Line 6 Helix Megathread - 2.80 update

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2015
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San Diego, CA
Yeah. But I don't flip them every time a new model comes out like Axe-fx fanboys:lol:

I mean, there are guitars and amps around from literally 60 years ago that people still play and gig with. These are pieces of tech that didn't use to go obsolete, but now a lot of the market is saturated with super high-priced stuff that won't have a quarter of the lifespan of a Fender Twin. That seems kinda silly to me.

well, high end modeling definitely has its demographic
and it sounds like you're not one of them
but that's not to say they're not ideal for anyone

they're for people who need access to several vastly different sounds in a highly portable rig so they don't have to bring 4 different amps to every gig

i don't even have to go in to the tons of recording benefits these things are capable of for these to be a good investment.

and as for gear flipping, there are still people out there who own the axe fx standard and ultra models who have no plans to upgrade to the 2 and people like me who will happily purchase their used standard and ultras should they decide to ;)

tl;dr version: everyone's needs are different

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Devyn Eclipse Nav

Avid Open C Enthusiast, Aspiring Ghibli Wizard
Feb 20, 2011
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Chicago, IL
I'm definitely interested, but I can't say I'm not a little annoyed after dropping $80 on the metal and bass packs for my HD500X...

HOWEVER, if this thing really does prove itself worthy of the $1500 price tag, then I think I'll look into it in a year or two, especially now that I'm joining a gigging band again - the biggest issue I've run into with the HD series is the lack of routing options and the DSP limit - I do a ton of stuff at once sometimes, and that DSP limit can be a bitch. One of my favorite non-standard tones needs a compressor, the string synth, two amps, two pitch shifters, a chorus, and reverb - that takes a TON of space, and still isn't quite where I'd leave it if I had the extra power.

The fact you can run 4 amps makes this VERY attractive, lots of options to potentially run an entire band out of the box


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2012
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I just texted my buddy to tell him about this since he's a line 6 fan. He's a manager at a little music shop and it turns out they've got one in the back. Might have to go get the inside scoop on this thing if they'll let me play it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Looks pretty cool! Not sure I would trade my Axe-FX for one, but I am interested to watch how this thing sounds when they come out!


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2015
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San Diego, CA
I'm definitely interested, but I can't say I'm not a little annoyed after dropping $80 on the metal and bass packs for my HD500X...

HOWEVER, if this thing really does prove itself worthy of the $1500 price tag, then I think I'll look into it in a year or two, especially now that I'm joining a gigging band again - the biggest issue I've run into with the HD series is the lack of routing options and the DSP limit - I do a ton of stuff at once sometimes, and that DSP limit can be a bitch. One of my favorite non-standard tones needs a compressor, the string synth, two amps, two pitch shifters, a chorus, and reverb - that takes a TON of space, and still isn't quite where I'd leave it if I had the extra power.

The fact you can run 4 amps makes this VERY attractive, lots of options to potentially run an entire band out of the box

i'm still going to be purchasing the metal and vintage packs
this isn't really a pod hd replacement in my eyes
it's a whole different class so for those who aren't in the axe fx budget territory the hd series is still our best option


tha vagina finda
Nov 17, 2014
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Toronto, Canada
Watched the cute promo vid on the product website and I'm not gonna lie, they really got something going with this box. I like how you can adjust parameters literally with your feet. It'll be a great feature for the bedroom or studio.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2015
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San Diego, CA
Badass interface.....thing looks fantastic.

I will say it probably won't replace my Axe and I think most of these features are 'too little too late', but it's definitely a viable alternative.

yeah. honestly the ax8 still looks like more of an attractive choice.
i'm excited to see what the price for that will be.


Jun 2, 2012
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In the shadow of a mountain near SLC UT
yeah. honestly the ax8 still looks like more of an attractive choice.
i'm excited to see what the price for that will be.

I hear you....for me, using L6 stuff all the way back to the red bean up thru the HD300-HD500 and some little 1x12 that's currently in my bedroom closet: I'd have to hear/play it before I'd even THINK of paying $1500 for anything L6 put out...they're good for what they are and the price points are accurate for me for the tones in the boxes.

Fractal would get my $ first, and right behind them a used Kemper...this thing would have to be completely stellar at everything it promises to do before I'd bother with it. Just my .02...


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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I hear you....for me, using L6 stuff all the way back to the red bean up thru the HD300-HD500 and some little 1x12 that's currently in my bedroom closet: I'd have to hear/play it before I'd even THINK of paying $1500 for anything L6 put out...they're good for what they are and the price points are accurate for me for the tones in the boxes.

Fractal would get my $ first, and right behind them a used Kemper...this thing would have to be completely stellar at everything it promises to do before I'd bother with it. Just my .02...

Line 6 definitely has a "sound" that I usually like enough at first to pay, but then it starts to grate on my nerves over the next several months. Something about the way the upper mids sound. They are always there. You hear it easily in the early Axe vs HD videos on YouTube. The HD always has this weird mid-funk over the top of everything.

That being said, I have owned every version of the POD, so you never know. :eek:


Tube Snake Boogie
Nov 14, 2011
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I think this is good, the more options we get in the high-end modelling segment the closer we get to the point which I would like (as a hobbyist/semi-professional musician) - a modular modelling amp.

Think about it, you pay less for limited hardware, in different steps. I.e. 1 amp + five pedals, 2 amps + 10 pedals and so forth - or you can freely pick your setup which determines the hardware and price + you pay for the loadable content which you can switch around when and if you need.

For example, I get the cheapest bundle - 1 amp + 5 pedals. I've got a bass gig - boom, I upload an SVT + a Bass OD, compressor and a chorus. Next day, I need to be at a guitar playing rehearsal - boom, stick in an USB and upload a Marshall JCM800, a TS, Delay and wah (for my expression pedal).

Commercially speaking, I might end up paying the same for all the stuff I need in the end if I buy a lot (than if I had bought the flagship product), but if I only need some specific amps & pedals this might be cheaper for me and lure me into the modelling world if I'm not there already. Throw in a software modeller for my recording setup in which I can use the amps I bought and I'm a happy customer.

Fractal & Line6, are you listening? ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2015
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San Diego, CA
I think this is good, the more options we get in the high-end modelling segment the closer we get to the point which I would like (as a hobbyist/semi-professional musician) - a modular modelling amp.

Think about it, you pay less for limited hardware, in different steps. I.e. 1 amp + five pedals, 2 amps + 10 pedals and so forth - or you can freely pick your setup which determines the hardware and price + you pay for the loadable content which you can switch around when and if you need.

For example, I get the cheapest bundle - 1 amp + 5 pedals. I've got a bass gig - boom, I upload an SVT + a Bass OD, compressor and a chorus. Next day, I need to be at a guitar playing rehearsal - boom, stick in an USB and upload a Marshall JCM800, a TS, Delay and wah (for my expression pedal).

Commercially speaking, I might end up paying the same for all the stuff I need in the end if I buy a lot (than if I had bought the flagship product), but if I only need some specific amps & pedals this might be cheaper for me and lure me into the modelling world if I'm not there already. Throw in a software modeller for my recording setup in which I can use the amps I bought and I'm a happy customer.

Fractal & Line6, are you listening? ;)

this is definitely the dream. eventually i hope it gets to this point.


Jul 19, 2008
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They go on and on and on both in the video and on the site about how many stupid functions they have put into it - I mean why would I ever wanna program it with my feet?????
Beats bending over to the floor to turn a knob with your hand.

Anyway, I'll wait till they make a POD Helix for $499 or something.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2014
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Copenhagen, DK
Anyway, I'll wait till they make a POD Helix for $499 or something.

The good thing about line6 stuff is that they sell so much so contrary to axe-fx and kemper we will probably be able to buy these things used about a year after release for half the price or less :lol:

Slunk Dragon

Gear Nerder
Aug 30, 2011
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Harper Woods, MI
Did not expect this, though I suppose considering what the competition is for this, I'm eager to see more wide-ranging demos of the thing.

If it winds up being useful, I really like how moddable the footswitches are, and with the patch names right there, the only other foot controller I've seen do that is the ones Adrian Belew uses. (I think they're called Liquid Foot Controller or something, not too sure, but they cost A LOT for just a foot controller)

Count me interested!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2013
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Too expensive for POD algorythms, hope they found something new to be a true competitor. Breakthrough?