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  1. sytraxiplague

    Et Minne Før "Corridors" Album Teaser

    Any other thoughts from others? Most of the skeletal tracks have been recorded. There's lots of ambience, we've been listening to a lot of David Sylvian, Brian Eno and the likes lately.. CDs will hopefully be pressed by early-mid December with a late December release.
  2. sytraxiplague

    Who's the cleanest electric guitar player you've heard

    I'm going to have to chime in and say "all of the guitarists who can play like they SOUND like they're making 'mistakes' but are purposely playing loose and can also take control when they need to." To me it seems that requires an alternate level of "cleanliness", it's not metronomic and...
  3. sytraxiplague

    Et Minne Før "Corridors" Album Teaser

    Thanks for taking the time to listen, again! And I've heard of Dysrhythmia, have never really given them a listen, though. Definitely going for the "live/improvised" sounding thing. I guess a sort of King Crimson/Yes thing in mind as far as recording goes. And yes! there will be vocals. In...
  4. sytraxiplague

    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)
  5. sytraxiplague

    Et Minne Før "Corridors" Album Teaser

    Here's (sort of) a full track for those of you who are/were interested!
  6. sytraxiplague

    Et Minne Før "Corridors" Album Teaser

    Thank you guys for checking it out. I know it's hard to find the time sometimes, and there's other interests that can preoccupy us, so I genuinely appreciate the moments of your time!
  7. sytraxiplague

    Et Minne Før "Corridors" Album Teaser

    Any thoughts/interests/other similar artists anyone hears? Thanks in advance!
  8. sytraxiplague

    The Official 'Post Your Youtube Vids' Thread (Post your covers here)

    Very old with a few mistakes, but it's cool to look back on and see the progress:
  9. sytraxiplague

    Post Your Band's Website! (myspace/facebook/youtube/etc.)

    Worth checking out if you guys are into progressive metal like Cynic (Focus), jazz, folky metal (Ulver), Änglagård, etc.. Lots of counterpoint and atmosphere! To be released December 2014 "Like" on Facebook if you enjoy the trailer! There will be studio/recording updates posted over...
  10. sytraxiplague

    Et Minne Før "Corridors" Album Teaser

    Worth checking out if you guys are into progressive metal like Cynic (Focus), jazz, folky metal (Ulver), Änglagård, etc.. Lots of counterpoint and atmosphere! To be released December 2014 "Like" on Facebook if you enjoy the trailer! There will also be studio/recording updates posted over...
  11. sytraxiplague


    The artist is Robert Venosa, he sadly passed not too long ago.
  12. sytraxiplague

    Gastank – Headless

    Kill it with fire!!
  13. sytraxiplague

    Building Tutorials and Links Thread

    Great great suggestion. No blasting at all. I've been recommended this book several times by great professional luthiers.
  14. sytraxiplague

    New Custom 6'er in the Works! (Redwood/Limba whhaaaaaaa)

    That makes sense, how about the cavity in the neck itself for the inlay? It seems like such a tight fit. I suppose it's probably a pretty rudimentary process, but I've never seen it done, so sorry for the ignorance!
  15. sytraxiplague

    New Custom 6'er in the Works! (Redwood/Limba whhaaaaaaa)

    Do you know exactly how that inlay was cut for his logo? It's very clean, looks nice.
  16. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    Well, it's been a while, had some family issues to resolve recently so the guitar has been put on hold for a while. The painting is reaallyyy reaallyyy close to complete. I already have the neck, bridge, pups, etc. the neck is finally correct, despite a weird glue-ish/rough-type spot around...
  17. sytraxiplague

    First guitar build (Steinberger content)

    Sorry for bumping without an update... Well... It's kind of an update.. So several several months ago, I ordered a neck from Moses; no dots. I got it promptly and everything was good... Except one thing. The neck had dots. I send the neck back and I know it takes a little bit of time for...
  18. sytraxiplague

    Song from my band's album! Give me some help with mixing these vocals <3

    I think the vocals sound fine. I prefer production that sounds different than the norm. Everything sounds so damn samey these days it's disgusting. A lot of a band's sound can come from production. I think bands like BTBAM and Dream Theater could use some heavy studio adjustments. They sound...
  19. sytraxiplague

    First post / noob questions

    Unfortunately I don't really have anything to add to this, pretty much everyone has done a great job giving you advice! I did want to say that I've always been very passionate about music as well. Not just guitar, but as a whole. I'm going to college in the fall for Music Ed. and I'm glad I...