible movies and not really sure what the hell to do with myself.

I've gotten so beaten down by the last three weeks that I'm struggling to keep motivated and want to do anything which probably means I'm slightly depressed (not in the clinical sense). I'm sick of people wanting photos with me because I'm white, I'm sick of the noise and I've plain had enough of the fact that my Bag has still not been recovered and its been 18 days. 3 More days and the Airline HAS to compensate me according to the Montreal convention, I guess thats one good thing.

Don Vito

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2011
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Went to see my biological father today.

He was high and cried the whole time.

I am so done with his sh1t.


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
My mananger is a total asshat...

We were doing a server migration back when he started... He was too busy trying to make a name for himself and decided that we should stop that and do something else, because we, "Have years to do that."

Fine... We stopped. Since then I've been busting my ass to complete other work (I've put in hundreds of hours free of charge).

So today he tells our system admin that the migration is done. How exactly would that have been done? I bet he didn't do it.

Further... I developed the new UI entirely on my own... During beta testing we have issues come in, obviously. I'm patching them. But somehow the noobs that aren't doing anything are getting credit for my patches in GitHub. Why?

I've solved them ahead of time, but because I'm leaving soon they want me to perform a knowledge transfer.

I decided to do it in the following manner:

-I patch all issues ahead of time and allow the new guys to attempt to patch them as a means of familiarizing themselves with the back end and the code that communicates with it.
-I give them some hints as to how it can be done and allow them to try.
-In the event that they can't figure it out, I have the answer already and can guide them to it.

The problem?

My team lead seems to want them making the repo commits and closing out the tickets which makes it look like they're the ones patching this stuff. There hasn't been one single answer I haven't had to damn near give them.



Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
The Riff Filled Land
Jet airways looses my bag.

Jet airways assures me that they will ship it to my friend at the address given.

Jet airways doesnt tell me they have found it till I call them.

Jet airways asks ME which airport is closest to the address that I have provided.

Jet airways asks ME if I or my designated representative can come to the airport to pick up the bag. Which is a 5 hour round trip away.

Air France calls me informing me that they are sending my bag to Amsterdam and ask the same thing as Jet airways regarding someone to pick the bag up.

Jet airways tells me that they cannot contact Air France to arrange for the bag to be shipped to the address stated and that Air France has it because they do not operate out of Amsterdam despite their business partner Etihad operating out of Amsterdam which they have gone to great pains to advertise.

WTF is wrong with this company?

If a tiny Airline like Air New Zealand can ship a bag 2.5hrs to another town after loosing a bag in Fiji how the hell can India's second largest Airline not get it together to send a bag from one airport to another and not make international calls to arrange this?

Its even more absurd when the Montreal Accord an International Aviation standard states that all airlines have to account for USD 75,000 in terms of 'buy out' money to avoid litigation and they are insured for this kind of thing.

Vostre Roy

Disciple of Djod
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score
Rouyn, Qc, Canada
Girlfriend just totalled her Grand Cherokee, slipped on ice while trying to brake and hit the truck in front pretty badly...

She's fine, no harm to her but it ....ing sucks when such a thing happen when I'm at work in the ....ing north pole


Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
The Riff Filled Land
Well in what could quite likely be the penultimate chapter in the India saga, after relocating to another city, spending Christmas day alone in a hotel room and finally getting in contact with another contact after half a week. I got shot down twice by two sets of police for studying in villages on the periphery of the city only to be told to locate myself in the city itself.

After going back and fourth with a local priest and the bishop they gave me tacit permission so long as the police okayed everything and it looked like within a couple days it could be a done deal. I file paper work with the police, they say its fine, tell me to get a letter from the local Uni. I wait two days hearing nothing.

Tonight after dinner my police contact comes to my hotel for tea and I know instantly theres something wrong. He tells me we should still try get the letter from the Uni but that the superintendent is not happy I'm not on a research visa and that he quite likely won't grant permission.

Incidentally I'm not on a research visa because the current gov't is really anti foreign research on anything the gov't finds controversial which includes: the govt itself, tribal communities, communists in India, religion of anything other than Hinduism and then only in a positive light and any other minority communities.

My Doom-sense is telling me in a couple days I will officially be told I cannot do research. This carried the subtext that I quite likely better get moving shortly thereafter lest the police pay 'extra attention to me and any associates.' so stay tuned folks, I wouldn't say I'm mad. I'm not happy, but kinda relived in some ways as there will be no point me toughing it out any longer and I can finally move on with my life. We don't have a thread for that so I guess its here. :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2009
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Münster, Germany
Still not paid, boss has some phony excuses as always... I mean, they make sense, if his stories are true, and it is coherent and has been all the time, but still, trying to borrow a couple 100 € from friends and family before the year ends to pay the most necessary bills sucks. Hell, being 32, working 50-60 hours a week and having to ask my parents for money because I didn't even get all of Octobers money yet sucks.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2013
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I bought a new Roland TD 11-k at the end of November and it came without any of the cymbal hardware. Since the day after I put it together I have been back and forth with both Sweetwater and Roland customer support trying to just get the replacement parts and with their combined brain power they have not been able to figure out how to locate and send me the parts I need. I am dumbfounded as to how this is so hard to locate the parts between the two of them and just send them to me.


Fuzz pedal hoarder
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Behind you

God, 2015 has been pretty much unrelentingly sh*t apart from like, a handful of things. I started 2015 in a horrible band, with a painfully non-existent love life, living miles away from everything and everyone I wanted to be with, falling behind with my uni work and not as good as I wanted to be musically. The only thing that's changed for the better is the band, because now I'm in an awesome band that I love. Everything else is the same or worse going into 2016.

Can I have a good year this time please?


Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
My girlfriend completely ruined my New Year's Eve. My ex had a party and invited us, my girlfriend said she wanted to go, so I brought her to this even full of my friends. She got obliterated drunk (despite my warnings that she was drinking too fast) and had a sobbing meltdown in front of everyone. I had to rush her out without saying goodbye to anybody and babysit her through a drunken panic attack for the next few hours. :-\

Happy new year.


Dread it, run from it....
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
Sliced the tip of my fretting hand index finger off on New Years Eve. As in a nice chunk of the nail and a bit of flesh gone. Luckily it was pretty much on the top of my finger. So I guess I should be thankful for that.

Have some friends from outta town visiting family here for a couple days and I can't jam with them now. Been looking forward to it for a while too.


Mar 13, 2008
Reaction score
The Riff Filled Land
I've been ill with stomach issues in a hotel room for the last 2 days, feel like crap and my thesis supervisor sent an email to my degree program director that basically said 'oh he decided it was too dangerous so he decided to come home.'

Neglecting to mention the poor planing on our part (both of us) the police intervention and trying to make it work for four weeks.

Awesome move at saving his own skin.


So Did We
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
Sliced the tip of my fretting hand index finger off on New Years Eve. As in a nice chunk of the nail and a bit of flesh gone. Luckily it was pretty much on the top of my finger. So I guess I should be thankful for that.

Have some friends from outta town visiting family here for a couple days and I can't jam with them now. Been looking forward to it for a while too.

Sure you can, you're just playing on Hard Mode. :lol:

The few times I clipped a finger in studio it was while cutting something along a straight edge and a little too much overhang, and the very end of my fingertip would wind up flat at some silly angle :lol:9


So Did We
May 24, 2010
Reaction score
Oakland, CA
I've been ill with stomach issues in a hotel room for the last 2 days, feel like crap and my thesis supervisor sent an email to my degree program director that basically said 'oh he decided it was too dangerous so he decided to come home.'

Neglecting to mention the poor planing on our part (both of us) the police intervention and trying to make it work for four weeks.

Awesome move at saving his own skin.

Do you have everything logged?

Can you get statements from the police?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
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Copenhagen, DK
Just got home from a job interview which both went good and bad:
It was 2x60 min, the first 60 min is pretty relaxed with one guy who was very open about it, and it went great. It was the interview part of it and also him explaining about the company and the position that I applied for.

Next 60 min is a "case interview" for which I am told that "there is no wrong answers, we are interested in seeing how you analyse things and how you come up with solutions, while the solution itself is not so important". Now this part is done with a different guy and it kinda feels like a soft version of an exam. I pretty quickly find that to this guys it is more like "there is only one right answer, and I don't really care how you got to your wrong answers". So basicly I spend 60 min trying to guess the correct solution for a range of questions that I haven't had the oppertunity to prepare for (they didn't send me the topic or anything), and part of the idea with the case test is that I don't necesarryly need to have any background information on it.
So yeah after 2 hours I leave feeling like I failed pretty hard, even though I don't really see how I could have done it any differently.

I am gonna be much surprised if they actually offer me a job (although the first half of the interview went great). However I have a second interview with another company next week and I am like 90% sure they will hire me, so in the end it does not matter that much, though I am still somewhat pissed.

Edit: (my post count is 666 so this is the only way to make new posts): Yes it may be that they tried to pull a weird version of "good cop / bad cop", and well I guess I reacted fairly well to that, as I remained pretty calm (I always do), and tried to follow his weird "the correct way is this" approach.