Recent content by The Mirror

  1. The Mirror

    Has streaming ruined "the album"?

    Well. I listen to albums exclusively and always have. I never put on a single song and I rarely listen to music while doing something else. Dunno if it is elitist or whatever, but if I get a new record I put out some whiskey and seat myself alone and put that shit on for however long the album...
  2. The Mirror

    Behold, my ERG from long ago

    I'm always down for some nice lute action. Just if someone wants to hear a modern master of the instrument: You don't need to be fancy with this thing to get amazing stuff out of it.
  3. The Mirror

    Could anyone replace Warrel Dane ?

    Would probably even be a decent sized band for him, since he left Nightwish because of all the financial/behind-the-scenes hassle. But I guess he's pretty fine as of now, doing solo / small collab stuff.
  4. The Mirror

    Logic behind "Standard" 10-74 string set for 8-string guitar

    First mistake: Trying to find sense in the tensions of pre-made sets. There is no sense. Never was. Second mistake: Questioning the intention behind the 10-52 set, which is the shittiest pre-made set in the history of shittiness. It serves no purpose. If you want to use it for drop D you can...
  5. The Mirror

    What are people thinking about the new Sylosis album?

    That article is just a copy paste of different interviews over the years and pulls the dates out of context. This quote is from one of the original articles: "However, after the fourth album Dormant Heart in 2015, the trait became so ingrained in Sylosis’ DNA that Josh felt trapped by it...
  6. The Mirror

    What are people thinking about the new Sylosis album?

    Basically same as with Cycle of Suffering: I am more of a proggy guy, so I prefer the Edge - Heart era with the longer songs and more experimenting in the writing, but Josh is still the tightest and most coherent guitar player in the thrashy genre so it's great, anyways. Just not as great as...
  7. The Mirror

    Cool interview with Devin, Tosin and Petrucci

    Devin is very much a album artist. I basically never just listen to a single song of his. Start with 1997 (Ocean Machine and City) and you are good to go in any direction. Those two records are also generally being regarded as the best he ever did, which is a totally valid opinion.
  8. The Mirror

    Cool interview with Devin, Tosin and Petrucci

    He was part of the covid and post-covid band. With the new record and the ongoing tour he switched it up and is now back with Keneally.
  9. The Mirror

    What's your top rhythm guitar players of all time?

    Quite some Sylosis stuff is the tightest shit you could play/endure. So Josh Middleton.
  10. The Mirror

    Nice 7 strings from unpopular brands

    Bonkers guitar. Still shitty that they don't put locking tuners in from the get-go but that is easy to fix. I own one of the old ones (walnut / Alpha-Omega PUs) and it is the best guitar I ever played for ~1k. I put Schaller M6s in there and it is a downright flawless guitar.
  11. The Mirror

    Architects and Josh Middleton split

    Don't know if this turned into the de-facto Sylosis megathread but anyways: Conclusions of an Age, re-recorded with Josh's vocals these days. Just saying.
  12. The Mirror

    Architects and Josh Middleton split

    This is really a win-win situation for everyone. Architects got a bonkers guitar player (that they didn't really use, but well) and a good friend of Tom Searle after his death to keep the band running and Josh made probably a few more bucks than he did before. Most importantly though it got...
  13. The Mirror

    Played some piano/keys on a folk rock album

    Having played in a (swedish) folk band for a few years I can just say to anyone even remotely interested in music: play something that has nothing to do with your preferred style of music and you'll learn a lot. I am mostly a prog/thrash kind of guy, so playing a song that is basically nothing...
  14. The Mirror

    What's your string gauge?

    I don't really think in gauge anymore since I went full custom strings. I only use tension depending on the tuning. A few years ago I was going with 18 lbs on the plain and 20 lbs on the wound strings, but over the course of the last year I went down to 16 lbs plain and 18 lbs wound. Worked...
  15. The Mirror

    RIP Gary Rossington

    The first generation of classic rock and metal artists are getting old. That's all there is to it. People being in their 20s in the 60s and 70s are now in their 70s and 80s. That's when people start dying.