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  1. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    Yep, Electric Sheep was my introduction to Fractals :hbang:
  2. rahul_mukerji

    In this thread you will find an animation I completed just recently.

    LOVE IT !!! :hbang: Amazing job. Some of it looked very reminiscent of Bill Plymptons kind of style [who is a huge inspiration for me, personally]. I enjoyed the soundtrack and the artwork !! Very well done.
  3. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    I created some new pieces recently as well ... decided to do some images instead of videos.
  4. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    Sweet pieces Kodee_Kaos I haven't worked with Illustrator or Flash but the results look very nice. I like the 1st one more, it has a "Fire" feel to it :hbang:
  5. rahul_mukerji

    Stuff you've drawn, painted, or etc...

    My pieces got picked for the Beats Antique's upcoming video and tour !!! Facebook of Beats Antiques Faces Some of my entries ...
  6. rahul_mukerji

    Fractal Animation

    I got picked as the Featured Artist of the Month at my local Starbucks !! I'm displaying my Fractal Art on Canvas there ! :hbang: Sweet .... Starbucks sees more foot traffic in 1 week that most art galleries see in a month !! Got orders for prints as well !!!
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Performed my first Vocal Mix

    Hello people ! My band was recently in the studio and we got a mix that did not sit well. So we decided to take a stab at mixing it by ourselves using the studio tracks. It took us a few months and we're more or less satisfied with how it turned out. Let me know your thoughts / feedback...
  8. rahul_mukerji

    Thinking of maybe creating my own EP, thoughts? (Vid inside!)

    Sounds good. And yes, record an album/EP. Its a great way to get yourself on radio and other media. And with the technology available today, there's almost no reason not to.
  9. rahul_mukerji

    Mixing and Mastering Budget Question

    Hi Last year I posted here asking about what my options were for online mixing and I got some great responses. I'm almost done with my tracking at this point and wanted some feedback from you guys on what kind of mixing and mastering budget you guys think is appropriate. I know that's a...
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Speed Painting Layne Staley

    :yesway: Really nice !!!
  11. rahul_mukerji

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    Thanks Overtone That was a great link you put up. Thanks for introducing me to that artist ! Thanks jsl2h90. Yeah I have the same kind of feeling when I see a feature on a guitar I like. I end up wanting a "super guitar" something like a double neck 8 string Fretted - fretless made by...
  12. rahul_mukerji

    Some feedback on a painting would be sweet.

    Wow .... seriously stunning !! :hbang:
  13. rahul_mukerji

    Suhr Guitar Vs. John Petrucci Models

    I'd say your budget would dictate your choice for the most part. JP models are more readily available on E-bay and CL than Suhr Guitars. And in my searches Suhr are a tad more expensive than the JP models. That being said I was able to get lucky and score a Suhr M1 guitar and its hands down...
  14. rahul_mukerji

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    Thanks pylyo The build seems pretty solid. The action on this piece is especially nice. It makes it really easy to play.
  15. rahul_mukerji

    Whats Your DAW and Why?

    Cakewalk Sonar X1. I've been using Sonar since version 6 I think and I'm really, really comfortable using it. The Native plugins are very good and powerful [Synth and Drums] and the DAW handles MIDI and audio extremely well. It was also one of the first few to support x64 and multiple...
  16. rahul_mukerji

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    Thanks Goatchrist Yeah my band is big into Middle Eastern music and Indian music as part of adapting their styles into our Jazz-Rock context. And watching fretless videos on YT certainly gave me the push to try and incorporate it. :metal: Instantly, after I got it, I knew it was a good...
  17. rahul_mukerji

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    Thanks coffeeflush This is what I am doing now: I would start with the simple scalar runs and making sure you can hit the notes I want. So I would run through my Major scale and Minor scales in different position and see if I can hit them correctly. Then I would play the pentatonics. Then I...
  18. rahul_mukerji

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    I updated the pic section to include a close up pic of the fretboard and you can see the filled-in fret board.
  19. rahul_mukerji

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    Yeah, these are the kinds of fingerboards which were "defretted" and then their fret areas filled with Epoxy or some such filling and then made smooth for a clean finish. The upside to these defretted guitars is that it shows you exactly where the note should have been and its a much much...
  20. rahul_mukerji

    NGD::Fretless Guitar: Pics and Vids

    Hello All :wavey: I've been trolling E-bay and CL for the last few years and I always end up looking at Fretless Guitars. My recent interest in Oud music and Indian music had really fueled my hankering for a Fretless Guitar. But they seemed too exorbitant and from the YouTube Videos seemed like...

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