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  1. I_infect

    Epic metal injurues

    My left ring finger crushed on a wooden pallet when some jackass I worked with dropped an aluminum mold on it. If you've ever worked in injection molding you know how heavy those things are. Anyway, shattered the knuckle(in pieces shattered), severed the tendon, and burst the skin in a zig zag...
  2. I_infect

    7 string with good access for lead playing

    1. Dean RC7x. 2. RGD2127z. Effortless 24th fret access on both. If those are out of your budget, Any standard RG body or Agile & has pretty decent access. Schecter(even though I love Schecter) does not have great access, except maybe for a 007.
  3. I_infect

    New Guitar Day (sort of)

    Nice! I think they sound pretty good actually, and after a good setup play nicely too. Good score.
  4. I_infect

    NGD: Schecter Hellraiser C-7 for $100 :)

    People fear what they don't understand.:lol: Those older hellraisers are awesome. They're tanks, as evident from that headstock. Great company too.
  5. I_infect

    New Ibanez RGD2127z Day

    How did you manage $1125 on that, coupon or pricematch?
  6. I_infect

    I'm considering getting an RGD2127z - question

    I usually run 10-60 in drop A on 25.5" scale...1527, s7320 etc. My RGD is still in A standard with the stock 10-60s, though I'd like to attempt 9-60 in drop A. IMO it's a bit tighter. Like I said it's not a bad thing, actually I think it's perfect for that tuning. Very crisp and sustains like...
  7. I_infect

    Need a soundcard.

    I'm running windows vista on a quad core HP. Have Superior Drummer 2.0, Cubase LE 4. TASCAM US-144MKII USB 2.0 interface. Plug in, and can't hear anything. Cubase tells me I need a soundcard. Figured we have alot of PC recording pros here that can point me in the right direction... right now I...
  8. I_infect

    Ok, which one of you guys did this?

    I love Randy Jackson head bobbing
  9. I_infect

    I'm considering getting an RGD2127z - question

    I was the same way... I went through 3 sales and finally grabbed one.
  10. I_infect

    I'm considering getting an RGD2127z - question

    Stock with the factory gauge I noticed a difference. Tight, but not unbearably so. Every note is crisp. I haven't experimented with different tunings yet. But yeah, it's worth it, especially if you get a discount
  11. I_infect

    I'm considering getting an RGD2127z - question

    Length doesn't feel different but the string tension does. You notice a different between say, the tension on a 1527 vs. the 2127z. The 2127 is noticeably tighter. Only takes a bit of getting used to for bends. With that said, the tone is absolutely brutal. Buy it.
  12. I_infect

    Whitechapel Custom ESP 7 Strings? :)

    What style headstock, tele or something different? flat body or archtop? Archtop tele might be killer, with a 3+4 headstock...
  13. I_infect

    Is heaviness percieved through good production and tone alone?

    For me, it's a delicate balance of tone(including production) and songwriting. Tone is much easier to achieve than a perfect song. As guitar players we tend to 'overplay' just because we can sometimes, and your example of Godsmack being heavy is imo correct. The technical intensity of Nevermore...
  14. I_infect

    I really hate to say this....

    the vocals sounded it was unnatural for him to growl/scream. and then gall bladder attack attack. it was tolerable up until the chorus for me. Liked the guitar tone though.
  15. I_infect

    Which one is the better deal? (Agile vs Schecter content)

    I'd go for the dual, just so you have options if you find it too brittle on the bridge for leads. plus that ghostburst is crazy.
  16. I_infect

    Which one is the better deal? (Agile vs Schecter content)

    the Agile or the Damien? the Agiles weren't bad... I had the 28+" scale w/ maple boards. Really the only reason I sold them was the scale was a bit much for me, not length wise, but harshly trebley on the higher strings. The maple boards just added to it with my setup(6505). It was pretty...
  17. I_infect

    Which one is the better deal? (Agile vs Schecter content)

    Depends on what model. The Hellraiser 8 has a nice smooth heel, the Damien 8 (which I almost like more than the Hellraiser) has a bulky heel and neckplate with shitty upperfret access; hitting the 22nd is difficult, hitting the 24th is near impossible on it. Only other drawback I've noticed is I...
  18. I_infect

    Problem with Rhythm guitars

    compression, EQ.
  19. I_infect

    Ronnie James Dio passed away - RIP

  20. I_infect

    RGA8 Backorder....

    The one they sent me / I returned is on MF as 'used'... it's the one for $511. Buy Ibanez RGA8 8-String Electric Guitar | Extended Range Electric Guitars | Musician's Friend as you can see in the pic the bridge posts were chewed to hell, and it was supposed to be 'new'. F'that. Anyway it's...