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  1. L

    New Prog/Death Metal Original Song

    Hey there! I used the classic Pod HD 500 + SD combination as usual! I think the mix came out a lot better than my last one. Any critique regarding the composition itself, sound, mix, recording... is very welcome and appreciated. Pedro Acker
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    First Mix in Soundcloud

    I'll try this tomorrow and post about the results but I fear that there will be not much to cover the hole that this cut on the 500-800Hz will make; thank you, Kyle.
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    First Mix in Soundcloud

    Yeah, actually I quad tracked dthe guitars; 2 hard panned and 2 70% panned, 4 takes.
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    First Mix in Soundcloud

    Hey there, guys! So, that's my first mix I ever posted; advice is really appreciated (: I recorded it with my Pod HD, Ibanez RG1527 in Drop A loaded with Bare Knuckle Aftermaths, Superior Drummer and my friend's Ibanez BTB bass (5...
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    Ibanez - S421 vs SIR70FD

    Ok, so my question this time will be about the model of the new guitar - I can't choose between those two. I've tried the S420 in a shop nearby and liked it a lot - specially the neck, which surprised me. The thing is that the SIR70FD's neck comes with a bubinga stripe, which appeared to be a...
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    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    it's working - and better than ever... only downside is that I lost all my patches. Time for a new start then! Thanks for the repplies
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    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    I did exactly that.. I'm reseting it right now
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    Line 6 POD HD Thread

    Hey, I did the new update and suddenly my HD 500 won't turn on anymore - the only thing that appears on screen is the Line 6 logo. Anyone has had the same problems? Anyone knows what might the problem be? Thanks
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    Dull Low A/B string, I'm at a loss...

    same problems with d'addario 0.66, gonna try out circle k as well
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    NBKPD + Review + Comparison

    Hey! So.. I didn't actually get those Black Hawks 6 (ceramic) today, I'm doing this more for the review + comparison with the Aftermaths 7. I didn't know what to expect from the Black Hawks - apart from versatility, which was one of the main reasons for me to buy it. Now I ordered the set...
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    Aftermath vs Blackhawk hellllllllllppppp!!!!

    I own an AM 7 Set and a BH 6 set... I'd say both sound perfect in different ways. The black hawks are fuller and even clearer than the AMs for chords and so. The AMs are tighter and more percussive (due to the strong attack they have). If you want a fuller sound (also for djent chugs), I'd take...
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    PRS Vs Ibby

    It's just sad because the 721 is a limited edition and its gorgeous as well x.x I mean.. if I regreted it I could still sell it to get the PRS, but the other way around would be a lot more difficult..
  13. L

    PRS Vs Ibby

    Yeah, I'm almost sure about it; I'm probably gonna buy the PRS, because my next guitar (after this one) will almost certainly be another 7, if not an 8 string... and, yeah; certainly Ibanez.
  14. L

    PRS Vs Ibby

    Hey there! I'm want to buy a new guitar and I don't know if should go for the PRS SE Custom 24 2012 or for the limited edition Ibanez RG721. I think they're both beautiful guitars and the specs from both of them are perfect in different ways. I already a RG1527 and a LTD MH 327 with a bkp...
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    PRS Vs Ibby

  16. L

    DT25/50 vs Fryette 2502

    Hey there! I have a Pod HD 500 and would like to have that tube "oomph"... the thing is that I'll probably buy an Axe FX II in a distant future. So do you guys think I should go for the Pod + DT combo or for the Pod + 2502? Does anyone here have any experience with the second combination...
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    ZR Trem vs Tight End bridge

    Hey there! I have an Ibanez RG1527 with BKPs and I love it. The thing is that I bought another guitar recently, a LTD MH-327, which I didn't quite like... I don't know, it just doesn't feel right: the floyd rose special doesn't hold the tuning well, I have the impression that it lacks...
  18. L

    BKP Aftermath in Ibanez RGD2127Z

    I have a 1527 with Aftermaths and they sound awesome! They're not only for chugga chugga stuff; they have a lot of clarity (which is gr8 for chords in general and single note riffing), punch and nice dynamics using the volume knob!
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    Great to hear you liked your POD, dude! I also have one and I'm thinking of buying a new amp for the high gain stuff (which is what I play mostly). For high gain only what would you say about the V2 in comparison with say the 6505+?
  20. L

    The Tesseract Megathread: Sonder Released

    OMG just heard his audition.. really great stuff, gives a whole new atmosphere to the song.. still I prefer Dan live

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