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  1. sytraxiplague

    "Heavy" riffs in non-metal songs

    Basically what Voivod created their whole style after: and ^ The build up at 7:40 and the part at 11:20 have me headbanging every time..
  2. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    I'm sure they'll be there haha. Like I said, still not done. He's always very concerned when it comes to balance, so I think he'll definitely put some of the darker tones in later on. Especially considering those flames at the bottom will still be orange/red. He just puts that white/purple base...
  3. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    Only another week or two with the progress he's had the past couple days and it's going to be done.. Super psyched except Moses messed up my neck, and it's taken them like a month to fix the issue haha.. Anywho..... (This part below isn't done yet, but I love the detail.. It's great.)...
  4. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    I've decided no inlays. Also, I think I have a winner when it comes to clearing the guitar! Took it to a local body shop and they did a great job on the tester i made. Also.. I got a little package in the mail today... Only 2 though, the third is on the way.. Also a bit more painting has...
  5. sytraxiplague

    Custom guitar companies worth giving credit to - GF Guitars

    Just because someone claims their friend has played a guitar and they're getting one seems "staged"? lol. Obviously other users know of this luthier as well. Or maybe they're just alternate spam accounts of the first poster's. Lol. Really. Anywho, cool looking guitars! The string retainers do...
  6. sytraxiplague

    '59 Les Paul Scratch Build

    It says I don't have permission to view the pics!
  7. sytraxiplague

    Anyone using the mac minis?

    I use my MacBook Pro for recording all the time, and it holds up nicely! Even when I have other things running behind my recording software. (Not a good idea heh, but it still runs great with this in mind!) So the Mac Mini will definitely do fine!
  8. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    Does Moses even do that? I'm afraid of a 400+ dollar neck price D: D: But I guess it would be worth it. Good idea.
  9. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    I almost forgot! Survey time. Should my Moses neck have dots or no dots? I'm kinda torn. I wanted side-dots only, but since the painting has some dots, it could be cool to just leave them.. Not sure what I want. That's where you guys come in.
  10. sytraxiplague


    No one has said Dan Swano yet? :scratch: Also some Edge of Sanity as well! More doom/jazzy, but The 3rd in the Mortal also has some space-y parts. Just that very open, epic, floating grace and intensity as bands like Cynic (actually very Cynic-like (Focus) mood sometimes). Such an...
  11. sytraxiplague

    Starting to actually get into running

    I've been running with my uncle lately. About 5ish miles at a time. Takes us about 50 minutes to an hour usually. Not too bad. A decent pace and good exercise. Congrats Tiger. I'm from VA and have never heard of that. Sounds rough! lol. Good luck to you!
  12. sytraxiplague

    2 new builds!

    This is looking awesome dude! Can't wait to see the final product. And yes for binding.. Maybe an idiot for asking this, but I didn't see anything about it :scratch:.... 6s or 7s?? :lol:
  13. sytraxiplague

    My first build - 27" scale 7 string - Walnut, Maple, Ziricote

    Wow that fretboard wood is lookin' gorgeous..
  14. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    The little mermaid if the little mermaid had Metroids and parasites and giant octopus monsters hahaha.
  15. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    Fair enough. I'll check into automotive shops as well to see if they'll do it. I was thinking flat myself, but then hand grease could make that look splotchy and bad... At least what I've seen from matte clear finishes. I'll probably go for gloss.
  16. sytraxiplague

    Question about triple humbucker schematic.

    Would this work for what I'm trying to do?
  17. sytraxiplague

    Question about triple humbucker schematic.

    This actually sounds pretty cool. I'll have to look into this more.
  18. sytraxiplague

    First 6 String build, let's go

    Definitely lookin' awesome dude. Keep up the good work!