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  1. ZachTheRipper

    It's been 35 years

    Happy birthday! Happy guitar birthday as well, Shrederick!
  2. ZachTheRipper

    The Official MMA Thread

    The Reem has been known to gas out pretty badly, especially if Brock keeps shooting takedowns on him. I honestly think this can go either way if Lesnar can make it out of the first stanza.
  3. ZachTheRipper

    The Official MMA Thread

    Sorry for the double, but I must keep this thread alive as this is my favorite sport. Incase you missed this last weekend's Strikeforce event; tourney alternate Daniel Cormier trounced Antonio 'Bigfoot' Silva
  4. ZachTheRipper

    Who here likes classic Japanese superheros and monsters? Show of hands...

    Jet Jaguar, King Ghidorah, and Anguirus are my favorites. edit: This thread reminds me of this gem from MST3K:
  5. ZachTheRipper

    Hardcore Industrial Dancers - ROFL

    Kid on the right is like, "I'm so goth I can't breathe my own fumes."
  6. ZachTheRipper

    The Official MMA Thread

    Just spreading the word. It's definitely a good year to be an MMA fan.
  7. ZachTheRipper

    Post your 360 gamer tags

    Since I recently changed my gamertag, I guess I'll post it again. XBL: Accidentist
  8. ZachTheRipper

    NFL Football 2011 - 2012

    St. Louis Rams have looked great this pre-season. Definitely taking the NFC West
  9. ZachTheRipper

    The Official MMA Thread

    Cain Velasquez v. Junior Dos Santos :wub: is going to headline the very first UFC even held on Fox...for free!
  10. ZachTheRipper

    The Social Networking Thread (Google+ Now Public) Twitter Feel free to add/follow.
  11. ZachTheRipper

    Best moment of 2010

    Seeing Rush play live for the first time was something I'll never forget. One of the best memories I'll ever have with my dad.
  12. ZachTheRipper

    My Life According to Nevemore(little music game)

    Pick Your Artist: Every Time I Die Are you a male or female: We'rewolf Describe yourself: Pretty Dirty How do you feel: Bored Stiff Describe where you currently live: Off Broadway If you could go anywhere, where would you go: Buffalo 666 Your favorite form of...
  13. ZachTheRipper

    Distorted bass and pickups?

    One of my personal favorite bass tones.
  14. ZachTheRipper

    Looking to get a new 5 string...

    I came in here just about to suggest BTBs.
  15. ZachTheRipper

    Slayer + Christmas Lights = This...

    I like it. :rolleyes:
  16. ZachTheRipper

    Slayer + Christmas Lights = This...

    Precipitating bloooooooood, from a lacerated sky.
  17. ZachTheRipper

    Slayer + Christmas Lights = This...

    Or snow blood. Yay for winter!
  18. ZachTheRipper

    New teaser from ATV

    I'm thinking it sounds pretty sweet my man.
  19. ZachTheRipper

    My family is badass.

    Clearly. Haha, but it's cool. The jokes don't stop...Pvt. Shaver, Shave-Your-Butt.
  20. ZachTheRipper

    My Life Is Bro

    That is Utah to a 't' Other than mormons and scene kids that is everybody in Utah.