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  1. Xifter

    Noob Axe-fx Setup question need help!

    Thanks guys. I had not set the DAW up properly which was the issue. This is why this forum is so great. Now, I just need to figure out how to keep both my interface and axe-fx output1 to stop clipping haha! Even at low volumes it's clipping. If I turn the drive too far down It doesn't give me...
  2. Xifter

    (F)lawless - Epi Prophecy + Engl E530 Sim, Fear Factory style!

    I thought you really nailed a tone for Fear Factory bro. Love the synth in the background for extra Fear Factoryness :hbang:
  3. Xifter

    Noob Axe-fx Setup question need help!

    Let me preface this by stating that yes, I know I am a handicapped when it comes to recording and setting things up properly. So, I am sure I am doing this wrong but please be kind. Ok, so I have this audio interface: <!-- m -->M-AUDIO - MobilePre USB - USB Bus-Powered Preamp and Audio...
  4. Xifter

    Dude-I wanna make babies with this music. Thanks!!

    Dude-I wanna make babies with this music. Thanks!!
  5. Xifter

    Tre Watson - Song from the new album![7321, metal foundry, outdoing myself]

    Need more bottom end. Second version is better though.
  6. Xifter

    Give me some feedback on a mix.

    2nd the more mids on guitars and you will be set IMO! Good stuff bro :hbang:
  7. Xifter

    Could you guys take a look at my mix?

    Good stuff bro.
  8. Xifter

    So I Covered That Nolly Riff (New mix! Yes, another one...)

    That was an amazing mix man. Congrats on the tone. Everything sounds fantastic(guitar/drums).
  9. Xifter

    New Song, New Band and Video. The Advaita Concept. Axe Fx, Drum Triggers

    Well damn. Get that stuff out fast man I got MAS (music aquisition syndrome) for this. What's your eta looking like... Not to be pushy about it ;)
  10. Xifter

    New Song, New Band and Video. The Advaita Concept. Axe Fx, Drum Triggers

    Sry about the dp, but can I by chance get this as a file to d/l to my iPod? I LOVE this style of jam. Thanks!!
  11. Xifter

    Ya, man getting that patch would be great. Thanks! Sent you a message.

    Ya, man getting that patch would be great. Thanks! Sent you a message.
  12. Xifter

    Ha, I just sent you a PM about it not realizing you had sent me one already! Yes I do!!

    Ha, I just sent you a PM about it not realizing you had sent me one already! Yes I do!!
  13. Xifter

    New Song, New Band and Video. The Advaita Concept. Axe Fx, Drum Triggers

    WAnt... need... mooarrrr of this! :wallbash: Everything about this song was win. Tone, style, solo, and ... zip line. A patch would be fantastic as well if you would be so kind.
  14. Xifter

    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    Just snagged a DCM1540L based on the advice from y'all on the forums. Now I am just awaiting arrival of both Axe and DCM. I can't wait!!:shred:
  15. Xifter

    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    Do you not use your Axe Fx any more? I am curious why you are letting go of the 1540L?!
  16. Xifter

    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    Rofl! You took the last one :wallbash: Well, I guess 1540L it is :fawk: <---Just kidding! Thanks for the responses and help guys. I tossed the Rep around to everyone(if people care about that).
  17. Xifter

    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    Thanks for the replies. I am debating between an ART SLA-2, Carvin DCM1000, and a Carvin DCM1540L. I have heard people say not to clip a SS or it is bad news. For playing over a drummer at practice will all of these options suffice? I want to be able to eventually run 2 sets of 2x12's in...
  18. Xifter

    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    Thanks! So bridged means using a cable that uses both outputs of the poweramp and feeds then into 1 input correct? This would give you mono as opposed to stereo where both outputs of a poweramp are sent to 2 different inputs? Thanks again for the clarification on this question.
  19. Xifter

    Official Axe-Fx Q&A thread!

    I have a few questions since I have finally saved up enough $$$ to take the plunge into buying an Axe-Fx Standard: 1.) I live in the USA... How long does shipping take from when you pressed the order button to when it arrived at your home? The reason I am asking is that I wanted to gauge an...