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    Peavey Ultra Plus head w/ footswitch

    I had one of these awhile back. Good amp. Good luck on selling. Free bump.
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    Can you identify this 7 String Nylon?

    I saw this exact thread on UG.
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    NAD! line 6 spider IV 75

    HNAD! Not my favorite modeling amps, but congrats, nonetheless. I notice people here are a lot nicer than on UG, ha. If this was posted over there, it would've been instant flaming.
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    Video of me playing "The Great Plains" on Strandberg Fanned Headless 7 String!

    That's incredible. Just want to let you know Chris, I got your "Guitar Technique Book" for Christmas, and it's helped me out in my playing TONS. Can't wait for the new album, and you guys should come back to Nashville. I heard you at the BTBAM show, and immediately started loving you guys.
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    New Djenty-Poppy song w/ Axe Fx! (After taking lesson with Misha Mansoor)

    Sounded pretty cool, but I had no idea what you were saying. :(
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    What are you listening to?

    Modest Mouse - The World at Large
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    Bernie Rico Jr. Jekyll

    makes sense, I didn't read that it was 27 frets, my fault.
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    Bernie Rico Jr. Jekyll

    is it just me or are those pickups abnormally close to each other?
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    Digitech GSP1101 and Control 2 Footboard

    what's making you want to go back to the x3 pro? I'm trying to decide between the gsp and the x3 pro.
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    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    alright, I think I've got it. Thanks a lot guys.
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    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    can you explain a bit? What's the point of different cab models? And what are mic models used for? Sorry, I'm a bit new on things like this, but wanting to learn.
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    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    so what I'm getting from this, is that impulses are basically different amp models you can upload into the 1101?
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    The Digitech GSP1101 thread.

    I'm definitely picking up a gsp1101 here pretty soon. just got a question: what are impulses? I keep seeing you can "load your own impulses" into the gsp1101, can anyone explain that to me? I love the tone this guy has at around 0:20. he's using "impulses", I don't get it..
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    Peavey Ultra+

    I had a Ultra+ awhile back. Great amp, regret selling it. Ended up getting $500 for it. good luck finding one man. Free bump. And Merry Christmas.
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    Post pics of your modded RG7'S !!

    ^that's very nice. I love the way the strings go through the body in that pattern.
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    NGD: Schecter conent!

    it's a small world, ha. I love the guitar man. I hope you enjoy the money. :p
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    NGD: Schecter conent!

    thanks for the feedback, I'm wanting to say it's an '03? Anyway I can find out for sure?
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    NGD....More CT content...

    gorgeous guitars. Happy NGD, that's one for both of us.
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    NGD: Schecter conent!

    So, I'm sure a few of you saw my thread yesterday about the schecter 7 string. I got it today, I was surprised at how good of condition it was. well I got it, for $350 dollars. Had to wait about 5 hours to be able to play it. :( But I got home, and it was worth the wait. I was a little "iffy"...
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    Needing input on 7 string. (schecter)

    well I got the guitar, so expect a NGD thread tonight. :)