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    NGD: Ibanez content!

    Thanks guys! I have wanted one for awhile, but couldn't justify spending that much. I was working on saving for the Ibanez S premium, then I saw this beauty on eBay.
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    NGD: Ibanez content!

    When I saw it for what, 575 OBO? I thought to myself, "I'll offer 450.. he'll never take it".. I was so surprised when he did.
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    NGD: Ibanez content!

    I won an auction on eBay a couple of days ago, did not expect to get it this soon. Very excited though. Here ya go! Warning: Bad shakey hand pictures. After actually opening the box, here's a seemingly brand new case! All right.. Ibanez S series? Mmm.. I love it. So pretty...
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    Axe-Fx Ultra, ART SLA-1, Apogee One, Boss OS-2

    How much cash on top of HD PRO for the Axe FX?
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    How to become a contributing member? Here is the direct link to it:
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    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Since I updated all of the default patches are gone. They still show up in my line 6 pro edit on the computer, but aren't on the device itself. Any help? EDIT: found it.. I'm a moron.
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    Best interface for Axe Fx Ultra

    Does the Axe FX not work as an audio interface? I haven't looked into them much because of the price, but I would think you could hook it up to your computer the same way you would a POD.
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    NGD! Huge box content.

    I don't know much about pro-audio and recording, but the monitors sound pretty good IMO. I messed around with them this morning before work and they sounded pretty good, surprisingly even at high volume. I'm using them mainly for bedroom playing. But I recorded a bit through Audacity.. :(...
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    NGD! Huge box content.

    Got my monitors today...
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    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Hey guys I just got a POD HD Pro and I'm looking to order some monitors for it today. These are the two I'm looking at: Any help here? Pair of KRK Rokit 5 Studio Monitor Speakers with Two 18-Foot XLR Cables: Musical Instruments M-Audio BX5 D2: Musical Instruments
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    NGD! Huge box content.

    Can someone help me decide between monitors? I'm planning on ordering today. Here's what I'm looking at. These M-Audios M-Audio BX5 D2: Musical Instruments And these KRKs. I've never heard a bad thing about the KRKs, just wanted to know if it wouldn't really be any different and to...
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    NPHDP Day

    Just got one yesterday myself! Happy NPHDP Day to us both!
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    Line 6 POD HD Thread
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    NGD! Huge box content.

    I posted last week about me getting my Agile Pendulum 8 string, and how I needed an amp. Well yesterday I ordered what I will be using. And it arrived today. Here are some pics.. I arrived home from work to find this rather large box from Amazon on my bed.. I cut open this rather...
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    NGD! Agile 8 string.

    I played guitar for about five years, and I quit for about a year. I wanted to get back into it, but couldn't really find a guitar I wanted. I always liked 7 strings, but really wanted an 8 string. So I found this B-stock Agile online and decided to get it since there was a great price on it...
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    Ngd! Agile Pendulum 82728 Tribal Green!

    I just ordered the same guitar. Congrats!
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    LTD SC607B pink camo

    If only US.. I'd buy this in a heartbeat.
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    Thoughts on digitech 2112?

    I have the chance to get a gold faced 2112 and the control one foot board for 280 bucks. I could probably knock a few dollars off the price if I really feel like I should. But does anyone have any experience with one of these? I'm just curious, since I haven't seen much about them. Thanks.
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    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    How hard is recording on a POD HD via USB?