SS Love and Relationships Thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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So, We're facebook official now and she had me meet her mom last night. Everything went well. I haven't been this happy in a while.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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^^^ Yeah, it wasn't my idea :lol:. She said she was tired of random guys messaging her all the time so hopefully they'll see that and back off.


Sep 27, 2010
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Santiago, Chile
what happened to the ''me wants grilfrund :c'' tag or something along those lines in this thread? :lol:

aaaand I spoke to the girl from abroad last week. We agreed to see some live bands during the early afternoon of the saturday that already passed by. The day came, I texted her asking where we would meet but the messaged didn't arrived; called and no dice. then around 7pm, she appeared and told me her battery was death, didn't have a charger in hand, and went to a friends house to charge it (atached a screencap and everything)

I told her it was fine, and we still had time too look for something else to do. She said she would just prefer to organize things better sometime in the future

sooo yeah, after that flake I don't expect to hear too much of her. The abrupt change in interest just felt so awkward though...


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
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I always start writing something on this thread thinking "I'll keep it short and concise," and end up with 7 paragraphs. Then I think "nobody's gonna read this, it's too damn long," then I realize I've just answered my own dilemma by writing it all out, so it feels moot to post. So I just give up, delete the whole thing, and post this instead. :lol:

Also, kamello, I think each member is only entitled to something like 2 or 3 tags, so you gotta remove one if you wanna use it elsewhere... so we see some memorable ones go every now and then. :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2016
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I never expected to find a thread like this on here.....this is cute as .....

Kanye approves

carry on.....


Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Santiago, Chile
I always start writing something on this thread thinking "I'll keep it short and concise," and end up with 7 paragraphs. Then I think "nobody's gonna read this, it's too damn long," then I realize I've just answered my own dilemma by writing it all out, so it feels moot to post. So I just give up, delete the whole thing, and post this instead. :lol:

Also, kamello, I think each member is only entitled to something like 2 or 3 tags, so you gotta remove one if you wanna use it elsewhere... so we see some memorable ones go every now and then. :(

update us man :D

haven't hear about you in a while <3 (well, I've payed very little atention to the forum too, between music and university)
also, the tags from last year were golden :lol:


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score

Basically a girl from my martial arts classes that I've known for quite a while but with whom only recently I started to really connect on a personal level. I'm very reluctant to date her, even though it makes nothing but sense that we do. We talk and text all day every day, we both flirt with each other all the time, we both do together something we deeply love, we have many other shared interests, and we spend a lot of time together (mostly in training). However, my training is too important for me to let other things potentially ruin it. She's also 6 years younger than I am (I'm 26, she's 20). It's also funny because, physically speaking, she's not my type. She isn't bad looking by any means, but I normally wouldn't consider it based on that alone; I didn't the first year and a half I knew her.

It's all good though, I'm not really emotionally invested, so I'm okay with it if it doesn't work.

There. I guess I managed to condense it in a single paragraph. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2009
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Providence, RI

Basically a girl from my martial arts classes that I've known for quite a while but with whom only recently I started to really connect on a personal level. I'm very reluctant to date her, even though it makes nothing but sense that we do. We talk and text all day every day, we both flirt with each other all the time, we both do together something we deeply love, we have many other shared interests, and we spend a lot of time together (mostly in training). However, my training is too important for me to let other things potentially ruin it. She's also 6 years younger than I am (I'm 26, she's 20). It's also funny because, physically speaking, she's not my type. She isn't bad looking by any means, but I normally wouldn't consider it based on that alone; I didn't the first year and a half I knew her.

It's all good though, I'm not really emotionally invested, so I'm okay with it if it doesn't work.

There. I guess I managed to condense it in a single paragraph. :lol:

given your past posts this martial arts class seems to be a lady goldmine lol


Living room guitarist. Ex-bedroom guitarist.
Apr 26, 2010
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:rofl: I see why you'd say that. She's about the third one I consider more seriously, really :lol: they come and go. We get about 20-30 newbies every semester, and few stay for more than a couple of months, so we cycle through a lot of people. Thing is, that's where I meet like 50% of the people I know today, because it's all I do and because I do not miss an event. :lol: Also, as seniors and as part of training, we have duties to fulfill, and so we are explicitly asked to take care of all the new people. But the ones I've been interested in have stuck around for at least a year... save for that one Japanese exchange student two summers ago, who I just dated because it slipped from her roommate that she liked me and so we went out for like 2-3 weeks before she went back to Japan. :lol: At least now I have a place to stay in when I visit Tokyo. :p

The savate class right after ours though... my God do I sometimes wish I had joined that one. They cycle through like 60 people every semester and some of their girls are downright breathtaking.


Downpicker \m/
Jan 19, 2012
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Los Angeles, CA
Local sad sack here again. I spent another sleepless night dwelling on the only person that I've ever truly cared for.

I'm a super closed off person and it's insanely rare for me to find someone that I could share everything and spend endless amounts of time with. I've met/gone out/fooled around with a bunch of different girls in the past 2 years but I just can't get over this girl.

It's gotten so bad that it's changing me as a person. I've always been the type to stare into space and just use my brain as a playground, reliving the best moments of my life and dreaming of things to do, but now that I'm missing my best friend there are places I just can't go in my own head. After all this time I just miss her, and I miss her like crazy. I can't get her out of my head no matter what I try, and anything that reminds me of her instantly sets off the waterworks. Her name casually drifts across my consciousness all the time and I end up involuntarily thinking about her every day. She was everything I could have ever hoped for in another human being and I thought she saw me the same way, but she obviously didn't. I've resigned myself to fighting through each day, constantly making a futile effort to keep her out of my thoughts. I don't see it ever ending, unless enough time goes by that I become totally numb or I meet someone else that enraptures me in every way and makes me forget about everything.

The only thing I can think to do is talk to her and try and make her understand how I feel. I tried so many times when we were together but I didn't have a full understanding of just how far I would be willing to go for her. I'm not a gambling man, because I don't believe in leaving things to chance if I can help it. But if she called me and asked me to take a risk on her I would do it in a heartbeat every time, because she's worth it to me. I just need her to tell me that it's what she wants. I would call her right now and do it, but the rational part of my brain tells me that there isn't a point. She's with someone else. I could sit and try and explain all the little things that I love about her and how willing I am to face the world and face all of my anxieties just to be with her until I'm blue in the face, but it wouldn't make a lick of difference if she doesn't want to be with me. It doesn't matter that I love her and that I've been crazy about her since we met, because I can't make her want me. It's completely maddening to just have sections of my brain be off limits if I want to maintain composure. It drives me crazy to have so little control over the one aspect of my life that I really want a certain way. Almost everything about my future would be negotiable if I could just share it with her.

ThePIGI King

Jiu Jitsu Enthusiast
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Local sad sack here again. I spent another sleepless night dwelling on the only person that I've ever truly cared for.

I'm a super closed off person and it's insanely rare for me to find someone that I could share everything and spend endless amounts of time with. I've met/gone out/fooled around with a bunch of different girls in the past 2 years but I just can't get over this girl.

It's gotten so bad that it's changing me as a person. I've always been the type to stare into space and just use my brain as a playground, reliving the best moments of my life and dreaming of things to do, but now that I'm missing my best friend there are places I just can't go in my own head. After all this time I just miss her, and I miss her like crazy. I can't get her out of my head no matter what I try, and anything that reminds me of her instantly sets off the waterworks. Her name casually drifts across my consciousness all the time and I end up involuntarily thinking about her every day. She was everything I could have ever hoped for in another human being and I thought she saw me the same way, but she obviously didn't. I've resigned myself to fighting through each day, constantly making a futile effort to keep her out of my thoughts. I don't see it ever ending, unless enough time goes by that I become totally numb or I meet someone else that enraptures me in every way and makes me forget about everything.

Some advice from me, so take it with a grain of salt.

After me and a girl I really cared about split, I found myself dreaming about her every night and I would think about her nonstop unless something was actively engaging my mind constantly. It really felt bad, so I feel for you man and hope you can get through this. I learned that I couldn't let a single person control my entire world, no matter how much she meant to me. Like, heard the saying "Don't put all your eggs in one basket"? Same thing applies here.

I'm not saying get over her and stop complaining, cause that's not what you need to hear. I'm saying that just try to take your emotional eggs and take some of them from this girls' basket, and put them in other baskets. Sorry I'm bad with advice and words.

My own dilemma, I dated this girl twice, both times she left me. The first time she said it was a mistake, the second she hasn't said anything about. We split for the second time in early August 2016. I had a different girlfriend for 3 months until the first of December. Well now me and my ex that left me in August have been talking for about a month now, and I'm unsure what to do. I love this girl, I know that much. But after being left twice by her I'm not sure if trying for a third time is a huge mistake or not.


7-string guitard
Jul 25, 2007
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Salo, Finland
Time for some happy stuff for a change!
I proposed to my girlfriend on new year's, and she said yes :) So, wedding coming up :eek:


Member Of The 27" Club
Mar 26, 2010
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Orofino, ID
^^Ditto to the congratulations, p0ke! Knock 'em dead! :metal:

I've actually got some good news of my own to share in this thread for once lol...I'm not comfortable sharing a ton of details yet, but just know that I am deeply in love with a beautiful woman who loves me back just the same and gets me in such a complete and total way that it's almost scary, happier than I've been in years, and I am finally at peace inside. That last part especially is more important than I can even begin to express, and I'm sure that many of you who have read my posts over the years on this forum know how absolutely huge this is for me. I am currently writing a song for this girl, and just recorded the music to it last night, with vocals to come. I swear I am not trying to plug my music in a thread it shouldn't be plugged in, I just wanted to show you guys that even the music I write is happier-sounding now. :) Thank all of you guys, whether we've only passed a few words, or if you're one of the chatroom regulars I talk to on a daily basis, for being here for me to talk to before this girl came along. It's much appreciated. :metal: