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  1. rahul_mukerji

    Featured in Vintage Guitar Magazine

    Hello all you musicians out there! I've been a member here since 06 and I pretty much made my album from all the feedback off this forum. Right from the music and my musical-direction to the 100+ artwork covers I posted in the Art section while soliciting feedback and asking about Record...
  2. rahul_mukerji

    NGD: Jackson JS32-7Q: Pics and Vids

    Thanks! I've never really owned a Jackson and I can't remember if I've ever tried them out before. So I'm not really familiar with the Peter vs Canella thing. I should probably look up their old product videos and do a comparison :)
  3. rahul_mukerji

    NGD: Jackson JS32-7Q: Pics and Vids

    Hello All, I was in between bands and my new outfit required me to have a 7 string. So I went hunting for a cheap 7 String on eBay and Reverb and came across this piece for a bargain. I thought something might be wrong with it (warped neck / cracks) but it seemed fine. It's been modified, but I...
  4. rahul_mukerji

    Crowdfunding my Ethno-Fusion Album - Teasers and Mockups inside!

    Hello Fellow Forum Friends (a little alliteration there!) :wavey: You may remember me as “That guy who made a whole bunch of album covers for his album but never settled on any” I made 145 different covers incidentally! (see this thread ) OR “That guy who makes weird fractal animations”...
  5. rahul_mukerji

    Things to look forward to in 2017

    Yeah I'm looking forward to the new album from PoS :hbang: Should be amazing! And yeah Tool and Necrophagist booked their sessions at the same studio ... so whenever one album come out the other one will soon follow :lol:
  6. rahul_mukerji

    Non-DIY promotion, marketing, management needed, help!

    The only one that springs to mind is HOLD TIGHT PR. They have a decent client list and they seem promising. You certainly want to do your research and go with someone who is a good fir for your genre and handles bands who sound similar (so that they have the best reach for fans who enjoy...
  7. rahul_mukerji

    Everybody just quit Vektor

    They took the post down though ....:squint:
  8. rahul_mukerji

    Things to look forward to in 2017

    Emperor should be fun. That's one I'd like to attend as well! :hbang: GnR and Metallica :hbang: ... maybe this time they can tour together and it will work out :lol:
  9. rahul_mukerji

    Things to look forward to in 2017

    2017 seems promising so far, with respect to concerts, with this great line up tour. MDF looks pretty good too ... all in the same month :hbang: Who are you guys pumped to see next year? Or who's album are you most anticipating? 2016's been rough on musicians so I've decided to catch all...
  10. rahul_mukerji

    Released my second instrumental album

    Loved it ! I can hear Timmons inspiration so clearly! Tasty playing and some great melodies and jazz inspired lines. Checking out the full stream on YT now :hbang:
  11. rahul_mukerji

    If you could play like anyone, who would it be?

    John McLaughlin :hbang: The guy is a monster player who influenced so may musicians from jazz to metal. His command on the instrument and his vocabulary is absolutely on a different level.
  12. rahul_mukerji

    Pain of Salvation about to bring back the metal?

    I'm so looking forward to this release! I heard from sources its supposed to be kick ass (they have preview access). And I agree 12:5 is one hell of an album. I personally enjoy listening to BE, 12:5 and Elements from "cover to cover". It's just mesmerizing to me and their playing and...
  13. rahul_mukerji

    "Shift" - My debut album - Music inside!

    Love the sounds and compositions!! Great work on the keys! :hbang:
  14. rahul_mukerji

    Shipping your albums for Crowdfunding

    Hello fellow string enthusiasts!! :wavey: I will be starting my crowdfunding campaign for my album and was wondering if any of you have had experience with shipping CD's, Vinyl and T-Shirts from the US to Australia, India, Germany and other such places. Would any of you be able to recommend...
  15. rahul_mukerji

    Short Run Vinyl Pressings

    Thanks broj15! I will look into the Lathe Cuts. Yeah I looked around and it seems what I want is not really possible unless I go to the minimum required 500 count (to even break even for the company producing it). Most vendors went ahead with the "If you're not looking to print 500 or more...
  16. rahul_mukerji

    Short Run Vinyl Pressings

    Hello fellow guitarists ! My album is almost complete and I was looking to run a crowdfunding campaign. I thought it would be nice to have a short-run limited edition vinyl pressings of the album with a gatefold or tri-fold cover. I'm looking at it more from a commemorative stand point...
  17. rahul_mukerji

    Rendering Tracks for Mix Engineers

    Hi: This is a question for anyone who is a Mix Engineer. I'm presently done tracking and am looking to send my tracks to a mix engineer. As I look for an engineer, I wanted to start the process of readying the tracks to send. Personal preference aside, I'm guessing most Engg's have a...
  18. rahul_mukerji

    Camera Purchase Advice Needed

    Thanks guys !! Sorry, I'm getting back a little late on this. I decided to save on my finance and go with the Canon 70D. I reasoned since I'm not a full time photographer nor a videographer who will ever work in the professional sense, spending three grand on a body doesn't justify my needs...
  19. rahul_mukerji

    Sean Ashe releasing debut album “Flux” January 12th

    I remember stumbling onto Luminescence and Hemisphere last year or so on bandcamp and it was simply brilliant. I looked for more music and could not find any. I did end up seeing Sean's performance at some clinic or something like NAMM. I'm super excited for this and will pick it up without a...
  20. rahul_mukerji

    Camera Purchase Advice Needed

    Hi: I was hoping for some feedback. I have been using a Canon T1i with a stock zoom lens for my photography with some decent results. I primarily shoot bands in clubs and family events. I'm not a professional photographer but a serious hobbyist. I am looking to upgrade to something that suits...