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  1. MF_Kitten

    Does anyone have good RG8 pickguard templates?

    I was told they wouldn't make changes when I asked them. So they're doing custom ones again?
  2. MF_Kitten

    Does anyone have good RG8 pickguard templates?

    I ac I actually tried that. It was a bit of a struggle to get it to stop truncating all the paths, but that might be inkscape's problem. I don't have illustrator at the moment. My biggest issue right now is not having a passive routed one with the pickup mounting holes etc, and I feel like I'm...
  3. MF_Kitten

    Does anyone have good RG8 pickguard templates?

    I have the Perle guitars one that I have tried to "reconstruct" since it's incomplete in their PDF to avoid copying. I'm not quite up to the task of getting a functional template made from it, especially not trying to tweak it from soapbar sized to passive. Someone else will be cutting the...
  4. MF_Kitten

    Squier Paranormal Baritone - Cheap 27" Ripe for Modding?

    Squier has a few anodized pickguard guitars and basses going now as part of an anniversary thing I think. There's an olive/military green Cabronita baritone tele with a black aluminum pickguard and it looks so hard.
  5. MF_Kitten

    Squier Paranormal Baritone - Cheap 27" Ripe for Modding?

    I now have the current 277, solidbody, with Lundgren M6's. Insane!
  6. MF_Kitten

    The FREE IRs, Amp sims, and boosts post.

    You can add my IR pack to that: Also I spent a few hours in an empty warehouse to make these reverb IRs: Bonus: here's a video of me overinflating a balloon to make one of...
  7. MF_Kitten

    What do you think of this monoscale conversion idea?

    It's a very very very bad idea, and you should do it so we can watch it happen.
  8. MF_Kitten

    Squier Paranormal Baritone - Cheap 27" Ripe for Modding?

    I have wanted one of these cabronita baritones, and was thinking ivory finish EMG soapbars. They make P90 sized 81, 85, 60, 60A, etc.
  9. MF_Kitten

    Lowest intonatable note at 28 inch scale length

    Depends on the bridge. How far can the saddle move? As for getting a usable feel and sound, I think E is the lowest you should go at 28" scale. At 30" scale that changes to about Eb. You can go way way lower on both, but then you're sacrificing string tension to get the tone usable. The more...
  10. MF_Kitten

    New Build - Heretic Paradigm 6

    This looks a lot like a hybrid of two of my designs. That's not an accusation, that's me saying I like your taste! :)
  11. MF_Kitten

    Vik Duality 8 string run *CLOSED RUN*

    I think he's a dick, but he does touch on some very real points in there. He talks about having values that he's inherited from growing up in an old-fashioned conservative country, where jokes like that are no biggie. If you've been around in Europe and spent time with eastern european people...
  12. MF_Kitten

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Very true, though I'm not sure it would be better for anyone if they just let cops come and take it all.
  13. MF_Kitten

    Fanned 40"-37" Kalium Guitar Works Quake. Production run of 5 Quakes

    I have one of these! I love it! Tuned it FCFCF, and will be using it alongside my 8 string guitar :) The clarity and tone is hilarious, and it's the one being played in that documentary :)
  14. MF_Kitten

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    Y'all better shut up and consult your lawyers, man.
  15. MF_Kitten

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    I keep seeing S7G at NAMM, and they still look like play-doh.
  16. MF_Kitten

    Abasi Concepts/Larada Megathread

    So long story short, it's Mike Sherman/Roter/BRJ all over again. Nice.
  17. MF_Kitten

    Parallel or compensated neck laminates?

    most companies do straight laminates. It's easier, and it works as intended. Instead of flaring them out a bit to account for a wider neck, just spacing them a bit.
  18. MF_Kitten

    Should I get a Baritone Conversion neck?

    I discovered the hard way that baritone conversions lead to bad balance issues and longer stretches for your left arm. A lot of industry standard guitars are already like that from the factory, sure, but it's still not ideal.
  19. MF_Kitten

    30" Scale Still Floppy?

    My experience is that shorter scale lengths will make a string feel more floppy, but also more stiff. This also makes the string bow out of pitch when picking harder. Longer scale lengths make the strings feel less floppy, but more flexible and bendy. It will bow out of tune less, but it will...