Search results

  1. rahul_mukerji

    A Jazz Beginner Method for a more (technically) advanced guitarist?

    Rock House has a great video by Alex Skolnick [Testament] which is basically an introduction to Jazz for guitarists from a Rock / Metal background. I can't recommend it enough. I have it and its very very well taught. Link to Rock House Product Some of the books that I've used and found...
  2. rahul_mukerji

    The WIP Thread

    Daniel13 The piece 72a sounds sludgy and more in the realm of doom metal. Sounds pretty gnarly [in a good way]. I would recommend playing with the EQ a bit, depending on what kind of a sound/feel you want the track to have. I would also EQ the Kick Drum to beef it up a bit. A little cleaning up...
  3. rahul_mukerji

    The WIP Thread

    QuantumCybin, that sounds great. Are you using different synth patches on a single track[I know Omni allows 6 patches or so at a time] and playing it or are you layering using different tracks each time ?
  4. rahul_mukerji

    Album Art / CD Covers

    Hello !! So last year I was primarily fixated on Fractals and Fractal Videos. This year in an attempt to make a decent design for my CD Cover, I started playing around with Photoshop. I'll be posting my covers here for people to see. I ended up making a few in the search of getting a...
  5. rahul_mukerji

    The WIP Thread

    Coming back to the forum after a little bit of a hiatus and got to see this thread and am totally blown away by stuff here !! The pieces here are more worthy on CD's that some of the stuff that on the market now ! This thread reminds me of the Petrucci Forum monthly jams where we would...
  6. rahul_mukerji

    My band's new EP Free Download (Instrumental prog metal with Saxophone)

    I really enjoyed the piece :hbang: This is pretty different from T.R.A.M and Trioscapes, which is what I thought it would sound like. I loved the grooves, especially the basslines. The melody is catchy as well. The video is very well done. Personally, it was refreshing to see some great...
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Interface Question

    The people that worked at Guitar Center's Interface Dept liked the higher end Focusrite and swear by it. I'm currently using my old Presonus Firebox with great results. And I know a few people who've used Presonus Firestudio with good results, so you can check that out since you're looking...
  8. rahul_mukerji

    Widek - Journey To The Stars (feat. Per Nilsson, Plini, Chris Letchford and more)

    Absolutely loving the sounds and the mix of the songs !! :hbang: Excellent pieces with respect to feel and composition :yesway: Really cool that you got the most in-demand guitarists to feature on the CD ! Makes me very jealous. On a side note, I'm gonna check out the other clients...
  9. rahul_mukerji

    Today is a good day

    Spectrasonics has some really powerful engines in their software. Their Stylus RMX were awesome and Omnisphere is a beast to put it mildly. It will take a lot of time to tweak and play, but you can quite literally have a blast with the amazing standard sounds. I love their evolving sounds and...
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Guitar Pro Alternatives?

    I remember Power Tab Editor was quite popular before GP5 came out. Not sure on its Drum abilities.
  11. rahul_mukerji

    First foray into DSLRs

    Nice ! What lens are you using with the camera ? I like the first picture a lot. Since photography is subjective and I don't know your angle [pardon the pun] I don't know what kind of stuff you're looking to get into. I'm getting into the slow shutter kind of shoots now and I like those...
  12. rahul_mukerji

    Where do you guys find album artwork?

    Behance is an excellent resource to find artists who do some amazing artwork :hbang:
  13. rahul_mukerji

    AirGigs and SoundBetter Site Feedback

    Hi: I am on the verge of completing my CD and I've not been able to find musicians to finish the tracks. In my hunt for musicians and Mix Engineers and Mastering Engineers I came upon these two sites: Air Gigs Sound Better Does anyone here have any experience hiring people off...
  14. rahul_mukerji

    Stuff you've drawn, painted, or etc...

    Trying my hand at Spray Painting for the Summer ... started out with these pieces Destroying the Earth Iritis <--- My bands name, so its a nod to them :agreed:
  15. rahul_mukerji

    Beats Antique: Video Entry

    Hey So I participated in the Beats Antique "make your video for Dragon's Eye" and came up with this. Thought I'd share it here :)
  16. rahul_mukerji

    My Art used on Beats Antique Tour Video !

    Last year Beats Antique had opened their doors for fan submissions for their "A Thousand Faces" Tour, where they would take fan art and make it into a video for their, then upcoming, Fall 2013 tour. Last week I caught a glimpse of a video a fan took while the band was touring and one of my...
  17. rahul_mukerji

    Smoke machine?

    Slightly off topic but in the same realm : Someone in our band decided it would be a great idea to get a Bubble Machine into the live rig :idea:. So with little enthusiasm from anyone else in the band, he went ahead and got the little machine. Come gig night, he put it right in front of the...
  18. rahul_mukerji

    Post your band's live performance.

    My band IRITIS, with our last line up : playing in DC with our fractal videos playing on the side wall :scream: A jam song of ours .... Another jam song ....
  19. rahul_mukerji

    Gaining a following in other states?

    One way of working things out [at least the way we go about doing things] is look for similar acts in that state. If your bands playing style fuses well with another bands style then you can always ask them if they have any upcoming gigs and if you can share the bill / open for them...
  20. rahul_mukerji

    Stuff you've drawn, painted, or etc...

    Made some new videos with Sketchbook Pro for iPad and uploaded them :)