
Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2012
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Cleveland, OH
Any speaker will color your tone technically, and yes those are studio monitors. I have a pair of BX8a's and the matching SBX10. They're great in my opinion.

Ok, this is probably a really dumb question, but why don't they color the sound when I'm playing back the recorded track through the same speakers?

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2016
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Eastern Europe
Hey guys,

I have what I'm afraid might be a really stupid question about the Pod HD500x.

I see there are a lot of patches in this thread and in general, are they similar to Kemper profiles in the sense of can I just slap the patch on and hope to get (nearly) the same sound as the person who created it?

Can I, for example, take any of Meambobbo's patches from this post and know I will be getting the same deal apart from pickups and guitar wood and stuff?

Basically I want a Kemper Profiling Amp, but I have nowhere near the money for it. I do have the money for a second-hand POD, however even that isn't an insignificant sum I can afford to throw away for a test, and the second-hand market here isn't massive enough to know I can just re-sell it if it doesn't work out.

I'm currently using a Yamaha THR10X - it's adequate, but I want a better distorted sound.



Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2011
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Norfolk, UK
Hey guys,

I have what I'm afraid might be a really stupid question about the Pod HD500x.

I see there are a lot of patches in this thread and in general, are they similar to Kemper profiles in the sense of can I just slap the patch on and hope to get (nearly) the same sound as the person who created it?

Can I, for example, take any of Meambobbo's patches from this post and know I will be getting the same deal apart from pickups and guitar wood and stuff?

Basically I want a Kemper Profiling Amp, but I have nowhere near the money for it. I do have the money for a second-hand POD, however even that isn't an insignificant sum I can afford to throw away for a test, and the second-hand market here isn't massive enough to know I can just re-sell it if it doesn't work out.

I'm currently using a Yamaha THR10X - it's adequate, but I want a better distorted sound.

technically it should be way closer to the sound dialed in than on a Kemper (I own a Kemper and a Pod) because the HD Pro patches dont factor in the persons guitar or pickups that were connected to it when the amp was profiled. So a patch that sounds good on the HD Pro should theoretically sound universally good on most good>great sounding guitars regardless of pickups etc. The only change I would think might need changing would be how much gain there is on the patch as everyones pickups are different.

that short guy

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2011
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Fairbanks, AK
+1 for what he said

Best way describe it is on the Kemper guitar/pick-ups make up about 30% of the tone whereas the POD they really only make up 10-15% of the tone. If you have to tweak the patch it will minor adjustments in the EQ and the gain due to the pickups and wood of the original dialing and the pickups and wood of your guitar


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2016
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Eastern Europe
Thanks a ton for the quick replies!

So just to confirm, I could feasibly just use other people's patches on the HD500x and be fine without any/with minimal tweaking?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2011
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Thanks a ton for the quick replies!

So just to confirm, I could feasibly just use other people's patches on the HD500x and be fine without any/with minimal tweaking?

yes :yesway: whether you like them is another matter but they will work fine.


Got Groove?
Sep 22, 2009
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London, UK
My HD was just as picky as any other unit when it came to guitars. Granted it didn't always feel different (dynamic related), it sounded different enough for me to feel the need to tweak for each guitar that I owned, this was especially true with other peoples' presets although some of it also comes down to personal taste.


electronic musician
Dec 15, 2014
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so ive got a couple of decent sounds on my pod hd300 that sound pretty good through computer speakers but the second i record them into reaper they're all treble and like tweaking knobs doesnt do much and changing cabs does very little if nothing at all. am i doing something wrong or is my kajigger faulty or what?

I figured out my problem...sort of? It was sounding all fuzzy tremolo when listening back in reaper and turns out the sample rate from the usb was 48000 Hz while reaper was set to 44100 somehow. Now cabs and whatever work perfectly


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2015
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QLD, Australia
Thanks a ton for the quick replies!

So just to confirm, I could feasibly just use other people's patches on the HD500x and be fine without any/with minimal tweaking?

aso mind you the speaker you are listening from. If you are listening the patch from the same speaker you are going to play it, then yes.

it might wont be much of a difference, but it could do something. Same reason why you wont like someone else patch, he might had build it by playing it trouhg a small PA speaker, but you are listening trough studio headphones, or vice versa,or studio monitors, or an average computer sound system, ect ect

just be sure you listen to the patch in the same media you are going to play it trough


Chef de Extreme
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hey all.

Life has been keeping me from my SS.ORG addiction, but I am back and seek guidance...

Is there ANY WAY other than plugging my FBV into the computer and changing its midi functions via L6 Edit, to make the stomp buttons above the 4 patch buttons tons on the floorboard recall patches?

I want to get a midi board, but its SUCH a pain to program that stuff with the pod.

I am about to just fold and get the FBV MKII shortboard, but its gonna bug me that I am only using 4 of the 8 available buttons. My other idea was to just make each bank for each song, and always have certain buttons be certain effects, etc.

You would think a modeling company would make the board midi, but god forbid L6 made a business decision that could garner business outside their product line.

Let me know your thoughts on this, especially if someone is actually using a laptop live to control the functions of the floorboard. I have a tiny laptop i could easily use, but its one more cord to plug in. There is plenty of information on other floorboard options, but I want to see if the path of least resistance is one worth traveling.

Thanks in advance as always.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2016
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Hello peoples,

So I have been doing some research on the POD lately, and I am considering getting one to possibly replace my amp. The amp is a new 6505+ 112 which I've had for around a year. I love the sound, and I love playing it, however I don't really get to crank the volume as much as I'd like to (maybe a few times a week). I don't gig, nor do I see myself gigging in the near future. As much as I like the amp, I'm starting to think that the more practical choice would to just get a POD (bean or rack) and sell the amp with little to no $$ lost. It is my only amp though :(

Something to keep in mind is that I do record a lot (guitar and bass). I use a UX1 and POD Farm, which I get pretty good sounds from, so I'm already familiar with the software, amps, tweaking etc.

Any and all input would be appreciated!


Chef de Extreme
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
Hello peoples,

So I have been doing some research on the POD lately, and I am considering getting one to possibly replace my amp. The amp is a new 6505+ 112 which I've had for around a year. I love the sound, and I love playing it, however I don't really get to crank the volume as much as I'd like to (maybe a few times a week). I don't gig, nor do I see myself gigging in the near future. As much as I like the amp, I'm starting to think that the more practical choice would to just get a POD (bean or rack) and sell the amp with little to no $$ lost. It is my only amp though :(

Something to keep in mind is that I do record a lot (guitar and bass). I use a UX1 and POD Farm, which I get pretty good sounds from, so I'm already familiar with the software, amps, tweaking etc.

Any and all input would be appreciated!

I would get a Rivera Rock Crusher or similar load box that has a recording out capability. I like the rock crusher cause you can eq it to emulate a speaker tone.

The pod hd would require a power amp of some kind, be it through an amplifier or a stand alone power amp unit, as well as a cabinet if you want to play it on stage live. Or youcan go Direct or purchase powered FRFR cabs/monitors.

My only thing about the pod is you will need a good month to get the ins and outs straight. While i would love to sya it is plug in and go, it has a TON of quirks you need to be aware of in order to get the most out of the unit.

Its not a super steep learning curve, but it will require a small amount of time.

I always reccomend giving meambobos website a read, as well as the various youtube clips from chimpspanner, fiortiori, coatofarmsband, and skyproclaimsit as they are long time users and have used it in professional live applications through all sorts of different mediums.

I love my pod hd pro and feel the quirks and things are just apart of its charm. I grew up using line 6 stuff and have just developed a soft side for them lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2016
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I'm not afraid of having to spend time learning the software/hardware, I'm beginning to enjoy that sort of thing with gear. However, I am afraid that if I get rid of my amp, I will miss it. Looking through Reverb.com, there are some desktop units for >$300, and a used HD Pro on GC for >$400. I wouldn't mind having the desktop AND the amp, but if I got the Pro and kept the amp, it'd be a bit redundant, right?


Chef de Extreme
Dec 7, 2014
Reaction score
I'm not afraid of having to spend time learning the software/hardware, I'm beginning to enjoy that sort of thing with gear. However, I am afraid that if I get rid of my amp, I will miss it. Looking through Reverb.com, there are some desktop units for >$300, and a used HD Pro on GC for >$400. I wouldn't mind having the desktop AND the amp, but if I got the Pro and kept the amp, it'd be a bit redundant, right?

Ummm how would that be redundant? You'd have an awesome tube amp, and an awesome preamp effects unit...

You could use them both together even and use the POD HD PRO with the 6505, which would be a great thing.

I dont mean to be rude, but no one here is going to make the decision to buy it, for you.

If you want it, buy it and try it. If you dont like it, take it back.