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  1. jaretthale78

    And now for something COMPLETELY different

    i don't want to hear no more hating on teeny boppers with tight jeans
  2. jaretthale78

    DC727s and your opinion?

    the only con i can think of are the pickups. there not for everybody, there really great for jazz and sound very smooth but not a whole lot of output.
  3. jaretthale78

    Dear friends recommend please 7string for tech death.

    bad for fast parts ? you mean playability ?
  4. jaretthale78

    Advice on 9 strings

    advice: join
  5. jaretthale78

    Demon F*cker!

    mmmmm horny for death :coffee:
  6. jaretthale78

    Carvin vs Agile

    i seriously saw this thread and lold, carvin with a doubt is going to outperform an agile in every way, but i will say that agile 8s are a pretty good guitar. im not going to list everything, but a neck thru 8 with a trem for under 1000, you cant go wrong.
  7. jaretthale78

    First song self recorded!

  8. jaretthale78

    NGD: Very first seven

    but does it bulb?
  9. jaretthale78

    Djent/Deathcore Dominance as a threat to other genres?

    juzt stay br00talz and tahts all dat matturs mayne. rokk on for lyfe toe tally
  10. jaretthale78

    So...which amp?

    acks efex fur dgjentz.
  11. jaretthale78

    This last Saturday, my band played through this:

    you can collapse my world any day, baby .
  12. jaretthale78

    NGD Carvin DC 727 Claro Walnut content! (Pic heavyish)

  13. jaretthale78

    This last Saturday, my band played through this:

    but will it sunn o))) ?
  14. jaretthale78

    Official What Are You Reading Thread:

    gods of eden - william bramley
  15. jaretthale78

    How to play a riff from Inamorata by AAL?

    you have to have an axe fx edit: thanks for neg rep.