The Contortionist Megathread

  • Thread starter MetalJordan
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Ibanez Nerd
Jul 19, 2017
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Chicago, IL
Just a little bit I thought I'd add in here as I don't recall doing it. Got to be local support for them in my town and met Mike afterwards we talked a bit about the newest album.

He said much the same as he has in interviews that it was about his friend passing due to Opioid, but added on thats why the record has that back and forth "Nodding on and on" feeling with a fair bit of repetition as that's what people suffering from opioid addiction go through falling in and out of consciousness, struggling to stay awake. Again it helped me appreciate it more, though I still listen to the album and draw my own stories and help from the songs.

He also commented that he's quite selfish when it comes to writing and said he wrote this record because he wanted to tackle this subject of his friend and it's what he wanted to do, rather than write for others and what others may want. It sounds a little callous when I put it that way but he said it in a very nice and understanding way, the band want to write their own music and not other peoples music basically. It's also not like they can't get heavy as evidenced by the live shows.

Another little bitty for those interested in Last Chance to Reason, he said it was starting again, and that he and Robby (I believe that's the right Baca brother) were heading to rehearsal space soon with them. This was all a couple of months ago. So there is more heavy things.
I also want to confirm about Last Chance to Reason. I was able to talk with Eric (drummer of LCTR and producer of the band) about what was going on. He said that all of Level 4 is written and they have more than enough material. They are just waiting to get everyone together to record it.

I also want to add as I was able to speak with Cameron in person. He did tell me all about the new EP, but out of the respect of the band I will have to keep that to myself. He did say that they are definitely not done with heavy material. If anything, he made it sound like their music is a roller coaster of ups and downs of heaviness. The only thing I will say about the new EP is that one song is 7 string and one of them is a 6 string tuned to BADGBe. After talking to him, while not confirmed, it sounds like newer material will be a bit more of the same with some heavy thrown in. Sadly though I do not have 100% confirmation of this. It's just my interpretation from our talk.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2008
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This tour is definitely worth seeing. Heavy first set followed by a really cool acoustic set. Intervals was super fun to watch as well. One of the best shows I've been to in a while.


Jul 19, 2012
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That was the best show ive seen in a long time.
Also, Robby Baca has some of the best looking LACS guitars by a long shot imo


Sep 5, 2017
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Did the meet 'n greet thing in Seattle last week. Got my Language vinyl signed and got to briefly chat with each of the guys, then listen to a couple songs off the new EP. I'm incredibly stoked for it.

I stopped showing people my group photo because everyone always comments about how unexcited Eric and the Baca Bros look to be there. I think that's just their default look, though.

That was my first time seeing Intervals live, and they put on a great show too.


Snoofin' your gear
Jun 3, 2012
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Dallas, TX
The show in Dallas was amazing. When I saw them on the Colors tour last year, I thought it was the best set I've seen, but this show was even better. They played flawlessly and the ambiance was perfect---made all the better by a very unique outdoor venue and (surprisingly!) good weather. My only complaint was no songs from Intrinsic. Geocentric Confusion would have been amazing.
I couldn't understand why nobody had uploaded a video of Primal Directive to YouTube yet, given that they haven't played it in years (and never with Mike, as far as I know), so I took it upon myself. Enjoy. Go see this tour.


Ibanez Nerd
Jul 19, 2017
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Chicago, IL
The show in Dallas was amazing. When I saw them on the Colors tour last year, I thought it was the best set I've seen, but this show was even better. They played flawlessly and the ambiance was perfect---made all the better by a very unique outdoor venue and (surprisingly!) good weather. My only complaint was no songs from Intrinsic. Geocentric Confusion would have been amazing.
I couldn't understand why nobody had uploaded a video of Primal Directive to YouTube yet, given that they haven't played it in years (and never with Mike, as far as I know), so I took it upon myself. Enjoy. Go see this tour.

Really not a fan of Michael's vocals with Primal Directive to be honest. It really doesn't work with the song that well. Still excited to see them play my all time favorite song of their's again after all these years, but not digging how they sound. Very happy to see Jordan doing the back up screams like Chris. Just goes to show they aren't the same band anymore with the lineup changes and shift in sound. Kind of a bummer.


Je suis ketchup
Nov 9, 2016
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Vantaa, Finland
Really envy people who got to see them during the Exoplanet/Intrinsic days. I still like them, even the new album has grown on me during the past few months and they were great when I saw them live last year but this current singer just pretty much ruined that Primal Directive for me. He just sounds like he's screaming with a sore throat.


Ibanez Nerd
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Really envy people who got to see them during the Exoplanet/Intrinsic days. I still like them, even the new album has grown on me during the past few months and they were great when I saw them live last year but this current singer just pretty much ruined that Primal Directive for me. He just sounds like he's screaming with a sore throat.
I saw them in 2013 and I haven't seen a show come close to that since. TC shows now are so boring to me, but I love them and still go. It's like an abusive relationship lol. I like Michael's vocals, but totally agree with his on Primal Directive.


Je suis ketchup
Nov 9, 2016
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Vantaa, Finland
I saw them in 2013 and I haven't seen a show come close to that since. TC shows now are so boring to me, but I love them and still go. It's like an abusive relationship lol. I like Michael's vocals, but totally agree with his on Primal Directive.

Yeah, I like his vocals on the songs he recorded. He has kinda haunting and unique sound, at least compared to other singers in the "scene" but maybe it's just better if they stop playing the old songs live. I only wish there was some pro-shot videos from their old days.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2013
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Dublin, Ireland
I think the fact that the recording is from an outdoor venue and that there's a huge amount of reverb on his vocals doesn't help.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Madison, WI
I think the fact that the recording is from an outdoor venue and that there's a huge amount of reverb on his vocals doesn't help.
The last two times I saw them most of his screams were pretty meh. He did one cool high-pitched thing at the end of show, but other than that it wasn't very strong. I get the impression he doesn't really do as much of it as often, and like any muscle, if you don't exercise it, it atrophies.


Ibanez Nerd
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
The last two times I saw them most of his screams were pretty meh. He did one cool high-pitched thing at the end of show, but other than that it wasn't very strong. I get the impression he doesn't really do as much of it as often, and like any muscle, if you don't exercise it, it atrophies.
Which is a shame considering how good he sounded with Last Chance to Reason.


Snoofin' your gear
Jun 3, 2012
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Dallas, TX
Not sure I get the hate on his vocals in that song. I thought he sounded good, and to be fair that was recorded on my phone so everything definitely sounded worse than in person. All the vox also had too much reverb on that mixboard.
To be honest, I always thought the vox in Exoplanet were pretty monotone and the instruments were the standout by far---the harsh vocals were percussive elements, and the cleans were washy and ambient. Way less nuanced than the parts in Language and Clairvoyant. *Insert "Change my mind" meme* Then again, I was never a deathcore connoisseur, so maybe I just never developed a refined palate for br00tal v0x.


Jul 19, 2012
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to be fair that video hardly does it justice. he sounded like an absolute monster when they played that in SF, maybe he was feeling sick at the show that was filmed at or something but he sounded 1000 times better when i saw them (sorry flemmigan)


Ibanez Nerd
Jul 19, 2017
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Not sure I get the hate on his vocals in that song. I thought he sounded good, and to be fair that was recorded on my phone so everything definitely sounded worse than in person. All the vox also had too much reverb on that mixboard.
To be honest, I always thought the vox in Exoplanet were pretty monotone and the instruments were the standout by far---the harsh vocals were percussive elements, and the cleans were washy and ambient. Way less nuanced than the parts in Language and Clairvoyant. *Insert "Change my mind" meme* Then again, I was never a deathcore connoisseur, so maybe I just never developed a refined palate for br00tal v0x.
That's the whole point of Jon's vocals on Exoplanet and Intrinsic... His vocals were cold, but heavy which matched the material perfectly.


Bird Law expert
May 5, 2011
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Kittyland Love Center
I get the impression he doesn't really do as much of it as often

Last time Mike and I hung out, he was going to do some guest vox for my band, and we were trying different things in the studio. I told him that I wanted a screaming passage, but he was welcome to do whatever he felt would fit best over the passage. He essentially said that everyone always wants him to do screams, but he prefers being quiet and dynamic, nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Madison, WI
Last time Mike and I hung out, he was going to do some guest vox for my band, and we were trying different things in the studio. I told him that I wanted a screaming passage, but he was welcome to do whatever he felt would fit best over the passage. He essentially said that everyone always wants him to do screams, but he prefers being quiet and dynamic, nowadays.
I'd say that is pretty obvious.