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  1. ogisha007

    2 peices of wood for a body ok

    Most production guitar bodies are probably made from two or more pieces. If necks can be made from multiple pieces, then why couldn't bodies be made the same way? Some people argue that one piece bodies sustain better and sound better, but two piece bodies are probably just as good.
  2. ogisha007

    7 string pickup route measurements...

    A supreme thank you, Wi77. This is definitely what I need :) Well, if I have the dimensions, it doesn't really matter if I have it in my hands or not, as long as they are accurate. The luthier is experienced, he'll know how much to route, what depth etc... Everything is done the same as for a...
  3. ogisha007

    7 string pickup route measurements...

    A local luthier is building me a custom 7 string, and because a seven string doesn't exist in my town, I won't have the pickup for the next couple of weeks, and he has never build one I need to know the dimensions of the pickup route for the standard 7 pickup (DiMarzio, SD...). Metric, imperial...
  4. ogisha007

    Help me with this Squier Stagemaster body...

    So i traded my Ibanez hardshell case for this body, from what I gathered it's a Stagemaster 7. First some obligatory pics (sorry for the crappy quality, it's the middle of the night here): ...a really nice shade of gunmetal grey... ...the only ding, kinda spoils the...
  5. ogisha007

    There is one thing i love about 8 strings

    Just to inform you, there is no such thing as a B#. :P
  6. ogisha007

    Got a 7MB connection Why the fuck is my DL speed sil 65kB/sec?

    70 something kb/s download, 6 kb/s upload. It blows major chunks.
  7. ogisha007

    Any /b/tards On

    I'm a casual browser, usually visit 4chan and 7chan one to two times a week. On another note, I wonder if there's a rule 43 on sevenstring guitars. :spock:
  8. ogisha007

    This man...

    Married With Children FTW! Al Bundy is my hero too :lol:
  9. ogisha007

    Edge/Lo Pro Loose Arm solutions

    I recommend the Schaller arm mod, I've done it to my RG550, and it rules! No more loose arm bullshit, flutter 'till the end of time! A bit of a warning though, in my particular case I had to file the threads in the hole a bit so that I could fit the Schaller arm holder, so there's a chance the...
  10. ogisha007

    I seem to forget to sign in to my Messenger these days. :lol:

    I seem to forget to sign in to my Messenger these days. :lol:
  11. ogisha007


    Haggard. I've always considered them as a kind of avantgarde doom metal band.
  12. ogisha007

    Q-Tuner pickups in a fanned 8?

    Here's a drawing I did of the BL-5 in slanted (26.5 - 28 inches) and normal setups . The BL-5 has just enough spacing for a regular 8 string guitar, but for fanned uses it seems the pole position would not be ideal. Anyway, I asked the Q-tuner guy for advice, and here's the answer I got...
  13. ogisha007


    Oh, no, now I'll have to refresh this topic every five minutes. :lol: No thanked posts for you until you show some more pics. :P
  14. ogisha007

    Oni Guitars - pics and info

    Very very very sexy guitars. I approve of this thread. :drool: One question though. Where did you get those single string guitar bridges? I only saw the ABM bass-like ones, did you make these yourself?
  15. ogisha007

    Should women front screaming bands?

    I don't really like women doing screaming vocals. Most of the time, they sound too shrill and thin to me. I'll take George Fisher over a female death vocalist any day. As for screamo, I don't listen to it anyway. :) So, my vote is no.
  16. ogisha007

    AWESOME NEW 7 STRING RANS!!! (Pic Heavy)

    English is not my native, so I may not have been clear enough. The design thing was a statement to everyone, not just towards you. I'm genuinely curious as to how many truly original guitar designs have been made in the past 10 years or so. Ripping off guitar shapes isn't just small luthier's...
  17. ogisha007

    AWESOME NEW 7 STRING RANS!!! (Pic Heavy)

    Dude, they are just following a customer's request, the law doesn't apply to them and they obviously don't give a fuck, so I don't see a point arguing over this. :shrug: Honestly, there are far worse things in the guitar world than RAN Guitars. Ed Roman, all those chinese copycats with real...
  18. ogisha007

    AWESOME NEW 7 STRING RANS!!! (Pic Heavy)

    I don't see Jackson and Ibanez getting all upset about RAN, so I don't see why should you. :shrug:
  19. ogisha007

    AWESOME NEW 7 STRING RANS!!! (Pic Heavy)

    I agree with Desecrated. :agreed: The point is, they're not really hurting the major manufacturers. Some of the stuff they provide are indeed ripoffs, but they also provide guitars that aren't one on one copies, either with a different body shape, different specs, headstock, whatever... I'd...