Search results

  1. rahul_mukerji

    Opened for the B-52's last night !!

    So our band ran into a little stroke of luck. The B-52's were invited to play for the Continental Hotels annual gathering in Washington DC and they were looking for an opening act. Since its a large Indian gathering they were looking for a band that can belt out Indi-pop numbers and also some...
  2. rahul_mukerji

    Ultimate Douche

    naah ... the guy is just wacky. I've seen this clip before. I think its what he does "wild guy kinda thing". Reminds me of Pauly Shore
  3. rahul_mukerji

    Free photo editing software?

    There are a lot of alternatives: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4 The first 2 links have free alternatives and the third link has some pay for software and the 4th link has web based editors (no install needed)
  4. rahul_mukerji

    Guitar Hero: A Different Take

    Yeah, its insane how he reroutes the midi signals to play something so totally different. He earns my respect. Programming a periperhal to do stuff for you. Thats pretty bad @$$ :hbang:
  5. rahul_mukerji

    Ubuntu and Linux in general

    True that. Linux is great for general desktop use and such things. Audio wise its yet to catch up in my opinion. I installed Ardour on my Ubuntu box, but I'm yet to play with it and see how it works. Randomist: Arch ? Wow, you're one of them hardcore slackware users :cool: ! I dont think...
  6. rahul_mukerji

    Gorgeous Guitar Land

    With much Love: My Carvin
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Reith Custom Guitars

    Hi: I've been looking at headless guitars for the longest time and I came across this site. :cool: ::: REITH CUSTOM GUITARS ::: PREMIUM CUSTOM HEADLESS GUITARS HAND MADE IN THE USA :: CUSTOM GUITARS ::: TODD REITH :: CUSTOM LUTHIER :: REITH GUITARS :: BLUE HONU STUDIOS The guitars...
  8. rahul_mukerji

    Guitar Hero: A Different Take

    Not sure if this has been posted here before. But this I respect both as a musician and a geek :bowdown: At 1:00 it starts to blow your mind .... Please No flame wars on video game vs real thing. :nono:
  9. rahul_mukerji

    Batshit insane christian Blue laws

    Glad you found it funny. That was the sole intent. :D For the record: I believe that everyone is entitled to their own belief and faith system whether it be in God, Devil or the 8th fret of the B-String on a Ibanez Jem. If it works for you, then go for it. Nothing is wrong and nothing is...
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Batshit insane christian Blue laws

    Should've just gone to Church, man. Thats why they dont sell booze on Sundays, coz at some point this conversation happened: circa 1267 A.D. Jeff: "Hey, we have a large attrition in Church, how do we fix this ?". :spock: Harry: "I know *hic* why dont we just pass a law to sell no...
  11. rahul_mukerji

    Help..looking for a recording interface that works w VISTA 64

    I have the same config as you (desktop wise and interface). I could not get my Firebox to play nice with my 64 bit XP (leave alone Vista). After much work, I had a decent setup going but I would have random issues. I switched to 32 bit XP and Firebox now works flawlessly with it. I would...
  12. rahul_mukerji

    GAAAHHHHHH [cubase LE4 alternatives]

    Not sure if I can help much, but is it the program that is restricting it or the drum s/f ? If its Cubase that has some restrictions, then there is a solution or sorts. Download Reaper DAW. Its free and fully functional. Set up your VSTi drums there and try to import the MIDI file into...
  13. rahul_mukerji

    For HEAVY/Prog drums.....addictive or ez drummer w dkfh expansion?

    I prefer Addictive Drums. I tried EZD and Addictive and found the AD sound to be more "live" and full sounding. The EQ on those things are great and I love how you can tweak it. I couldn't do the same on the EZD. Also, there are lots of MIDI loops you can buy for "Metal" style drums and plug...
  14. rahul_mukerji

    Saw John McLaughlin and Chick Corea last night

    Hey, hey, hey ... waddya know, we had 7 stringers in the house !! Nice. wish I had known, it'd be nice to meet some of you (I've never met anyone from any forum ....) jacksonplayer: right you are ! I do prefer me some pre-composed stuff, but even in improv I do like me some groove. Its...
  15. rahul_mukerji

    Saw John McLaughlin and Chick Corea last night

    Yeah, I like groove in my music. For me, it has to be memorable. You should be able to tap and groove with it. Thats why for me Plant X and all those guys producing fantastic music in 11/8 and 13/8 dont do it. Great music, but no groove ! LTE is probably an exception there. They have a decent...
  16. rahul_mukerji

    Transit from a metalhead to a jazz guitar player

    Hahaha ... and we conquer on !! The Jazz community steals yet another from the Metal ranks ! Me too, by the way: Prog Metal player turned Jazz / Fusion.:cool: First off, learn 7th chords. Learn: Maj7, Min7, Dom7 chords. Next learn 9th and 13 chords. 9's are popular substitutions for Maj...
  17. rahul_mukerji

    Saw John McLaughlin and Chick Corea last night

    Yup: Chick Corea: Keyboards John McLaughlin: Guitar Christian McBride: Bass Kenny Garrett: Saxophone Brian Blade: Drums (March 26-May) Their webpage: 5 Piece Band
  18. rahul_mukerji

    Saw John McLaughlin and Chick Corea last night

    I got to see John McLaughlin and Chick Corea with their 5 piece band last night. All I can say is that those people are definitely in a realm of their own. They played at best 6 songs through 2 hrs and 30 mins, with each of their songs hitting 15 mins at least (so much for getting wowed at 8 min...
  19. rahul_mukerji

    Fascinating !

    The band is just so far beyond any other musical outfit. Its insane.