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  1. Psychoface

    1993 Ibanez RG550 Maple Candy Apple red

    maple neck :) *sigh* to bad im broke as shit lmfao
  2. Psychoface

    Who's Been Drinkin'?

    im at my dads right now for holidays... legal age to buy order beer is 16 =) fuck i love switzerland.
  3. Psychoface


    :welcome: :)
  4. Psychoface

    Guitar Idol 2008 - I Made it!! Thanks Guys!

    good job man! geetar players ftw! MAD SUPORT FROM US ALL HERE MAN!!
  5. Psychoface

    100k Reply Contest

    ^the horror :O!
  6. Psychoface

    Did I ever show you guys my MTM2?

    needs OFR :) and then ill have gas
  7. Psychoface

    What do you think about this guitar

    yeah but BC has ENGL's now :mad: :(
  8. Psychoface

    Musical Patterns parallel with Emotions?

    :agreed: true! ususally when i feel like shit i grab my acoustic and write some really sick music, dont ask me where it comes from but it sounds.... :idea:awesome.
  9. Psychoface

    So who else has had the cops called due to noise?

    damn cops keep shutting down all the parties i go tooooo.... 2 weeks in arow now :(
  10. Psychoface

    Irish doctors FTW

    modern medicine at its finest cheers hope that shit passes through you faster then all that beer!
  11. Psychoface

    New Amp Day!

    louder creates more gain so your tone gets that nice bite this video is lacking not saying your tone is lacking, just saying up the volume knob man :) cheers nice playing!
  12. Psychoface

    Advice on a boost pedal needed

    suprised it hasnt been mentioned.... Tube screamers?!?!?!?! or if your looking for really hard distortion try a BIG MUFF! both get awesome tone
  13. Psychoface

    Songs That Remind You of Good Times

    most sublime songs and planet smashers songs... just remind me of car rides with a bunch of friends just having a good time and being stupid, know what im sayin?
  14. Psychoface

    OMG SO FUNNY! (gta content) prolly nsfw :S

    shooting the heroin did it for me lmfao... also the first scene when he bursts through the door, pure gold man
  15. Psychoface

    I just had a crazy idea

    ive run guitar effects with a keyboard into my amp.. it sounded decent
  16. Psychoface

    OMG SO FUNNY! (gta content) prolly nsfw :S

    :ugh: dunno bout you but that made me laugh pretty hard :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  17. Psychoface

    100k Reply Contest

    why am i up at this hour? grrr im tiredddd
  18. Psychoface

    Happy Birthday to me! Yay!

    cheers bro HBD!