Sep 1, 2013
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Perth, Australia
Does anyone on here use the 4CM with the hd500 and a 6505 head? I am completely new to this and was wondering how I should have my levels set in the Pod's effects loop and what I should have the 1/4" out switch set to get unity gain/no tone loss. Can I do any damage to my 6505 by changing setting on the Pod?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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All The Br00tz
Oct 6, 2013
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How do you guys feel about this amp played through headphones? I've been looking at the POD's now since I may be having to move around soon for work, and that means my tube amp and 4x12 probably won't suffice as I won't be buying a house until I'm settled in one spot!

that short guy

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2011
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Fairbanks, AK
as long as you get a good set of head phones it'll be good. it won't have the rumble that a real amp gives you but the tone is there.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2013
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Washington, DC

Wanted to make a really dirty, heavy mix for this song. Room mic on the drums (Superior Drummer with Metal Machine) is super loud, along with the snare bottom, and the bass is only one track using a modified version of Rick's grind bass patch.

Guitars are the treadplate amp & cab, and rick's patch for the bass is two Soldano overdrive amps with the ENGL XXL cab. u guyz like?


All The Br00tz
Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score

Wanted to make a really dirty, heavy mix for this song. Room mic on the drums (Superior Drummer with Metal Machine) is super loud, along with the snare bottom, and the bass is only one track using a modified version of Rick's grind bass patch.

Guitars are the treadplate amp & cab, and rick's patch for the bass is two Soldano overdrive amps with the ENGL XXL cab. u guyz like?

Love it. Really thick and beefy sounding.


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
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Wanted to make a really dirty, heavy mix for this song. Room mic on the drums (Superior Drummer with Metal Machine) is super loud, along with the snare bottom, and the bass is only one track using a modified version of Rick's grind bass patch.

Guitars are the treadplate amp & cab, and rick's patch for the bass is two Soldano overdrive amps with the ENGL XXL cab. u guyz like?

Came here to post a totally unrelated question, but your clip distracted me and I have to say... I love your sound! Not just the guitars, but the drums as well (they're relatively dry, and I like that a lot).

Now on to my unrelated question:

I'm using the HD500 into my Mesa Mark IV via 4CM, and I'm specifically looking for Flanger settings to get close to an "Adam Jones" kind-of sound.

This guy on youtube has great results (here) , but his pod x3 settings aren't cooperating with my rig.

Any thoughts / suggestions?



New Member
Jun 16, 2013
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San Marcos, TX
Hello all I'm pretty new to this forum and I'm a proud owner of the POD HD500. Although my question will not relate to the HD500 as I have a question about the Pod HD Pro rackmount unit. I stumbled upon a thread on some other forum where I noticed that Sweetwater is selling the Pod HD ProX with 8 specific artist presets and apparently these tones are Sweetwater Exclusive. Line 6 POD HD Pro X Rackmount Guitar Effects Processor | Sweetwater.com I was wondering if anyone has tried these tones and if they are the real deal. I contacted Sweetwater asking about the tones but they told me they are not sold outside of buying the Pod HDPro. There is more info on the topic at this forum Line 6 - Support The real reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to locate/download the tones so I can see the settings to recreate the patches for my POD HD500. If they are on the customtone website I was unable to locate them and I apologize and don't mean to intrude. Any help is appreciated.


Dec 13, 2013
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Vancouver, WA
How do you guys feel about this amp played through headphones? I've been looking at the POD's now since I may be having to move around soon for work, and that means my tube amp and 4x12 probably won't suffice as I won't be buying a house until I'm settled in one spot!

What I've been told is they are great for headphones (but also, quality of headphones will decide that, too). I just got my POD HD Pro today, and im refraining from diving into until I finish my readings for class tomorrow. I'll let you know how it is though once I figure out how to get it going :lol:


Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
Vancouver, WA
So I just got my POD HD Pro today, and it's in great condition other than the fact that it's missing a knob. Realistically speaking, it's not a big deal, but if you guys are like me with my gear, I want it all there, no matter what! I was looking for replacement knobs, and this came up on the Line6 website. Are these the right ones? (its missing one of the 4 knobs under the screen).


Could I just find the right sized knobs elsewhere? I really dont want to pay for 10 when I only need one (or 4 if I choose to be OCD about having those 4 match). I don't necessarily need that EXACT same knobs, so long as I can find 4 of the same style knobs that will fit. Is there some knob supercenter somewhere out there? Haha


New Member
Feb 16, 2014
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I am thinking about jumping ship to something less fiddly. Either 11R or GSP1101. Anyone used either? Is either one simpler? I almost exclusively use for home practice (and eventually recording) with headphones.

My sentiments exactly. I own an HD500 and recently bought a GSP1101 to simplify things. The GSP1101 is much easier to tweak, and I'm enjoying the tones. I put my AMT SS-20 in the preamp loop and it totally opened up the sound. I'm using the latest beta firmware so one can load their favorite IRs. Best of all worlds.


Sep 1, 2013
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Perth, Australia
Question about the 4 Cable Method -

How can I keep the volume level the same when going from a patch using my heads preamp to a patch using an amp model on the POD? I keep the POD's master on 100% and use the post gain to control volume on my 6505, but how can I keep it the same when using an amp model?


Feb 21, 2014
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Glendale, CA
4CM Low-Latency Low-Noise solution:

I found out that the pod's fx loop send introduces more noise and more latency compared to the normal line out of the pod.
I found out a way to reduce both noise and latency introduced by the pod's fx loop when using 4CM, if you don't care about hitting your amp's fx loop with a stereo signal.

The basic idea is: pre-amp signal on LEFT channel (with wah, compression, distortion effects)/ post-amp signal (with reverb, delay effects) on RIGHT channel.
1) Set input 1: Guitar, input 2: Variax (using same, this method doesn't work at all, we need discrete signals)
2) Don't put any effect in pre-path.
3) Put every pre-effect (wah,comp,dist..) on PATH A (upper), and pan the mixer full to the left.
4) Put an FX loop block (TURNED OFF! It works, and doesn't add noise and latency as when it's turned on!) and after it, every post/loop-effect (delay, reverb..) on PATH B (lower), and pane the mixer full to the right.
(If you turn on your FX loop block, you will hear more latency! But now you don't need it. That's why this solution is better than the standard 4CM routing)
5) Cable routing:
- Guitar cable in pod's guitar in input
- Run a cable from pod's Left line output to your amp's guitar input.
- Another cable from your amp's fx loop Send to your pod's fx loop Return.
- Last cable from the pod's Right line output to your amp's fx loop Return.
6) To have overall unity gain and less noise possible I use:
- Pod's master volume to 80-85% so my guitar sounds like it's directly plugged into my amp
- Guitar In switch set to normal
- 1/4" Out switch set to amp
- Fx loop switch set to stomp
- Mixer settings +6db for my pre/left signal and 0db for my post/right signal.

This is the same as the "normal" 4CM method, but splitted in 2 separate signals (Up=before preamp, Down= after preamp) and gives you the best SNR and the shortest latency you can get out of the pod.

The same patch can be used, disconnecting both send and return cables from the amp's fx loop, to have the best signal from the pod in front of the amp.
To use pod's pre and full amp models with the configuration shown before, just set up a patch with input1: guitar, input2: same and an amp block in pre-path position, then pan one of the amp's paths to the right and adjust mixer gain as desired.

Hi, I'm new to the forum and a new POD HD500 user. Yes, I've read all 346 pages so far, and the post quoted above is probably the best and most useful tip that I've found yet. I'm not that interested in copying other people's patches, matching tones, etc.- I just wanted to get a nice tone of my own out of my amp with the POD, instead of buying several separate pedals.

I was thinking of shelving the POD as I was planning on using it for some simple effects through my 5150, but something wasn't clicking. I was having a hard time putting a finger on it until I read this post. Latency... aha! That's what I'm feeling. Of course the noise was kind of annoying as well, especially at low volume, but I could live with that.

Amp sounds fantastic now rigged in this fashion, and the feel and responsiveness is so much better. The effects sound clearer and less muddy, and noise is reduced, as advertised. Maybe the POD has found a home after all.

I probably won't post much from here on out, but I felt strongly enough about this that I signed up. Great post, Paolosev91, kudos from this old fart. :bowdown:
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
San Juan, Argentina
My latest EP record is online and can be bought over iTunes, Amazon, etc. However, for those who don't want to buy it but still listen it you can on these links:


Desierto | Leechmaster

Of course, all guitar and bass tracks were recorded using a POD HD500, except for the acoustic version of one of the songs. If you're interested in the patches (which are way simple by the way), let me know and I'll post them here.

Lord Voldemort

Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
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"If you like my playing, please check out my band A Sense of Gravity!" Hey, I just got your CD in the mail on Wednesday. Such a long trip it took by USPS, all the way from Montlake to Bellevue ;)

That's awesome dude!!!

Thanks a lot.

Just an FYI, our album was recorded with an axe fx Ultra, not a POD in case you were wondering haha.