silent suicide

Winter is coming
Jan 13, 2013
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Hörnsjö, Sweden
A quick question for you Hd500 geeks :)
Would the pod be able to switch channels on an amp aswell ?
I really love the Blackmore's distortion channel, but I would like a Clean channel to use the Pod on..
Or just for effects, Delay, Reverb,...
Silly question if you put the pod in the amp's fx send and return will it also have the distortion from the dirty channel or will it be clean?
I am kinda new to modellers and want to know more about this before I pull the trigger on one.

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Beyond Fiction
Nov 1, 2012
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Agreed - i've only had mine a month or two and am already jonesing for an update. In the meantime, i continue to tweak my patches to get them better.

One thing im noticing is that even using the pod, my tone is different cranked up in a band setting (using a velocity power amp). I really have to back my gain way down to get a good live sound, much the same as i would do on a real tube amp. After each gig, i seem to be editing my patches for less gain or turning off boosting to get it more natural/amp like - Not a complaint mind you, just an observation.

I noticed that too, that's why i have a setlist with live patches (with less gain obviously) and another setlist with practically the same patches but tweaked for studio/home practicing purpose!!
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
To all you guys bitching about Romeg's obviously poor attempt at trolling, let me simply respond here:

Chimp Spanner = Paul Ortiz: HD500 and HD Pro both in-studio and live
Monuments = John Browne and Olly Steele: HD Pro both in-studio and live
Vildhjarta = whatever the .... old-ass POD they use in-studio and live
Meshuggah = Fredrik and Marten: old Vetta heads live (before HD modelling remember?)

End of discussion.


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada!prettyPhoto

i keep hearing about the "multiple routing options" but cant seem to find that it does ANYTHING different than the current hd500.

i do like how it has a huge picture of a guitar plugged into it and then into a computer with the title usb to computer. now if some people would look at the website before making a post on here asking if it can be hooked up via usb, then i would keep the hair on my head a little longer....

also, it doesnt matter to me if hes trolling or not, it doesnt effect my statement as im sure there will be a ton of people still thinking what he said. besides the bike wheel from a camaro thing...


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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Toronto, Ontario
Agreed - i've only had mine a month or two and am already jonesing for an update. In the meantime, i continue to tweak my patches to get them better.

One thing im noticing is that even using the pod, my tone is different cranked up in a band setting (using a velocity power amp). I really have to back my gain way down to get a good live sound, much the same as i would do on a real tube amp. After each gig, i seem to be editing my patches for less gain or turning off boosting to get it more natural/amp like - Not a complaint mind you, just an observation.

Your live and studio tones are supposed to sound different. They are completely different environments. It would be like that with any amp or other amp modeler.
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
San Juan, Argentina!prettyPhoto

i keep hearing about the "multiple routing options" but cant seem to find that it does ANYTHING different than the current hd500.

i do like how it has a huge picture of a guitar plugged into it and then into a computer with the title usb to computer. now if some people would look at the website before making a post on here asking if it can be hooked up via usb, then i would keep the hair on my head a little longer....

also, it doesnt matter to me if hes trolling or not, it doesnt effect my statement as im sure there will be a ton of people still thinking what he said. besides the bike wheel from a camaro thing...

According to that pic, the routing options are the same as our HD500's. The only changes I see so far is more DSP and that backlight thingie with different footswitches.


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2009
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Are you sure you have the latest firmware? I found out at the end of last year that there was a firmware update, lol. I think it hasn't been a year since I have it either, but mine came with an outdated firmware.

Yeah. All fully up to date

cyril v

Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
According to that pic, the routing options are the same as our HD500's. The only changes I see so far is more DSP and that backlight thingie with different footswitches.

Yeah, thats pretty weak. I'll be skipping the X-series.

They really haven't shown that they're capable of supporting their user requests and updating the software regularly, so I'll just stick with the Pod HD for now.


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
heres something to remind you all how good the current hd500 is. this track was using my diezel patch. i only added a small bit of eq in the post because i had recorded my guitar parts like a month or two ago. bass was also done with the pod in case you didnt already know that. vocals were done by my main man Wayne Hudspath. enjoy!


Dr Djodson
Aug 7, 2010
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
$50 says that the chip they were using for processing was discontinued, and they simply have a new chip that is the same price, but more powerful.

I use single amp patches, none of which have ever hit DSP limits. I'll pass on this and stick with the HD500. No new firmware, no hint of any potential new firmware being affected by DSP power. Pass.


Is Post-Thrash?
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
I like to use lots of effects, but I don't use the amps on the Pod anyway so I'm not getting one of these, but hopefully this means the HD500's will go down.:fever:


May 30, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
$50 says that the chip they were using for processing was discontinued, and they simply have a new chip that is the same price, but more powerful.

I use single amp patches, none of which have ever hit DSP limits. I'll pass on this and stick with the HD500. No new firmware, no hint of any potential new firmware being affected by DSP power. Pass.

that says a lot coming from a line 6 endorsed musician ;)

i completely agree though. im sure line 6 works kind of like wal mart in the fact that they buy a HUGE quantity of something for a good price and then when they run out of stock or the contract runs out, they look for a new one. with the way processors for anything work, the prices decrease by the time the development is done on the original product, so it would be foolish to stick with the old one.

my speculation for the firmware though is that they may actually continue to release new ones. if the hd500x only has more processing power to add the full amount of fx with a dual amp patch, then there seems to be no reason why the same firmware would work on both. line 6 releasing a new unit might be a good thing for all of us.

realistically, now would be a great time for them to release packs like the older models that cost extra, but add more amps. that would not only make money for something that they dont have to physically produce, but also help them sell off the remaining units that they have stocked in their warehouses.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2012
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
For all the trolls and haters out there. The POD is the most convenient solution for all us bedroom guitarists. And to be honest it does a good hell of a good for being such a compact device. The problem is, like with any piece of gear, if you do not explore it inside out and look everywhere on how to use it, you will never see how great it can be. I got into Impulse Responses and finally figured out how to route my guitar and pod so that i can get the sound i wanted and i swear, i have never been happier with my tone. However, i do agree that Line 6 can improve many aspects of the Pod HD. Impulse loading would be nice and a more convenient and logical equalizer would do wonders for the Pod. Here's something i recently made with the POD using Lepou Lecab and various different impulses from Guitarhacks, Sperimental and God's Cab 96:

Iron Beard

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Marquette Height,IL
Suitable for home recording? Yes...that's why the POD got famous!
Can do reamping on USB or coaxial? Don't know about USB because I never use it, but hellyeah it can do reamping over S/PDIF (If that's what you meant by coaxial). You just have to read the Manual....

As for the criticism, I haven't checked out that video yet, but as many here I agree that's a wrong move by Line 6 to present the HD500X as something new when in fact it only brings more DSP power. At this point, I don't know if Line 6 is taking us for fools, or if it's been that since X3. I remember I passed on an X3 because the HD series had just come out, so I figured I'd wait for something way better. I also think that Line 6 perhaps had already designed the HD500X before even releasing the HD series, but decided to release them with less DSP power so 3 years later they could bring out this "improvement".

I'm not against the HD500 because it's still a great processor, at least what my wallet allows me. I'm not disrespectful as some people here to the gear that gives me good sound live and in studio, and the possibility to make quality music. If I ever get to buy something better, so it will, but so far I've been comfortable with what the HD500 gives me and what I paid for it.[/QUOTE]

This is true. Not everyone can drop $3000 on an axe fx!!!


Active Member
Mar 30, 2012
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Hong Kong
If so, then the HD Pro should also have to "upgrade" to "X" very soon.:scratch:

$50 says that the chip they were using for processing was discontinued, and they simply have a new chip that is the same price, but more powerful.

I use single amp patches, none of which have ever hit DSP limits. I'll pass on this and stick with the HD500. No new firmware, no hint of any potential new firmware being affected by DSP power. Pass.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2011
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New Orleans, LA
...been a while... I have not forgotten ye. Working on my last release of patches.

I've squeezed all I can out this thing. I wouldn't mind a 500X to throw a mild reverb on all my patches, but it would only simulate the sound of a room when using isolating headphones. Recording you can do it in a DAW. Live it's provided by the room.

Index of /podhd/patches/hd500
Look for the ones ending with "F" - all the 7S patches, and Petrucci/DT, a Vai, a Satch, and Lamb of God...but a bunch more are updated, just not finalized yet. Pretty much all the classic metal (CM), Shred/Prog (SH), and Modern Metal (MM) were updated. I'm quite happy with the Metallica and Megadeth ones in particular.

Although these are HD500 patches, they should work fine with the Pro. Desktop guys, use the JZab converter for now - I'll get the platform-specific files up once I'm done finalizing them all.

Keep in mind the 7S were dialed in with my Ibanez RGA8 with D-Activators. The longer scale and 1/2 step down tuning really darken the tone. Trying these on a brighter guitar may sound quite thin. Just relax any pre-amp bass cuts in the patch to thicken things up (including Distortion and Filter effects).

Conversely, all the other patches were dialed in on a EBMM JPM with CL/LF pickups. They don't have tons of low-end and have lots of mids. If things sound too thin and/or scooped, you'll have to compensate. Start with the pre-amp EQ (again including Distortion and Filter effects).

Tricks used in this last batch:
* I found turning down the Cab DEP's gave a more natural and crisp sound. It can also make the sound a bit thin, so I EQ'ed to compensate. I also use more E.R. than usual to get a little more thickness and space to the sound to compensate for the lower cab resonance. This really makes a world of difference.

* I found the missing piece to the fake Mesa Mark tone I always tried to dial in was that it was actually too djenty and not rough or gritty enough. I found a lower midrange scoop made the tone more aggressive. Try out the DT and Lamb of God rhythm patches to see what I mean. Toggle that pre-amp Parametric EQ.

* After lots of frustration with the Chaosphere patch, I think I got as close as I can. The main tweak here was to turn the Tone on the Screamer down, as well as decrease the midrange on the amp. Essentially I'm doing the same thing as the point above.

* I think I've found the right amount of low end to get things to fill a mix without muddying it. Obviously some have much more than others - if it doesn't work for you, modify the patch!!!

I'll try to get a few clips up soon. If yall could help me out recording some, I'll be happy to post them on my site, with a link to your band/page/whatever. Even some DI's would be good - I can re-amp them easier than I can play a good take - I have no time to REALLY practice my chops and it takes me forever to get a tight, real recording of anything.

Feedback is welcome. If the patches sound off, try to send me a DI and I can try to tweak some alternative patches. Either PM me on here, or use the contact link on my site in my sig.

br00tz mofurr
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
WAY TO GO BOBO! (I just downloaded the setlist, and hopefully I guess am waiting until you finalize and condense it all into one setlist, including the new "F"-labeled ones, so it'll be easier on me. But I'll download each individually if I have to. Ha.)
Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
Wilmington, NC
Anyway, you guys know that I don't really post much in this thread, nor have I ever made requests, but I actually have one now.

Go follow this link to another thread and listen to the song/video attached in the ORIGINAL POST:

Now, I am trying to achieve that same bass tone that Mikael Niklasson used on that album. (Dark Tranquillity - Character.) Do you guys (or POD gurus) think you could help me design a bass patch that sound to emulate that massive bass tone?

For convenience, here is a link to the video here too: Dark Tranquillity - Out of Nothing

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