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  1. Lianoroto

    Nicolas Cage losing his sh*t djent style

    Indeed he was! The man is also back behind the guitar again:
  2. Lianoroto

    New Corelia Album 2015

    Would love for this to be true, but no. Just no.
  3. Lianoroto

    The HAARP Machine Megathread

    Not digging the mix and a few of the melodic elements, but man this is surprisingly good. Al is maybe a year or two away from actually doing the material "justice", which is kinda impressive given for how short he has been practising singing.
  4. Lianoroto

    Smallest footprint decent studio monitors for untreated multi-use room

    I must agree with the above post. Headphones are much better than a compromise in speaker size, and positioning. If you miss the feel of speakers then maybe consider a subpac to pair with your headphones.
  5. Lianoroto

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    I'll take this as solid confirmation, otherwise you wouldn't be seeing the guy again!
  6. Lianoroto

    My first post in 6 years - Axe FX Ultra in 2020?

    Hah, funny share!
  7. Lianoroto

    My first post in 6 years - Axe FX Ultra in 2020?

    It sounds about even with most bands/projects I would count as similar to this style. Maybe the drums feel a bit too programmed, but that could easily count as a stylistic choice. Adding vocals could either make the mix stronger, or have it fall apart. I think you should get those tracked as...
  8. Lianoroto

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Its mostly the kind of people ideas/communities like that attract. That is where you'll find weird/stupid.
  9. Lianoroto

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Eh, you sleep in your studio now?!
  10. Lianoroto

    NGD: PRS Wood Library Custom 24 Semi-Hollow Frost Blue Metallic

    That blue is crazy delicious! I need that, but on a guitar I can actually afford.
  11. Lianoroto

    Show Us Your Home Studio Setup!

    Worst case the Audient ID22 has all those features, and should sound the same for less money.
  12. Lianoroto

    Show Us Your Home Studio Setup!

    To put it in context: My Audient ID14 sounds just as good, if not better, than my fathers older RME FireFace. The price points were, and are still, quite dissimilar and totally favours the Audient when you don't consider extra inputs a necessary feature. Drivers for both brands feel just as...
  13. Lianoroto

    Show Us Your Home Studio Setup!

    I'll sing the praise of my Audient ID14 any day, but unless you have specific problems with your current interface I'm not sure its a worthwhile upgrade. Looking to the right side on your desk I think you got the important part covered. More expensive DA/AD probably isn't the missing piece here...
  14. Lianoroto

    Monuments Megathread

    The new song feels like a throwback to when they had Neema and Greg behind the mics, just a little less frantic. A very nice opening single!
  15. Lianoroto

    Neural DSP teasing something new (Quad Cortex)

    Ola's video was recorded with a camera mic in a somewhat shitty situation. It could sound both worse or better in real life. Who knows. It does sound like the Quad Cortex has a general "blanket sound" that is very much covering all the proper demos so far. Kinda like the Pod HD, but not sure I...
  16. Lianoroto

    Aristides Guitars T/O

    Give it a Gotoh trem and I'm not sure what I'll do with myself.
  17. Lianoroto

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Horizon Devices progressive tension strings. Rebrand of the WG StringDrop, but made by dunlop or something. I guess we'll have some more details soon.
  18. Lianoroto

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    You can think a performance or melodic compoisition is trash while still liking the dude enough to hang with him. Maybe even let him join you on stage as a treat to fans. No? Maybe even secretly be best friends and lovers?! Afaik Misha only mentioned how lazy writing walked all over the rest of...
  19. Lianoroto

    Periphery Megathread: Everything Periphery

    Reptile, and Crush are total bangers. Crush just grabs you by surprise when it appears on first playthrough, and had me loving it by 45 seconds in. For me, I don't think there is anything I dislike in this release when looked at as a whole. It's just, once again, exactly what I wanted. Totally...
  20. Lianoroto

    The Devin Townsend Supermegathread!

    Nolly mentioned somewhere that the reason Devin wants certain elements the way they are, is because of "feel" and artistic vision. Basically Devin got a soundscape in his mind, and needs all the important elements to coexist in a specific way. I guess the problem then becomes that everything is...