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  1. rahul_mukerji

    Fascinating !

    The Fibonacci in Lateralus You gotta love the band: making the complex sound simple:hbang:
  2. rahul_mukerji

    So my band did a show today (After show rant. Feel free to ignore)

    I remember my show at Jaxx a couple of years back. I was in an alternative rock band and it was a similar localpalooza kinda event. We went up and half way through our 38 second sound check the guy shouted "you're on". My vocalist was mad. He didn't get to test his levels. Our drummer lost it...
  3. rahul_mukerji

    !!!Here Comes The Kraken!!!

    I'm not a fan of this kind of music, but the riffs are great. I like the harmonized things. Sweeps sound clean as hell ! Your drummer obviously has vibrators attached to his legs or is being electrocuted by a 450V generator to play like that .... unreal double bassing !!:yesway: Best of...
  4. rahul_mukerji

    Ubuntu and Linux in general

    So the new ubuntu is out and installing it is a breeze. Everything just works out of the box. I remember when I first installed Red Hat back in 2000 it took 4 hours just to get the system in place and then another couple to configure the system so that startx would work !! Yeah, I was not...
  5. rahul_mukerji

    Creating a website avatar?

    There are a tons of websites that will take any image and make it a favicon for u site: Like so: or Favicon Generator
  6. rahul_mukerji

    Creating a website avatar?

    Yup. Thats the favicon. You must put that in the root directory of the website: Like so: and then put this in your HTML files in the header section: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" />
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Issues with Amplitude Metal

    Yeah, not sure about the motherboard specs on that one with respect to the sound. You're better off buying a simple interface, unless someone else on the forum has some experience with sending signals directly to the onboard sound card.
  8. rahul_mukerji

    PC vs Mac For Recording

    Personal experience: I've been using Windows (XP) for the longest time with a Firewire interface and I've never had issues that made me think twice about switching. I must admit I did try Linux but that did not work out too well for recording purposes. My computers have been Pentium III's and...
  9. rahul_mukerji

    Djenty new patch I created with the X3

    Fark ! That was some neat playing ! Love the clean sweeps and riffs. I've seen you at GC a bunch of times ... I live in Gaithersburg and I keep visiting GC. Hehehehehe ..... Tone sounds nice, your playing is what made me go "wow ... thats awesome". cheers 'n beers !
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Issues with Amplitude Metal

    I generally play thru the VSTi for recording purposes. I find that adding it later gives a weird sound. By the way, what interface are you using ? I haven't had much experience with the cards, but I know that the USB and Firewire interfaces have some good latency resolving techniques.
  11. rahul_mukerji

    Pedals or Effects processor

    In my use, I found that you really have to play and tweak the hell out of a processor to get a good tone out of it. Most tones are very sterile and digital sounding. Of course, there are people who get awesome tones out of their XT Live, but it hasn't happened to me. My pedals seems to give...
  12. rahul_mukerji

    Issues with Amplitude Metal

    Yeah, make sure your sample rate is 44.1K and check the latency between your interface and your cpu. Your interface should have a program that allows you to set your latency between that and your DAW. Make sure your DAW settings are in sync with your interface settings. My latency issues...
  13. rahul_mukerji

    New Song: Non Metal Non Prog

    Thanks so much guys ! Its nice to see these laid back songs get some audience.
  14. rahul_mukerji

    Finally a new full-lenght song "Animals" with guest vocals (x3, rg2228, s2.1 +sdx)

    I like the arrangements on this one. It sounds like something Breaking Benjamin would do (or maybe I've just been listening to too much of them). Sounds great. Vocals could use a little help, but sounds great. Oh wait: at 2:16 it goes nuts. Nice change there !! Was not expecting that. Now it...
  15. rahul_mukerji

    New Song: Non Metal Non Prog

    Wow !! Talk about getting an ego boost ! Thanks guys. :wavey: So the drums are XLN Addictive Drums. I really liked the software and the sound from the drum samples. I listen to a lot of Bulb's and Mattayus' recordings and it sounds like Rick Rubin sat thru their sessions. So yeah I get a...
  16. rahul_mukerji

    New Song: Non Metal Non Prog

    Thanks man, glad you enjoyed it !
  17. rahul_mukerji

    New Song: Non Metal Non Prog

    Thanks guys ! I appreciate the response !
  18. rahul_mukerji

    New Song: Non Metal Non Prog

    Hey thanks man !! Glad you liked that stuff. Truth be told, it was supposed to be a progressive grunge tune (if that makes any sense), but I really felt that the song should just flow the way it did and not get heavier. Ah well ... maybe I'll put those riffs in another song :)
  19. rahul_mukerji

    New Song: Non Metal Non Prog

    Hey !! So I can't really make my songs sound half as good as some of the folks on this thread. But I can't let that keep me from making my ideas come to life. One day when I have a billion bucks and the time, I'll clean up my stuff. But here is a new song I made. Its pretty clean and non...
  20. rahul_mukerji

    Website Hacked ! Now what ?

    I did some reasearch and found that my coppermine gallery was really old and they used an exploit in that. I found this site really helpful. Thanks everyone for your inputs and advice !:wavey: