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  1. Xifter

    Spalted Maple, Black Limba, Quilt 7-String

    Pictures and cosmetics are one thing... But having held this thing personally I have to say the neck is the best neck I have ever held. Playing this thing will be a dream.:agreed:
  2. Xifter

    Download my album 'Invent the Universe' for free! (Instrumental, Progressive, Djent)

    OMG... I just got bored and decided to check on SS org for some time passing and ran across this thread.. holy mother of sweet baby jesus !@#% Just clicked randomly on Baryogenesis and all I can say is wow. Best music I have heard in a long time regardless of genre. Gonna buy this as soon as I...
  3. Xifter

    Spalted Maple, Black Limba, Quilt 7-String

    Ok guys, I am not going to spoil the goodies you are fixing to see... but I grew up as next-door neighbors to the OP and all I will say is ... you ain't seen NOTHING yet haha. Wait for more pictures... The cosmetics are obviously gorgeous... Now, let me say this. I own a very VERY sexy guitar...
  4. Xifter

    Mahogany and Claro Walnut 7 String Build

    This build does not suck :yesway: Looking forward to the future progress pics to come.
  5. Xifter

    Which ceramic 7-string BareKnuckle for metal?

    First - You should definitely order through Nick. He is awesome and his customer service as I am sure you already figured out, is top notch. You'll also save money going through him. Lastly, my friend has your guitar with Nailbombs in it and it sounds killer! I could go into specifics, but I...
  6. Xifter

    NGD of the Gods: Daemoness "Mjolnir" Cimmerian

    Now how am I supposed to post a clip of my daemoness after you post that shred fest of awesome!? Well, I had wanted to get a video out to show the tone that my Cross inlay Daemoness puts out but you beat me to it and did a :shred: job as well. :yesway: I have a korina body and will have...
  7. Xifter

    NGD!!! Strictly 7 - Strictor Custom

    I don't even like V's normally but that guitar is my favorite s7 to date that I have seen. :yesway:
  8. Xifter

    NGD: Daemoness Cimmerian Cross Inlay w/ stop-killswitch and Korina/Maple Body

    This is the goal. However I do not have a fancy camera so I might have to just raw guitar it with sm57 and use video from my phone ... any advice or thoughts on how to easily do this would be appreciated LOL. I am open to any method as long as it doesn't require me to buy something expensive ...
  9. Xifter

    NGD: Daemoness Cimmerian Cross Inlay w/ stop-killswitch and Korina/Maple Body

    I am ressurecting this thread to answer the questions asked like this one above. Now that I have had enough time to fiddle around with it a.k.a... :shred: I feel that I can give my experience on here for everyone. Essentially, the guitar sounds like one pissed off beast! It is the...
  10. Xifter

    NGD: Daemoness Cimmerian Cross Inlay w/ stop-killswitch and Korina/Maple Body

    Sure but under the condition I get to check out your BRJ! :)
  11. Xifter

    NGD: Daemoness Cimmerian Cross Inlay w/ stop-killswitch and Korina/Maple Body

    Here is what I wrote in the build thread in page 3 regarding this and yes it was sad news but totally makes sense: "On to some bad news update.... regarding the inlay that was supposed to go wrapping around the back side of the neck... After consulting multiple top luthiers, Dylan found that...
  12. Xifter

    Daemoness Cimmerian 7: Faded Fire Red w/ inlay AROUND neck

    NGD thread : More pics on Daemoness's facebook page as well. Not just my guitar but others in progress as well. If you haven't checked them...
  13. Xifter

    NGD: Daemoness Cimmerian Cross Inlay w/ stop-killswitch and Korina/Maple Body

    Thank you all for your kind words towards my instrument. Credit goes to Dylan at Daemoness Guitars for making my build come out exceeding my expectations. Also, for you facebookians out there. There are MOAR pics on Daemoness's facebook page :yesway::yesway:
  14. Xifter

    NGD: Daemoness Cimmerian Cross Inlay w/ stop-killswitch and Korina/Maple Body

    The build is my Daemoness Cimmerian 7 string (with contemporary carve). Specs below Woods: Korina Body Quilted Maple Top 3-piece Birdseye Maple Neck Ebony Fretboard with Black Binding (The markers not shown are actually red dots on the side of the fretboard that match the coat)...
  15. Xifter

    Daemoness Cimmerian 7: Faded Fire Red w/ inlay AROUND neck

    MOAR? :fawk: The action on this thing is going to be pretty :shred:
  16. Xifter

    Daemoness Cimmerian 7: Faded Fire Red w/ inlay AROUND neck

    Pics INC!!!!!! I can't wait to get it in my hands BTW - The top switch is the petrucci toggle and the bottom switch is actually a button for my Buckethead and tom morello killswitch action :cool:
  17. Xifter

    DAR Amplifaction Future Breed Machines linup (Fredrik Thordendal content).

    I know there should be 1 lonely FBM-100 as I found out I was having to add a new member to my family :) So, the one originally slated for me is up for grabs and should be done by now. Hit up mike if you don't want to wait for the next FBM-100 run. Also, PM me if you end up getting it to let me...
  18. Xifter

    Working on a new drum preset(trying to match changos drums)

    I dig the loud snare but I would still go down on the reverb. Everything sounded sweet though.
  19. Xifter

    Download my first ever "album" for free in here :)

    This is the type of stuff that inspires me. Hearing that you have only been recording for a year and putting out something like this is phenomenal tbh. Is the Vox yours as well? Really good stuff here man.