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  1. AfroSamurai

    RIP strictly7?

    No worries, I'll pm with a quick question.
  2. AfroSamurai

    RIP strictly7?

    I didn't get the email, so if someone can pm the file would be great (want to check whether I'm listed or not).
  3. AfroSamurai

    RIP strictly7?

    I was in contact with Ola from before that post and he basically said the same. He told me to send the guitar back to Jim to get either a refund or rebuild by Astral...... If I knew he was going to bail like that I would have kept the Boden and sent it locally for a repair. Now, that mail...
  4. AfroSamurai

    RIP strictly7?

    That would be great! By the way, Ola did bail on us. I thought he was a man of his word, but I was wrong.
  5. AfroSamurai

    RIP strictly7?

    I have not posted in a while, but I still check frequently. I'm one of the guys that bought a Strandberg on Septermber 2012 from S7 and I'm still waiting on a refund. At this point I'm pretty sure we are screwed, but if you guys have any news please share them.
  6. AfroSamurai

    NAD: AMT Stonehead -- first one off the boat. But...

    Great news! Can you give us a review of channels 2 and 3? Similarities with other amps and so on? Does it sound to solid state?
  7. AfroSamurai

    Yep, Vancouver to be precise

    Yep, Vancouver to be precise
  8. AfroSamurai

    ET Tomahawk Wenge Custom: Took some video of the new beast

    Killer guitar and awesome tone! I used to have a Peters, really tight and dry sounding amp, had to sell it since it didn't had a clean channel. I loved it and still regret selling it :(
  9. AfroSamurai

    NGD: ET Guitars Australia - Custom 7 String

    That's awesome. Usually you have to wait a year + to get a custom.
  10. AfroSamurai

    Fun Preamps for Metal

    I'm moving to Canada next week, so after I settle down I'll see what I'm going to get. It's either one of the legend 2 preamps, the stonehead or a e530.
  11. AfroSamurai

    Fun Preamps for Metal

    I'm super impressed, sounds really good! It reminds me a little bit of a deliverance. I think that paired with your 2/90/2 it's going to sound even closer to a real vht. I really can't believe how much tone these things pack, I really need to buy one. The main problem is to decide which one...
  12. AfroSamurai

    Need a New Amp and on a budget

    Depends on what you play, but here's a list of killer amps at that price - ampeg vh140 - randall cyclone - peavey xxl - peavey rockmaster + rocktron velocity - peavey ultra plus From all of those the ultra plus is the best. Actually the ultra plus is still one of the best amps I've ever played...
  13. AfroSamurai

    NGD: ET Guitars Australia - Custom 7 String

    I usually prefer blank fretboards, but that inlay really sets the guitar off. It's a really nice touch that the leaves change from red to black. Just out of curiosity, how much did you have to wait?
  14. AfroSamurai

    Fun Preamps for Metal

    That sounds great! Post some clips when you can :hbang: By the way, what power amp are you using?
  15. AfroSamurai

    Blackstar, KRK, focusrite, POD HD

    Last bump, please take this off my hands!
  16. AfroSamurai

    NAD: AMT Stonehead -- first one off the boat. But...

    Glad to hear that they are replacing it! When is the new one arriving? I really want to hear a proper review of the toaster :hbang:
  17. AfroSamurai

    The BlacKat Guitars thread

    Awesome! I also got your email, I'm spec'ing it right now and I'll shoot an email later today!